

Unit 5 Sources of information

1. 这些观众一定是错过了看他们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的。(must have done, speak highly of)

Answer:The audience must have missed their musical performance, or they would have spoken highly of it.

2. 尽管她远在他乡,不知怎么她总能感觉到母亲的深切关怀。(somehow, sense) Answer:Somehow she could sense her mother's deep concern though she was far away from home.

3. 这位接线员每天从家里到工作地点路上要花两个小时左右。(spend, or so) Answer:The operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from her home to the workplace every day.

4. 他感激她的同情和理解,因为在当时对他来说这意味着许多。(appreciate) Answer:He appreciated her sympathy and understanding, which meant a lot to him during that time.

5. 她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始往巴黎拨打电话。(finally, dial)

Answer:She finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins before dialing Paris.

1. 你电脑用得越熟练,你找到担任秘书工作的可能性就越大。(the more...the more...)

Answer:The better you can use a computer, the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.

2. 他喜欢通过电子邮件而不是通过电话和同事分享信息。(share...with..., rather than)

Answer:He'd like to share information with his colleagues by email rather than by telephone.

3. 对美国人来说,生活在一个没有汽车的地方是不可思议的。(imagine doing) Answer:For Americans, it's hard to imagine living in a place where there are no cars.

4. 他们得出的结论是使用真皮制品从长远的观点来看还是相对便宜的,因为真皮制品比较经久耐用。(come to a conclusion, in the long run)

Answer:They came to the conclusion that it'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather because it will last longer.

5. 这些日子他一直忙于寻找有效的网址。(be involved in, seek out)

Answer:These days he has been involved in seeking out effective websites.

Unit 6 Olympic Volunteers

1. 我不知道事情会变成这样。(little do I know...)

Answer:Little did I know that thing would turn out like that.

2. 他并不想买车,但是我说服他买了一辆。(be keen on)

Answer:He wasn't keen on buying a car, but I talked him into it.

3. 成为2008 年北京奥运会志愿者队伍中的一员将会是我一生中难得的经历。(a once-in-a-lifetime experience)

Answer:Being a volunteer in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me.

4. 吸烟是导致肺癌的主要因素。(contributing to)

Answer:Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to lung cancer.

5. 这两所大学下个月将联合举行艺术表演。(stage)

Answer:The two universities will unite to stage an art show next month.

1. 北京将于2008 年举办第29 届夏季奥运会。(host)

Answer:Beijing will host the 29th Summer Olympic Games in the year 2008.

2. 充足的新鲜空气有助于身体健康。(contribute to)

Answer:Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

3. 无论发生什么情况, 他就是一言不发。 (no matter what)

Answer:No matter what happened, he would not say a word.

4. 我从她那儿得知, 你还从事另一项重要的工作。(as well)

Answer:I learned from her that you undertook another important job as well.

5. 我渴望有机会参加2008年北京奥运会志愿者活动。(participate in) Answer:I long to have the opportunity of participating in the 2008 Beijing volunteer activities.

Unit 7 Learning Strategies

1. 这次贸易谈判非常成功, 它对双方都有着特别大的好处。(be beneficial to)

Answer:The trade negotiation is a big success, so it can be uniquely beneficial to both parties.

2. 我们班的同学或多或少都参加过学生会组织的活动。(involve, one way or another) Answer: Our classmates have been involved, one way or another, in the activities organized by the Student Union.

3. 对一个没有受过高等教育的人来说,这是他能得到的最理想的工作之一。(available)

Answer:It's one of the most desirable jobs available to a man without higher education.

4. 从事科研工作能激发大学生的独立思考和有效学习的能力。(spur)

Answer:Doing research can spur undergraduate students' independent thinking and effective learning.

5. 学费每年都在上涨,这已成为贫困家庭学生很重的负担。(constitute, poverty-stricken) Answer:The cost of tuition continues to climb each year, which has constituted a heavy burden upon students from poverty-stricken backgrounds.

1. 新时代要求劳动者要有创造性,而不是一味忠诚雇主。(rather than)

Answer:The new era calls for creativity among the work force, rather than just loyalty to the employer.

2. 这家海运公司于1952年白手起家,经过蓬勃发展,已经成了船运业的重点企业。(bloom...into)

Anwer:The shipping company, starting with nothing in 1952, has bloomed into a leading enterprise in the shipping industry.

3. 海尔成功的关键之一在于(lie in)它有一套为全球所羡慕和仿效的管理体系。(emulate) Answer:Haier's success lies in its management system that has been envied and emulated worldwide.

4. 这家合资企业制定了今年的目标,要将销售额提高50%。(establish)

Answer:The joint venture has established a goal of increasing the total sales of this year by 50%

5. 我曾多次尝试戒烟,但要彻底戒掉却很难。(for good)

Answer:I've tried to stop smoking several times, but it's really difficult for me to quit smoking for good.

Unit 8 Love and Friendship

1. 罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns) 在诗中把他所钟情的女孩比作玫瑰花。(compare...to) Answer:In his poem, Robert Burns compares the girl he loves to a rose.

2. 无论你多忙,你都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。(no matter how)

Answer:No matter how busy you are, you should try to make it back to the class reunion.

3. 离婚后她需要一个能给她安慰的人。(a shoulder to cry on)

Answer:After her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on.

4. 毕业20年以后,他几乎认不出他以前的同学了。(barely)

Answer:He graduated 20 years ago, so he could barely recognize his former classmates.

5. 什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。(replace)

Answer:Nothing can replace the friendship between intimate friends.

1. 情人节之前,他在花店为自己的心上人提前预定了一束玫瑰花。(in advance)

Answer:He ordered his sweetheart a bunch of roses in advance from the florist for Valentine's Day.

2. 丈夫去世后,她无法忍受孤独寂寞的日子。(endure)

Answer:She couldn't endure to live in loneliness and solitude after her husband's death.

3. 如果我弄清楚她的地址,我会马上转告你。(Should I ever...)

Answer:Should I ever find out her address, I'll forward it to you immediately.

4. 如果你想让她高兴的话最好带上巧克力。(in case, cheer up)

Answer:You'd better bring some chocolates with you in case you want to cheer her up.

5. 这是一本非常有趣而浪漫的小说, 它一定能引起你的兴趣。(provoke)

Answer:This is such an amusing romantic novel; it should certainly provoke your interest.


15世纪末克里斯托弗·哥伦布在新世界发现了巧克力。事实上,阿兹特克人喝巧克力的历史比任何人都早Drink chocolate well before everybody。这是一种苦味的饮料,混合着烘烤过的可可种子和香料。阿兹特克人十分崇尚这种饮料,但它十分神圣,只有富人能够喝得起so sacred that only the rich people could afford it 。它无法与当今知名的巧克力相比,以至于它的征服者发现它难以入口。经过改良的巧克力变身人气饮料it became a popular drink after the revolution。因此各国都试图去寻找一种独特的秘方以使人们更能适应和享受巧克力。巧克力在比利时的历史之初,被认为是一种礼物the chocolate was considered as a gift。比利时巧克力独特的原因是其高品质原料和几乎狂热遵守的旧世界制造技术。即便是当今世界的自动化和大规模生产环境下,大部分比利时巧克力仍是小店作坊,用最原始的设备手工制作的made by hand in small shops using original equipment。事实上,这些小的巧克力店是当今的旅游胜地,吸引着无数游客来到比利时。就像葡萄酒厂一样,到比利时参观巧克力商店的人们都会品味和购买许多巧克力商品。

2家里有苹果吗?如果有的话,请大人把它切开。这时,你看到什么?原来苹果是有层次的。最外层是果皮,它很薄但很坚韧it is thin but tough and protects the fruit,保护着整个水果。果皮下面是果肉,果肉是构成苹果的主要物质,有的果肉很硬,也有的比较柔软。最里面则是果核,它是苹果里最硬的部分,以此来保护其中的种子。地球就像一个苹果,它分四层。外层叫地壳,它是一层厚厚的岩石the other layer is the crust it is solid rock,厚达5-20英尺,在大陆区域会更厚一些。地壳下面是地幔,它是地球结构中最厚的一层,厚达1800英里,地幔也是由岩石构成的it is the thickest layer about 1800 miles thick and make up of rock。如果周围存在高温高压的话,这些岩石会移动。地幔的下面则是外核,它是液态的,或者说就是融化的铁构成的it is liquid or melted iron。外核厚度大约有1400英里。地球最里层则是内核,它由铁和镍构成,内核温度很高,高达9000华氏度。it is extremely hot reaching temperatures of more than 9000F内核是由岩石构成的固体,大约有800英里厚。

3肚皮舞是一种古老的舞蹈形式。在许多中东国家都十分盛行it is found in many middle eastern countries。它的起源可追述到女神崇拜时期。这个传统的阿拉伯流派的东方民间舞蹈艺术在西方国家也很有名。在美国,它也被称为“中东舞”或“阿拉伯舞”middle eastern dance or the Arabic dance。肚皮舞艺术起源于几世纪以前的中东和其他阿拉伯地区。在1890年后期被推广到西方国家it was popular in western countries in the late 1890s。起源于中东现又流行于全球的肚皮舞有多种不同的形式,无论是在服装上还是舞蹈风格上都有很大不同,这体现了这种独特的舞蹈流传甚广distinctive dance moves may have been transported to these regions、兼容并包的特点。肚皮舞已流传于世界各地数百年了。虽然它的名字只涉及到肚皮这个身体部位,但其实肚皮舞需要从头到尾全身运动——不仅是肚子!是的,肚皮舞是伊斯兰教妇女们自我娱乐的形式。妇女们聚在一起进行小比赛或是举行游行盛会,肚皮舞都会经常上演。这是个不错的娱乐项目,你需要一定的技巧才能跳得动人it is a good entertainment and you need a level of skill to make it presentable。

5寒冷的天气里,你有过身体打寒颤的情况吗?可能你没有留意,当你打过寒颤后,你就会感觉暖和一些。打颤是身体保暖的一种方式。当神经系统向身体肌肉组织发出信号时it happens when signals are sent form the nervous system to the muscles,这种现象就会发生,这也是它的工作原理。神经系统有两部分组成,一部分是神经,从外表上看神经像细长的丝线,它们的智能就是向身体的各部分传输信息their job is to carry messages to all parts of the body。脊髓和大脑是神经系统的另一组成部分。脊髓是脊椎内部的大串神经。来自大脑的信号先传输到脊髓,然后再通过神经传输到身体的其他各个部位,最终传输到肌肉组织。想象一下在寒冷的天气里,你在街道拐角等待一辆晚点的公交车,你冻得直发抖,下面所说的就是发抖的原理。当你觉得冷时,大脑的控制中心首先感知到寒冷a control center in your brain senses that you are cold,然后它通过脊髓向全身的神经发送信息,这些信息在彼此相连的神经之间进行传递,最终从神经传达到肌肉组织。消息显示:“注意!准备运动!the message says warning prepare for action”当肌肉运动时,它会产生热量。这就是你跑步或者踢足球时身体会变暖的原因。当你的肌肉组织获知身体寒冷时,它们就会忙碌起来。它们会收缩,然后再松弛,并不停地反复运动着they tighten then loosen over and over again,这样你就会打颤,继而你的身体也会暖和起来。

6早在19世纪初期,马拉着货物沿着木轨前行in the early 1800s,horses pulled wagons over wooden rails,这种货车就是美国的第一批火车。但这种火车只能短距离运输,而且一次也只能拉几节车厢。火车在19世纪30年代得到很大的改进。当时蒸汽机首次被运用到火车上。人们用木材做燃料,把发动机里的水加热变成水蒸气the fire burned and turned the water inside the engine into steam,靠巨大的蒸汽压力推动活塞来回不断地往复运动,活塞的这种往复运动促使与车轮相连的杠杆运动,从而带动车轮向前行。这种以木材作燃料的方式持续了40年。南北战争之后,煤取代了木材成为蒸汽机的燃料。和木材相比,煤的燃烧时间持续更长coal burned longer and made a better fuel,更适合作燃料。两者工作原理相同,煤燃烧将水加热变成蒸汽带动火车。1900到1935年期间,火车的构造没有什么大的变化from 1900 to 1935,the design of trains did not change much。这段时间的火车被称为传统火车。人们甚至认为它是有史以来最好的火车。当时很多乘客选择乘坐火车出行,传统火车上有餐车、休息厅,还有个人包厢。个人包厢里的座位改成了床铺,这样能让长途旅行的客人晚上得到更好的休息passengers could get a good night’s sleep on their long trips。用蒸汽机带动火车持续了大约60年,20世纪30年代柴油机出现了,原来传统式的火车被流线型火车取而代之。今天你乘火车出行没准儿还能乘坐双层的超级火车。

7观光旅游业是马尔代夫国民经济的主要支柱tourism in the Maldives is the pillar of its national economy。由于当地资源缺乏,很多游客需要的东西基本上都依赖进口,从家具到新鲜的蔬菜等等。马尔代夫旅游业的发展战略是,选择一些无人居住的小岛,建造一家家高档次的度假村。在岛上,没有马路和机动车,没有犯罪,也没有商业气氛。在马尔代夫附近温暖的海域,能见度达到50米,能看到很多东西in the warm water around the Maldives visibility reaches as far as 50m。五颜六色的珊瑚礁给很多海洋生物提供了栖息的场所,包括海星、海参、海龟和超过700种的鱼类。鱼的颜色五彩缤纷——银色、黄

色、宝蓝色以及黑白相间的条纹等等——真是让人大饱眼福。美丽的马尔代夫珊瑚礁吸引了世界各地的潜水迷the beauty of the Maldives’coral reefs draws serious divers from around the word。当地公司组织了多日远距离潜水游,让潜水迷们领(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:情人节之吻翻译)略不同种类的珊瑚礁。度假村还为初学者提供夜间潜水课程和水下摄影课程。其他的一些珊瑚礁不仅供人欣赏,而且还为岛屿提供保护other coral reef after not only beauty but also protection。所谓的房屋珊瑚礁,它们环绕每个岛屿保护其免受洪水灾害。在前海滩,这些浅层的珊瑚礁使得浮潜活动更加丰富多彩。事实上,无论是喜欢在陆地上放松还是在水下寻找乐趣的游客,马尔代夫都让他们一生难忘,因为这里就是人间天堂!they way be the closest one gets to heaven on earth

8你是否曾想知道吃下去的食物发生了什么变化?大多数人知道食物能提供身体所需的能量。可是你知道食物是怎样转变成能量的吗?通过对消化系统的研究我们就能找到答案。消化吸收就是把食物分解成营养物质的过程digestion is the breaking down of food into nutrients。食物当中的那些营养物质是人体所需要的。营养物质必需足够细小,这样才能保证血液把它们传输到身体的各个细胞。消化系统的第一部位是嘴,食物通过嘴进入体内,然后牙齿把它们咀嚼成细小的物质teeth grind up the food into small pieces,在口腔里食物与唾液混合在一起。唾液里含有一种化学物质,能将淀粉分解为糖。这是食物分解的第一步。当你吞咽的时候,食物就沿着食道下行。这条长长的管子一直通到胃部。在胃里,更多的化学物质与食物混合in the stomach more

chemicals are mixed with the food,这样更多的淀粉变成糖。胃液开始分解蛋白质,胃部肌肉像搅拌机一样把食物搅拌成液体状act like a blender to turn the food into liquid。然后食物经过胃进入小肠。小肠看上去像一条软管,如果把它展开,它足足有20英尺长。血管沿着肠壁呈线状排列,这些血管摄取营养物质,并把营养物质输送到身体的各个细胞中then the blood carries the nutrients to every cell in the body。剩下的食物则是身体不需要的,它们进入大肠,从那里排出体外。

Call white black指鹿为马 feed on fancies望梅止渴 burn one’s boat破釜沉舟hongmen banquet鸿门宴a secured job铁饭碗fat-head饭桶 meet one’s waterloo遭遇失败fifth column内奸a catch-22 situation左右为难shylock守财奴claim one’s pound of flesh逼债the heel of Achilles唯一致命弱点pull somebody’s leg开某人玩笑move heaven and earth不遗余力child’s play简单容易的事情eat one’s words承认自己说错了话blow hot and cold朝三暮四men may meet but mountains never山与山不碰头,人与人会相遇who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet不尝黄连苦怎蜂蜜甜/雨后彩虹the higher up the greater the fall爬得越高,跌的越惨count one’s chickens before they are hatched小鸡未孵出急着数鸡数empty vessels make the most noise瓶子越空,响声越大,一瓶子不响,半瓶子晃荡forbidden fruit is sweet禁果分外甜all are not friends that speak us fair说我们好话的不一定都是朋友if you run after two hares you will catch neither同时追两兔,全都抓不住time is money 时间就是金钱a bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush一鸟在手胜于双鸟在林。Failure is the mother of success失败是成功之母 凡事要量力而行a man can do no more than he can 水火无情 fire and water have no mercy良药苦口a good mesicine

tastes bitter海纳百川all rivers run into sea火上加油pour oil on the flame鹦鹉学舌人云亦云to be a parrot hellfire地狱之火(苦苦折磨人的东西)a judas kiss犹大之吻(背叛,口蜜腹剑)Pandora’s box番多拉之盒(祸害根源)a sphinx’s riddle斯芬克斯之谜(难题,难解之谜)sour grapes酸葡萄(得不到就说他不好)the tower of ivory象牙塔(世外桃源)the Trojan horse特洛伊木马(暗藏的敌人或危险)waterloo滑铁卢(惨败)to shed crocodile tears 鳄鱼眼泪(假慈悲)the sword of Damocles达摩克利斯之剑(危险临头)东施效颦Dong Shi imitating Xi Shi 情人眼里出西施beauty lies in lover’s eyes草船借箭to borrow arrows with thatched boatsa sly old fox老狐狸老奸巨猾like father like son有其父必有其子make hay while the sun shines趁热打铁false friends are worse than bitter enemies明枪易躲暗箭难防far water does not put out near fire远水救不了近火give him an inch and he will take an ell得寸进尺 活到老学到老it’s never too old to learn 浑水摸鱼fish in trouble water置若罔闻turn a deaf ear to视而不见turn a blind eye to沽名钓誉to fish for praise沧海一粟a drop in the oceanpull up one’s socks 加油 a blessing in disguise因祸得福as like two peas长的一模一样in the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed man is king山中无老虎猴子称大王every man has a fool in his sleevs人人都有糊涂的时候don’t count your chicken until they are hatched不要高兴地太早 木已成舟what’s done is done and can’t be undone风水轮流转fortune knocks once at least at every man’s gate车到山前必有路in the end things will mend江山易改本性难移a leopard cannot change its spots班门弄斧teach fish to swim teach one’s grandmother to suck eggs一箭双雕kill two birds with one stoneeast or west home is best东好西好不如家最好don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you己所不欲勿施于人god helps those who help themselves天助者自助

nothing is impossible for a willing heart心之所愿无所不成speak of the devil and he will appear说曹操曹操到wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand脑中有知识胜过手中有金钱practice makes perfect熟能生巧all things are difficult before they are easy万事开头难good company on the road is the shortest cut良友相伴是捷径constant dropping wears the stone滴水穿石 眼不见心不乱out of sight out of mind事实胜于雄辩action speaks louder than words吃一堑长一智a fall in the pit a gain in the wits欲速则不达more haste less speed三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮two heads are better than one江山易改本性难移a leopard can not change its spots前车之鉴后事之师let another’s shipwreck be your seamark谋事在人成事在天man proposes god disposes三思而后行look before you leap得寸进尺give knaves an inch and they will take an ell

美食广场food court限量版limited edition三折起up to 70% off黑色星期五促销black Friday sales12月26日boxing day请问有打折吗is there a promotion going one尝试一下give a shot掀开购物季新一页kick off the shopping season清仓甩卖big promotion退换货条款exchange and refund policy减压decompress爵士酒吧jazz bar乡村音乐酒吧country bar这个酒吧生意兴隆this bar really rocks你很棒you rock鸡尾酒cock tail血腥玛

丽bloody Mary不含酒精的鸡尾酒a virgin pina colada台球pool table合法喝酒年龄legal drinking age游泳镜swimming goggle轻装潜水skin diving橡皮艇raft不成功则成仁sink or swim同舟共济in the same boat连身游泳衣one-piece swimming suit防水设备waterproof facilities沙滩排球beach volley ball不落伍潮流be in the swim找麻烦rock the boat快到了be around the corner月亮Luna吉祥如意auspiciousness荣华富贵richness生意兴隆business flourishes恭喜发财wish you prosperity年年有余abundance金玉满堂treasure fill the home岁岁平安peace all year around和气生财harmony brings wealth天啊表惊喜Gee糟糕的事情发生了uh-oh天啊oh boy哇好疼ouch如果你能活100岁我希望活100岁减一天,那么我就永远离不开你了if you live to be 100 I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day so I never have to live without you贺岁 new year celebration流行的可感觉到的in the air

大腕儿big shot 小人物small potato 浪漫电影romance movie古装剧costume drama功夫片action movie有效解决方法silver bullet人生感悟life

inspiration and enlightenment轿车sedan带天窗的两厢汽车hatchback敞篷车convertible牌照license plate 飙车drag racing系上安全带fasten seat belt二手车a send-hand car家用旅行小汽车station wagon跑车sports car小小交警watch out the traffic police服装要求 dress code 套装 suit 限量版帆布鞋 canvas of limited edition 七分裤 suspenders trousers 淡季促销off season sale

打卡进门punch in 无头苍蝇head less chicken 列出任务表make a task list 电话会议video conference 我们休息一会吧 let’s go for a brew 打卡出门 punch out TGIF thank god it’s Friday 摸不着南北 in the middle of nowhere 按照难度分级处理grade according to the difficulty休息时间 coffee break茶水间,员工休息室pantry/staffroom 工作日working day 息日day off

翻译包括 语际interlingual translation(from one language into another language)语内intralingual (between different varieties)符际

intersemiotic(linguistic symbols and non-linguistic

symbols)translation just refer to interlingual translation

直译talk show脱口秀mad cow disease疯牛病gene therapy基因疗法bird flu禽流感chain reaction连锁反应cat walk猫步social dancing社交舞 意译one way单行道day student走读生in the dark一无所知vip贵宾ceo首席执行官

ask for more渴望无限the choice of a new generation新一代的选择good to the last滴滴香浓意犹未尽the taste is great味道好极了take time to indulge尽情享受吧coke adds life可口可乐为生活加乐coke is it这就是可口可乐have a coke and a smile一杯可乐一个微笑you can’t beet the feeling挡不住的感觉coca-cola enjoy要爽由自己MMS melt in your mouth not in your hand只熔在口不熔在手start a head渴望无限everything is possible一切皆有可能impossible is nothing没有不可能的事just do it 只管去做let’s make things better我们做的更好intelligence everywhere智慧演绎无处不在no problem too large no business too small没有解决


faux pas situation where I was introduced as the General Manager but “Assistant Manager” was printed on my card. ’s “Do It Yourslef Show”.

9)Sorry, I can’二.汉译英



(not necessarily, update) 3)对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我即刻就走!

(go-go, right now)


(continue on, some sort of story, be caught in)


失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。(missed, set the goal, leave without) 6)我的锻炼计划是建立在每天锻炼基础上的。它不一定会让我长高,但会使我身体健康。(on a daily basis, not necessarily)



’m sorry, our manager must be out at the moment.


5)Don’“that person is already unprepared”.

6)Never leave home without it.


1)Clearly, he depends too much on others’

3)On Halloween, American children go “trick or treat”



7)I’’t accept my money.


’二.汉译英 1)我对父母的感激之情难以言表。(show thanks to)

2)澳大利亚很希望参加亚运会,但它不是亚洲成员。(part of)

3)繁忙的一周之末,我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。(at the end of)

4)要发出去的数据应该每周更新一次。(send out, update)

5)他有很好的团队精神,能与任何一类人很好地合作。(any type of)

6)在她手里,一片普通的纸可以被剪出各种花儿来。(a piece of, cut out)

7)这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用,但不适用于我。(work for)

’t work for me.


1)Therefore it’s in November that we tend to think of a way in which we could show our thanks.


2)Here are some of the ways posted online to thank volunteers who come to offer help.


3)I like to hold potlucks at the office and invite volunteers to make them feel like part of the team.


4)This makes our volunteers know we’re grateful to them for what they’ve done in the busy year.


5)The volunteers here seemed to appreciate the silent effort to recognize them.


6)The volunteers had a bag of popcorn and a drink waiting for them.


7)Here’s a very inexpensive idea that should work for any type of organization.


2)Our manager is at a conference. She can’


1)这是玻璃做的,顶多值100元。at (the) most

2)玛莉很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地。(get ahead) 3)如果你需要我们的产品,请提前和我联系。(in advance)

4)我们需要一名卡车司机,你完全适合这项工作。(perfect for) 5)汤姆对那个城镇不熟悉,以前从没去过。(new to) 6)掌握一门外语很难,但值得付出努力。(pay)


1)One of the cultural differences that tends to annoy Americans has to do with understanding of punctuality. 有一种常会惹恼美国人的文化差异和对守时的不同理解有关。

2)Getting ahead at work starts with getting to work on time. 要想升职就要从准时上班做起。

3)This is true in personal and community life as well as in U.S. business culture. 在美国商业文化、个人和社区生活中都是如此。

4)Being afraid that I had missed the appointment, I hurried in. 由于害怕我已经错过了这次约会,我赶紧跑进去。

5)They are sure to help you get ahead with your American colleagues. 它们一定能帮助你与美国同事愉快相处。

6)Don’t just show up and expect people to make time to talk with you. 不要突然出现还指望人家有时间和你交谈。

the Chinese athletes!

二.汉译英 1)认为只是年轻人才庆祝情人节(Valentine’s Day)就错了。(assume, celebrate)

2)随着互联网的发展,世界各地都可以热热闹闹地同时观赏世界杯了。(with high spirits)

With the development


at the same time with high






out to find a job in a city.

6)端午节(Dragon-boat Festival)已成为中国的又一个公共假日。(public)




三.英译汉 1)It would be wrong to assume that Christmas is only celebrated among the Christians.


2)With the world becoming a global village, Christmas is celebrated with high spirits in various parts of the world. 随着世界变成一个地球村,世界各地都热热闹闹地庆祝圣诞。

3)Though the ways of celebration, the dates and the traditions vary, the spirit remains the same everywhere. 尽管欢庆的方式、日期和传统有所差异,但欢庆的情绪处处依然如故。

4)Families decorate their houses by setting up stars and candles in their windows.


5)Christmas is celebrated in England with people giving presents to family members and friends.


6)They may also organize parties, where beer, wine and sometimes champagne is served.


7)The day after Christmas, which is called Boxing Day, is mostly a time for people to rest.


8)Nobody ever gets to see him in their homes, though, because he only comes when everybody is sound asleep.

5)He told us that this hot spring’

’clock. But only a few appeared on time.

9)Natural disasters further raised people’



(have but one, follow through)


(ask for, respond to)

3)你的工作又未能达到标准。别把其他团队成员的原谅当成理所当然之事。(fail to, take for granted)

4)我希望你能明白我是为你做了这件事,而不是为了我自己的利益。(rather than, in one’s own self-interest) 5)我们的所作所为要合法,而不是按照我们自己的选择去做。(conform to, instead of) 6)那位流行歌手在媒体上说的话对歌迷们影响很大,毕竟他们大多数都还非常年轻。(in the media, impact on, after all)

The pop singer’s

in the media a strong impact on the

After all, most of them are still quite young.


1)Its ability to self-repair and respond to good care is incredible.


2)Not only did I take its resiliency for granted, I was annoyed when a physical problem, such as a cold or injury, kept me from doing what I want. 我不仅把其韧性看做是理所当然的,而且当身体出现一点小毛病,如得了感冒或受了点小伤,使我没法去做想做的事,我便会大为发火。

3)My overeating, lazy lifestyle, and excessive work had a negative impact on my life, though not fatal.


4)Once I understand that it is in my own self-interest to take care of it, I’m struggling to develop a positive relationship with my body.


5)Positive actions——exercising, and eating mindfully…have gradually become regular habits rather than disciplined efforts.


6)After all, each of us gets only one body. So don’t wait until death does its part.