

Analysis of Shylock in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant

of Venice



关键词 夏洛克, 贪婪, 法律


The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s most famous comedy in the world. While Shylock is an important role in it and he has been analyzed many times. Before, many people think Shylock was a greedy, selfish and cruel man. But as times goes by, people begin to re-analyze Shylock. They also found Shylock has other characters which was not discovered before and gradually accepted now, such as: clever, frank, courageous.

Keywords Shylock, greed, tragedy

1 Introduction

Shylock is a controversial person in people’s mind, also, he plays a important role in The Merchant of Venice . When we finish read this novel, he must impress us deeply. Then this paper will analyze Shylock’s character detailedly.

2 An Analysis of Shylock’s Characters

As we know, Shakespeare is a master no matter past or now and Shylock’s image is fresh forever as other classical figures. People read it, consider it again and again. Following, it is my opinion about Shylock.

2.1 Hateful Shylock

Before, especially in 16th century, this drama was a comedy no matter from which side, because three pairs of lovers have perfect results. But Shylock as an evildoer has been punished. In the era of racial discrimination, Shylock’s final result, without doubt, it’s a good thing for clapping and cheering. While the words which describe Shylock are disdainful: greed, cunning, cruel and so on.

He hates Antonio obviously, and wants to revenge by chance, so he signs the contract which he will cut a pound of Antonio’s meat if he could not return money on time. This will kill Antonio possibly and solve the problem about which he always worried. But he artfully said “I say, to buy his favor, I extend this friendship: If he will take it, so; if not, adieu; for my love, I pray you wrong me not”. Certainly, people think the worst place was that he crows over Antonio’s ship were sunk, people persuaded him, but he said “Gaoler, look to him: tell me of mercy; This the fool that lent out money gratis”. When Bassanio wants to return him two, three times money, he refuses and insists on carrying out the contract.

2.2 Different Shylock – from another angle

In the whole drama, Shylock was the most frank man. He never mask his greed. I think it is only the respect to the contract, but also the expression of national spirit that the oppressed fight against the Christians. At the same time, he had encourage to face the failure and the misfortune, he could defy power, insist on settling the problem by law. Although he failed, he didn’t ask for something, for Portia’s intercede, he said

“Nay, take my life and all; Pardon not that”. Faced with the final result of loss freedom of belief, he said nothing and agreed to sign.

In addition, Shylock was the most pitiful man. He loves his daughter, but she leaves him, and takes away lots of money. His only souvenir—turquoise, this is the present sent by his sweet wife when they had not married, but his daughter uses it to trade a wild monkey. Shylock was originally very confident to win the lawsuit, but lost finally, and lost all the money and forced to change his religion.


The Merchant of Venice is one of the most famous comedy in the world, but when we think of Shylock, we have to say it is a tragedy. While we are pleasant for three couples of lover, we certainly remembered that an old, sympathetic man walk in the street. Everything has its own reason, if people must say he was selfish, cruel, first, they have to know its background and social condition in that time, and then, I’ll tell you Shylock is pity, clever, courageous, tough, frank, rich national spirit, and I have reasons to say that.






人们社会生活的重要价值趋向,正是这种生活愿望使迪福小说中的主人公和其他小说中所描写的流浪汉大相径庭。鲁宾逊不像奥托里斯科,一个既熟悉当地生活又遍游各地的生意人;也不像尤利西斯,一个努力回归家园和故土的航海家。他唯一的使命就是追求利益,梦想着占有整个世界。追求个人经济地位的价值趋向不仅削弱了人们社会生活中的群体关系,而且也影响了个体关系。正如韦伯所说,作为人类生活最重要的非理性因素之一,性在迪福的小说中成了个体追求经济目标最大的潜在威胁。因此,在工业资本主义的意识形态中,性被严格地控制了起来。与其他小说相比,在迪福小说中,浪漫的爱情故事没有什么市场。甚至是连性欲望的满足也大大减弱了。比如,在小说《回忆录》中,他曾这样形容性行为,“对于那种微不足道的享乐而深感懊悔是一点也不值得的。”这一点儿都不惊奇,在鲁宾逊自己的生活中,爱情发挥着很小的作用,性的诱惑 也不能战胜他对孤岛的占有欲。他认为战胜孤岛是他最大的胜利。当鲁宾逊注意到孤岛上社会关系的缺失时,他向上帝乞求给他一个性伴侣作为安慰,但是他所渴望得到的是一个男性的努力,并满不在乎地给他取名为“星期五”,然后,他们两个在这荒岛上,在没有女人的情况下,享受着田园般的生活。这种思想与《奥德赛》和《纽约人》当中所提倡的传统期望相比简直是一种革命。当最终鲁宾逊返回到文明世界中时,性仍然严格地屈从与生意,只有当他的经济地位通过再一次航行而得到巩固时,他才结婚。除了爱情、婚姻和性之外,我们在迪福的小说中也能找到他对其他非经济因素的贬低。最典型的例子就是那个叫佐利的毛利男孩,他帮助鲁宾逊从别人的奴役下逃脱,并在一次危险关头情愿牺牲自己的生命来效忠鲁宾逊,因此鲁宾逊决心爱他一辈子,并承诺把他培养成一个出色的人。然而有一次,一个葡萄牙的船长主动拿出六十西班牙银币来买佐利,由于这个价格超出了友塔斯所给出的价格的一倍,最终鲁宾逊没能抵挡住这样的诱惑,就把佐利卖给船长作了奴隶。短时间内他感到良心不安,但是当听到船长说“如果佐利成了基督教徒,十年后就给他自由”这句话时,这种良心上的谴责很快就烟消云散了。这次事证明在鲁宾逊的内心中金钱和利益高于一切,面对金钱和利益,友情、爱情和恩情都可以抛弃,其“经济个人主义”显露无遗。鲁宾逊和星期五之前的关系同样是以自我为中心的经济个人主义思维模式的体现,当鲁宾逊救了这个小孩之后,连他的名字都可以不问,就直接根据自己的意愿给他取名叫“星期五”,他说因为那天是星期五,就叫他“星期五”吧。这一行为说明了鲁宾逊只是把星期五看作是自己的私有财产,并打算用他来扩大自己的再生产。甚至在言语方面鲁宾逊也表现出了他的殖民思想,他只教星期五说“yes”和“no”。让星期五绝对地效忠和服从于他,他们之间完全是一种主人和奴隶的关系,鲁宾逊也非常满足于这种关系。而且认为这事他们之间一种最理性的关系。当他时不时地听到星期五说“是




会现象,从个人主义,而且是经济个人主义的角度刻画了其小说中的主人公。而从读者方面来看,也正是这一点吸引了读者的兴趣,当时读者很崇拜这种用过冒险来获得利益的精神,读者把鲁宾逊看作是一个英雄,而不去注意其他非物质利益的因素。由此小说的创作的是读者和作者在其思想意识上产生了共鸣,这也就是笛福小说去的巨大成功的原因之一。笛福小说中的个人经济利益也可以说是根植于清教主义的思想意识。清教主义认为劳动是神圣的,应该受到尊重,人生来就是要劳动,通过劳动来赎人类祖先亚当和夏娃所犯下的原罪。迪福深受这一宗教思想的影响。小说中的鲁宾逊很少休息,总是不断地在工作,星期五带给他的不是消除孤独寂寞的喜悦,而是扩大再生产的兴奋。所以这种清教主义思想为当时英国现实主义小说的兴起奠定了思想基础,也为笛福小说中 人物活动的叙述提供了素材。迪福的小说主要以任务每天的活动为对象进行叙述,通过活动反应人物的思想,体现出其个人利益至上,而这种利益的获得是建立在勤劳、节俭、勇敢、智慧和开拓的精神之上的,这些人物特征也恰恰是资本主义精神和清教思想结合的产物。



Lake Poets in the history of English




学业生生名姓学称 名 号 外国语学院 英语 程路佳 1201200127

刘鹏飞 课程教师


Lake Poets in the history of English literature

Auther:Cheng Lujia

Tutor:Liu Pengfei


The Lake Poets or Lake School was a group of English poets: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, RobertSouthey, and William Wordsworth. They lived in the “lake district” in northwestern England. This group was part of the romantic movement of the late 1700?s and early 1800?s. They were inspired by the French revolution and theEnglish Industrial Revolution. They made bold experiments on poetry writing, no matter no poetr(原文来自:wWw.xiaOcAofANweN.coM 小 草 范 文 网:英国文学论文3000字)y language seeking or subjects. Wordsworth was regarded as “worshipper of nature”. Coleridge was not only a poet but also a critic. While Southey pay more his attention to his democratic community in America known as “Pant isocracy”.

Key words: The Romantic Period, Nature, Super nature, Imagination, Innovation, Simple language, Inner world, Spirit, Common life, Democratic, Pant isocracy


摘 要

湖畔诗人就是一组英国诗人,Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William words worth.他们居住在英格兰东北的“湖区”是18世纪至19世纪时期浪漫主义运动的一部分。受到法国大革命和英国工业革命的影响,他们在诗歌创作方面做了大胆的改革,无论是在诗语言还是主题的选择上都有独到的见解。William words worth被人誉为自然的膜拜者。Samuel Taylor Coleridge不但是著名的诗人,也是一流的文学批评家。然而,Robert Southey却更为将精力注意到人人平等的大同社会上来。


Lake Poets in the history of English


The English romanticism as a historical phrase of literature is generally said to have began in 1798 and ended in1832.however, at this great period, there are three great poets who cannot be ignored, Samuel TaylorColeridge, RobertSouthey, and William Words worth.

These three poets are known as the “Lake Poets”, because they once settled at Dove Cottage in Cashmere, Westmoreland, and the loveliest spot in the EnglishLake District.

The Lake Poets play a transitional role between old and new styles in the poetry development in literature history especially in the English history. In their works we see the influence from both the past and the modern.

During the romantic period, there have been great changes in both European society and economy, which were actually provoked by two important revolutions, theFrench revolution and the English industrial revolution. And as a result, some of the great imaginative writings in the romantic period sprang from the confrontation of radicals and conservatives at the close of the 18th century. While“the lake poets “choosenature, imagination as their poetic subjects, other great poets, such as GeorgegardenByron, showed a lasting contempt for what he considered the commonplace and vulgarity of the “lake poets”. Because they think the “lake poets”, to some extent, are too conservation in their period.

The other key element for the exiting of the “lake poets” is the cruel economic exploitation. As a consequence of the English industrial revolution, the European society emerged a new laborclass. Though the social wealth had beenincreased by several times, it was only the rich who owned this wealth. The majority of the people were still poor, or even poorer. Theromantics with the “lake poets” as a leader saw both the corruption of the feudal societies and the exploitation in modern capitalist society. Under such condition, the “lake poets” emphasized the special qualities of

each individual?s mind. Wordsworth the solitary reaper, Coleridge frost at night, Southey winter are all such poems.

So we can see they pay more attention to portray the individual?s experience. It?s a typical character of the “Lake Poets” to place the individual at the center of art in order to express his or her unique feelings and particular attitudes.

With the coming of the French Revolution in 1978, and the primarily agricultural society replaced by a modern industrialized one, these three poets inspired an entire new poetic revolution.

At first, they started a rebellion against the neoclassic literature. They explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. As we all know, the neoclassicists had some fixed rules and laws for almost every gee of literature. Poetry should be lyrical, didactic satiric or dramatic and be strictly duded by principles. The neoclassicists also emphasized upon reason and intellect. However, the romantics started a poetic revolution .SamuelTaylorColeridge, RobotSouthey, and William Wordsworth, with the publication of Lyrical Ballads, were the major representatives of this movement. We can get such ideas from the following examples: the ancient mariner written by Coleridge; the prelude-⑴ written by Wordsworth. In these famouspoems, we can see they have made bold experiments in poetic language, versification and design.

Second, they believe that poetry could purify both individual and the society. At one hand, they chose to live by the lakeside so as to escape from the rational and ugly society. At other hand, they also want to achieve their wishful society in the imagination.

1.imagination and inspiration, defined by Coleridge, is regarded as something crucial for true poetry.

Kublai Khan, as we all know, was composed in a dream after Coleridge took opium.

“So twice five miles of fertile ground, with walls and towers were girdled round; And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, where blossomed many an