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姓 名

学 号 年 级 专 业

200804410639 2008级6班


系 (院)外国语学院

指导教师 孟凡艳

2012年 4 月 20 日

On the Difference of Chinese and English Taboo from the Perspective of Culture

A Thesis Submitted to Foreign Languages School of

Linyi University

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts


Supervisor:Meng Fanyan

April 20, 2012


I would like to express my appreciation to my classmates in my studies. They have given me valuable and enlightening suggestions to the thesis. My special thanks should go to Meng Fanyan, my supervisor. From the planning for the thesis to the completion, she has given me so much instructive advice. She has corrected my thesis time after time. I am grateful to her patience and prudence as well as her consideration.

I am also greatly indebted to my friends who helped me directly and indirectly. Frankly speaking, without their kind advice and help in finding the materials, I couldn’t have finished the thesis.

Last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence on me all through these years.


With the development of globalization, the interactions between different cultures have been increasingly intensified. Therefore, it is necessary to research into the differences between different cultures and languages so that some effective strategies might be formulated to deal with the challenges. In the context of interculture, this thesis analyzes linguistic taboos in Chinese and English from the cultural difference point of view and reveals their differences and tentatively proposes workable strategies to improve intercultural communication competence.

Key Words:Linguistic taboo; Cultural difference; Intercultural communication


随着全球化的发展,不同文化间的交流日益增强,当来自不同文化的两个人交流时,他们可能会遇到不同的问题、误解和冲突。因此,有必要对不同文化和语言的差异进行研究,寻求有效的策略应对全球化的挑战。本文从文化角度分析中英语言禁忌差异,探讨交际中如何避免使用禁忌语,从而提高跨文化交际能力。 关键词:语言禁忌;文化差异;跨文化交际














1) Introducing the general research area including its background, importance, and present level of development……………………………………………………………

2) Reviewing previous research in this area……………………………………………………

第二层: Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant

question ………………………………………………………………………………… 第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research…………………………………


1) Announcing your major findings ………………………………………

2) Outlining the contents of your paper ……………………………………

图8.1 引言的结构布局之一





学 号: 本科毕业论文(设计) Comparative Analysis Learning Strategies from Minority and Han High School Students------Taking Shibing NO.1 High School as Example 学 专 班 学生姓名: 陶 朝 燕

3 Methodology………………………………………………………………………...5 3.1 Research Objects…………………………………………………………………5 3.2 Research Instruments…………………………………………………………….63.2.1 Questionnaire………………………………………………………………….63.2.2 Interview………………………………………………………………………6

4 Result………………………………………………………………………………...7 4.1 Data Collection…………………………………………………………………..7 4.2 Results……………………………………………………………………………7

5 Conclusion………………………….........................................................................10 5.1 Conclusion and Suggestions…………………………………………………….105.1.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...10

References..12 5.1.2suggestions..10 Acknowledgements13


Comparative Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies from Minority and Han High School Students

Abstract: This is

a thesis about learning strategies from minority and

and were interview were

adopted to collect used by students, and find out whether there are some differences between minority and han high school students in English vocabulary learning strategies. The result indicated that minority and han high school students are good at meta-cognitive strategies, and they have a certain ability to use cognitive strategies. Secondly, minority students are not good at applying social-affective strategies, but han students can use it well. The significance of this paper is to improve English teaching and vocabulary teaching in high school.

Key Words: vocabulary learning strategies; meta-cognitive strategies; cognitive 查和访问法对51出少数民族和汉族高中生在使用词汇学习策略方面的不同。结果表明,少数民族和汉族高中生更善于使用元认知策略,具有一定掌握认知策略的能力。第二,少数民族学生不善于使用社会情感策略,但是汉族学生能够更好地使用社会情感策 关键词:词汇学习策略;元认知策略;认知策略;社会情感策

1 Introduction

With the development of China’s education reform, English teaching has become more and more important. As an

international language, English is widely used by people, the majority of people start to learn English. Language consists of three basic elements: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar (Chen & Zhou, vocabulary is one important part of English. Vocabulary is the the learning strategy is the one basic form of improve the learning efficiency is an important guarantee for the autonomous learning ability (Gao, 2008). English is an important tool of communication between country and country, people and people. Lack of a good vocabulary is lack of communication ability.

Many teachers ignore students’ communication and autonomous learning ability in language learning process, and the learning efficiency is low. The classroom is the only source for students to learn vocabulary. Students do not have their own methods to learn. Language is to communicate; therefore, it is necessary to improve the learners’ communicative ability. For non-native English learners, vocabulary is an essential part, and it connects the whole language learning process. Vocabulary will influence learners’ listening, writing, reading, speaking, translation and other activities in language learning. Although most studies of language learning strategies is indirectly related to vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) during the research process, there are not so much studies in-depth on VLSs. More and more linguists, who are engaged in the study of foreign language teaching, think words play an important role in foreign language teaching (Zhang, 2003). To learn a language, at the first, learners need to learn the vocabulary. Over decades, the research of VLSs aroused great interest in the domestic and foreign scholars and educators; it has still a large development space in this field. The research on VLSs is based on the study of

second language learning strategies. English VLSs is also a hot problem between researchers on second language acquisition and English teacher. In the past 25 years, people have not a large-scale and a specific study on vocabulary learnin(转载自:www.xiaocaOfaNWen.com 小草 范 文 网:英语论文introduction模板)g, but the research on this area has been in an upward trend. So language learning strategies is an important point in foreign language teaching.

1.2 The significance of Research Studies on English VLSs

Most studies aim at investigating learning strategies in different levels about high school students. Vocabulary is an essential part of English and it is also an integral part of language. It plays a crucial role in the language learning. Just as a building can not be constructed without the building material, a language is not conceivable without vocabulary (Yang, 2008). Without vocabulary, the specific part of English will not be communicated with other people. According to Chen and Zhou (2012, P41), “Vocabulary is generally considered as the basic communication tool, and often labeled as the most problematic area by language learners”. If a language learner’s pronunciation and grammar are excellent, but he does not have vocabulary, then he can not express his thoughts and feelings, even do not understand others thoughts, so he will fail in communication. VLS plays a unique role in English teaching. The teacher can help students to have a good study habits to improve their interest in English learning, increase vocabulary, improve students’ listening, writing, reading, speaking and translation ability. The most important is that to help students have awareness to use VLSs to make plan to learn. Therefore, the knowledge of learning strategies is important because it will facilitate language teaching considerably (Liu, 2010).

In Chain’s traditional examination-oriented education mode, students are seen as receivers, and the teacher decides everything. The learning efficiency is low. So VLSs are very useful for second and foreign language learners to acquire vocabulary (Chen & Zhou, 2012). However, there are few students on VLSs in high school students. High school is still a sprout stage on learning English. Vocabulary connects all English learning process. American Philologist Wilkins said that no grammar, people