


1.他肯定很高。 --他不可能不那么高。

2.这些灯全部不同。 --这些灯没有哪两盏是相同的。

3.他会迟到。 --他不可能不迟到。


5.她懂得洗衣服。 --她不可能不会洗衣服。

6.她一定会考满分。 --她不可能不考满分。


8.长廊里的每一幅画都是不同的。 --长廊里没有哪两幅画是完全相同的。







15.这本书太有价值了,你一定要看 ——--这本书太有价值了,你不能不看

16.中队委员会的决定,我们都同意 ——--中队委员会的决定,我们没有一个不同意 17.对少先队员来说,什么困难都能克服 ——--对少先队员来说,没有克服不了的困难

18.他很喜欢水 ——--他不可能不喜欢水.

19.他喜欢养花 _-----他不可能不喜欢养花.

20.他喜欢画画 ————--他不可能不喜欢画画.


22.他喜欢吃苹果 ——-他不能不喜欢吃苹果.


24.他丧失双亲之后,只能去寻找好心人来收养他--他丧失双亲之后,不能不去寻找好心人来收养他. 25.只能去做苦力 ——--他不能不去做苦力.

26.他现在只能上普通的大学了 ——--他现在不能不去上普通的大学了.

27.受生活所迫,他一天只能去打两份工 ——--受生活所迫,他一天不得不去打两份工. 28.凭他的学历,只能去做一个司机——--凭他的学历,不得不去做一个司机.



30.这次活动的经过你很清楚 ——--这次活动的经过你不是不清楚

31.班上的这些小事,总得有个同学负责 ——-- 班上的这些小事,不能没有同学负责



33.校园里月季花开得很美 ——--校园里月季花不会开得不美。


35.面对任何灾难,中华民族会望而却步吗 ——--面对任何灾难,谁也不能说中华民族会望而却步

36.我决心把这道题目解出来、 ——--我决心非把这道题目解出来不可

37.这件事你应该办好 ——--这件事你不应该不办




40.因为生病,他请假了 ——--因为生病,他不得不请假。


简单的举个例子:The red pen is mine. The red 就是做定语修饰Pen ,is系动词做谓语,mine物主代词跟系动词后做表语,也对主语pen起补充修饰作用。

再举个:I study english very hard. 动词study 后跟的就是宾语,动作的承受者,english,我很努力地学英语,很努力very hard,修饰动作,就是状语



Sample 1

Homework 1: Sentences and sentence groups for digestion

(1) If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference. If you miss two days of

practice, the critics notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the audience notices the difference.

(2) When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we don’t see the years of preparation that enable him or her to become great.

(3) The Michael Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but they’re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor. If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.

(4) That may sound like a lot of pressure. But if you are prepared, the pressure is on

the other folks----the ones who haven’t done their homework.

(5) The 21244th runner to finish was a Vietnam veteran. He did it in three days, nine hours and 37 minutes. with no legs, he cove(转载自:www.xiaocaOfaNWen.com 小草 范 文 网:什么是肯定句,举2个例子)red 26.2 miles.

(6) You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline.

------ From《Get the job you want》

(7) Even though we struggle to make ends meet, they stressed to me and my brothers

and sisters how fortunate we were to live in a great country with limitless opportunities.

(8) I acquired discipline and a strong work ethic, and learned at an early age the

importance of balancing life’s competing interests—in my case, school, homework, and a job.

(9) The experience taught me that there is dignity in all work and that if people are

working to provide for themselves and their families, that is something we should honor. (I’m quite agree with the author’s opinion)

(10) She made everyone smile and feel good, customers and co-workers alike.

(11) Thanks to the newfound confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having

my own restaurant.

------From《My first job》

(12) I also decided that working as a volunteer would give me a greater understanding

of a whole range of issues, which is why I joined the ranks of those working in the front line.

(13) Being part of that experience brought tears to many eyes.

------From《Be a volunteer》

(14) The contemporary media often characterize business as nothing more than a

self-serving exercise in greed, carried out in as corrupt and ruthless a manner as possible.

(15) They suggest that virtue is an essential ingredient in the recipe for success, and

that moral standards are not merely commendable choices but necessary components of a thriving business career. (the using of metaphor)

(16) Virtuous behavior advances a career in the long run by building trust and reputation, whereas ethical shortcomings eventually derail careers.

(17) Far from being a constraining force that merely keeps people honest and out of

trouble, morality creates a fertile source of business motivation, inspiration, and innovation.

------From《the moral advance: how to succeed in business by doing the right thing》

(18) Saturday meant most adults were at home on the route.

(19) I become faster and neater each day. I’m outdoors in clean air. And, contrary to

what people think, I don’t get dirty on the job.

(20) I left this country a little cleaner than I found it this morning. Not many people

can say that tonight. (the author’s words moved me)

------From《The trashman》

Sample 2


1) Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to fine out more about us?

No Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No. 问答的形式,新颖

2) As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired. 简洁的引出作者的观点,是过渡


3) “If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference,” the saying goes

among musicians. If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the audience notices the difference.排比句的运用 使语气更加强烈

4) You won’t get every job you go after. The best salespeople don’t close every sale.

有哲理 有韵味

5) You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths.

To be able to compete, you’ve got to keep learning all your life. 有哲理 有意义 引起我的感悟

6) Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. 简洁 有哲理 值得思考

7) From my standpoint, that’s what it’s all about. 总结句 词语运用的值得借鉴

8) Even though we struggled to make ends meet. 词语运用的好 值得借鉴

9) Thanks to the newfound confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having

my own restaurant. 语句优美 运用多组词语

10) Good people with a dream should have the opportunity to make that dream come

true. 值得思索和借鉴的句子

11) He had been sick and wrote that my check had helped cover his mounting medical

bills. 虽然朴实 但是感动了我

12) But little did I suspect just how much the experience would offer me such

powerful feelings and a strong sense of pride. 采用倒装语序 语句简洁

13) As volunteers, we all felt our work was a valuable contribution to the success of

the Olympics and we reveled in the compliments we received. 站在作者的角度 可以产生共鸣

14) Many of us did this, and thousands and thousands of people came out to cheer our

efforts. 作为志愿者的成功的喜悦被表达的很完美

15) As for the moral advantage in business, of all places, everyone knows a modicum

of ethics is called for in any business—you can’t cheat your customers forever and get away with it.主旨句 并真实讲述生活中的事实

16) The Bible warns that it’s harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven

than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. 利用圣经的话进行论证 有力而又精辟

17) In fact, a sense of moral purpose stands at the center of all successful business


18) Occasionally, I got a direct reply from someone who looked me in the eye, 词语


19) I do this for the money, not because it’s the only work I can do. 体现作者执着而

刚毅的性格 这句话也使用于生活中

20) It doesn’t do any harm. 语句词语运用的好