


姓 名

学 号

院 系专 业

指导教师 余波 职称 2013年3月

An Examination and Discussion of Problems and Counter Measures in Yunnan

Management of Tourist Attractions—Take

Wild Elephant Valley Park of Xishuangbanna

for Example

A Dissertation

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Bachelor of Arts



Liu Lei



Yu Bo

Department of Foreign Languages

School of Arts and Sciences

Yunnan Normal University

Kunming, Yunnan

P. R. China

April, 2013


First and foremost I am grateful to my supervisor Yu Bo. Without her professional and selfless guidance, I couldn?t complete this paper well. She always patiently helps and cares for me. Then I extremely will appreciate my classmates. They are all my second teachers. When I get into trouble, they will actively and proactively give me a hand. They encourage me all the time. They also teach me one thing: Never give up, believe yourself! Next I can?t thank enough my college. It offers me a comfortable and excellent environment to study. Under the comprehensive education, I learned how to conduct myself and study well through four years. In the end, thanks my family for everything you?ve done for me.You give me great support and respect my choice.


Abstract (English version)

Abstract (Chinese version)

Chapter One Introduction

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1The Concept and Status of Tourist Attractions

2.2 Management of Tourist Attraction

2.2.1 Manpower Resource

2.2.2 Quality and Competitiveness

2.2.3 Price

2.2.4 Tourist Capacity

2.2.5 Strategic Planning

2.2.6 Marketing

2.3 Perception and Choice

2.4 Challenge and Future

Chapter Three Serving Management

3.1Tourist Goods

3.1.1 Great Internationally-known First-class Brand

3.1.2 Features of Peoples and Region

3.1.3 Memorial Characteristic and Artistry

3.1.4 Theme, Variety, Standard and Level

3.1.5 Branch and Advertising

3.2 Serving

Chapter Four The Management Problems in Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Park

4.1Types of Tourist Attraction

4.2The Brief Introduction of The Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Park

4.3Urbanized Orientation in Process Of Constructing Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Park

4.4Measures of Solving Management Problems on Urbanized Orientation

4.4.1The Problem of Lacking Unified Management in Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Park

4.5Measures of Solving Problems in Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Valley Park Management.

Chapter Five Conclusion




学生姓名: 赵清清 学 号 : 20094031044

学 院: 外国语学院

年 级:2009级英语非师范专业6班





张家界作为一座享誉世界的旅游名城,吸引源源不断的国内外游客的原因不仅在于它散发的大自然纯净的风景之美,幽深古朴的古老民俗,还有这些风景民俗中氤氲的文化之精华。文化与旅游的本职属性决定了两者之间是密不可分、相辅相成的,没有文化的旅游是苍白无力、枯燥乏味的,没有文化内涵的旅游产品不具备足够的市场竞争力和吸引力。只有充分挖掘文化内涵,注重文化与旅游的深度结合与开发,才会具有吸引游客的足够魅力,所以说文化是旅游的生命所系、灵魂之源。若是将文化与旅游割裂开来,文化将成为无本之木,而旅 游也只能在低层次上徘徊不前。只有把两者结合起来,才能相得益彰。




一、 旅游景点的翻译

旅游景点的翻译主要包括意译、直译、音译、意译加音译、直译加音译、意译加直译等几种。然而,什么情况下采用什么译法就需要译者具备敏锐的跨文化意识。如直译,?九天洞??Jiutian Cave?,但是无法传递其含义,于是常在其后加以解释,?It 's named after there are nine skylights connected with the ground?。而?金鞭溪”通常被译为? Golden Whip Stream ?,这个译法是可以一听即懂的。尤其是身临其境的时候。这么一来,一旦风景深入人心,配以恰当的翻译,让外国游客更能心领神会,实则加分不少。




?3000 crags rise in various shapes.They are like whips or pillars prop-ping up the sky;or huge walls,solid and sound;or immense eggs piled on an unsteady boarder;or miniature rocky or curios…Fantastic but actual,dre(本文来自:wwW.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:旅游英语论文摘要)amy but real! They are not artistic works,but more exquisite than artistic works.One can not help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature' s creation.——《武陵源风景》?





对历史民俗的翻译,我们更要注意跨文化意识的运用。对来自不同国家的游客,如用类比手法把我国的历史民俗与外国游客熟悉的历史民俗联系起来,他们会更深刻地了解我国民俗和史实。例如:?湘西的蛊术,和泰国的‘降头术’并称东南亚两大邪术。?这对来自东南亚的游客来说,自然就非常清楚了。故,笔者译为?Gu, a most mysterious witchery in Western Hunan ,is as well-known as Thailand's ‘Tame Head’ in South Asia.? 又如,在谈到南长城的史实和民俗时有这样一句?中国南方长城简称南长城,建于明朝(公元1554年--公元1622年)?。如果面对的国外游客是从欧洲来的,我们就可译为:?Great Wall of Southern China ,or simply ‘Southern Great Wall’for short, built during Ming dynasty from 1554 AD to 1622 AD ,which is contemporary to Renaissance?这样,国外游客就会快速、准确理解发生在我国的历史事件。


三、 旅游景介四字句翻译





I would like to take this opportunity to express my grateful thanks to those who helped me

with the completion of the whole thesis.

My deep gratitude goes to my supervisor, Cao Jun, an associate professor in HNU, who has

given me great encouragement and advice during the writing of this thesis. Without his patient guidance and valuable advice, this thesis would not have been completed.

Secondly, I would also pay my sincere thanks to my classmates and friends. They have

offered me a great number of books and materials and unfailing supports.

Finally, I am especially indebted to my parents, who have provided me with essential

financial and mental supports. Without their constant love, it would not have been possible for me to finish this thesis.


Tourist material translation, typical of cross-cultural communication, is expected to bridge

the gap between cultures, and enable tourists to have a good understanding of the historical sites, magnificence of rivers and mountains of target countries, and thus target cultures. Indeed, tourist material translation serves as a means of cultural transmission and protection. It is intended to narrow down cultural differences and realize successful cross-cultural communication.

Anhui is a major tourism province and it has attracted many tourists every year. Thus, its

tourist material translation is of great significance. However, the poor quality translations have led to failures in cross-cultural communication and distortive images of Anhui. Therefore, in this thesis, a tentative study of Anhui tourist material translation based on cross-cultural communication theory will be implemented.

The main focus of this thesis is analysis of the translation of Anhui tourist materials from a

cross-cultural perspective. By applying the theory of cross-cultural communication, this thesis conducts a comparison between English tourist materials and the translation of Anhui tourist materials, and then differences between them are discussed on the basis of the analysis of those findings. It also discusses the problems existing in Anhui tourist material translation. In order to solve these problems, some translation strategies are proposed in a bid to improve the translation quality of Anhui scenic spots as well as to promote cultural exchanges.

Key words: tourist material translation; cross-cultural communication; translation strategies

摘 要









Acknowledgements ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 Abstract ......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 摘要 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 Contents ....................................................................... I错误!未定义书签。 Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 Significance of the Research ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 Organization of the Paper ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Chapter 2 Literature Review ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 Previous Studies at Home and Abroad ....................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 A Brief Introduction to Cross-cultural Communication Theory 错误!未定


2.3 Cross-cultural Communication and Tourism Translation ............................ 3

2.4 Functions of Tourist Publicity Material ...................... 错误!未定义书签。

Chapter 3 A Contrastive Study: English Tourist Materials and Anhui

Tourist Material Translation………………………………..….


3.1 Analysis of English Tourist Materials and Anhui Tourist Material

Translation ..................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Differences between English Tourist Materials and Anhui Tourist Material

Translation ..................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Problems Existing in Anhui Tourist Material Translation ........................... 8

Chapter 4 Strategies Proposed for C-E Translation of Anhui Tourist

Materials ...................................................................................... 12

4.1 Cultural Analogy ......................................................................................... 12

4.2 Explanation ................................................................................................. 13

4.3 Adaptation ................................................................................................... 14

4.4 Addition ....................................................................................................... 14

4.5 Deletion ....................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 5 Conclusion ................................................................................... 17

Bibliography .................................................................................................. 18