



This Contract is hereby concluded between the parties concerned through friendly negotiation as to the construction matters of this project on the principle of equality, voluntariness, fairness and good faith according to the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative laws and regulations.

一、 工程概况:

I. Project Profile:


Project content: Three floors with reinforced concrete structure; construction area: 606M2


Mass construction project shall be attached with a schedule of the contracting projects of the contractor (Annex 1)


Project approval No.: HJJJZ [2006] No.60


Capital source: Foreign capital

二、 工程承包范围

II. Contracting Scope


Contracting scope: Civil engineering, decoration, water and power installation and other projects


VI. Documents Forming Part of the Contract


Documents forming part of the Contract include

1、 本合同协议书

1. The Contract Agreement

2、 中标通知书

2. Bid-winning Notice

3、 投标书及其附件

3. Tender Document and Its Appendix

4、 本合同专用条款

4. Special Terms and Conditions of this Contract

5、 本合同通用条款

5. General Terms and Conditions of this Contract

6、 标准、规范及有关技术文件

6. Standard, Specifications and Relevant Technical Documents

7、 图纸

7. Drawings

8、 工程量清单

8. Bill of Quantities

9、 工程报价或预算书

9. Engineering Bid or Budget Statement


The negotiations, changes and other written agreements or documents between the parties regarding this project are deemed as an integral part of this Contract.


VII. The words in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as are assigned to them in Part II of this Contract – General Terms and Conditions.

八、承包人向发包人承诺按照合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任。 VIII. The contractor promises the employer to construct and complete this project according to the

stipulations of this Contract and assume this project’s quality-guarantee responsibilities within the quality warranty period.


IX. The employer promises the contractor to pay the contract price and other accounts payable according to the term and mode agreed in this Contract.


X. Execution of Contract


The parties in this Contract agree: This Contract shall take effect upon the signatures of legal

representatives or entrusted agents.


Total calendar days in the Contract Period: 90 days







THIS AGREEMENT is made onXX/XX/2011,by and between.

(hereinafter called “The employer”) and _________ Company Ltd.

(hereinafter called “The contractor”).


1. The employer is desirous of carrying out the(hereinafter referred to as “The Works”)

2. The contractor has agreed to execute the said work in strict compliance

with the terms of this Agreement.


1. Commencement: This Agreement shall commence on the date first

above written.

2. Location of work: The employer’s worksite in .

3. Scope of work:The contractor shall undertake

the .

4. Period of completion:

The work shall be completed within a period of days from the date

first above written as commencement date in this agreement.

5. Contract sum:The _________Naira only.

6. Mode of payment:

First installment:The employer shall pay to the contractor ninety five

percent of the total price, i.e. Naira only upon completion of the


Second installment: The employer shall pay to the contractor five percent of the difference of the total price, i.e._________ Naira. only,two weeks later, after the work received has been proved qualified.

7.Penalty for default:

In the event the contractor shall fail to complete the work in time owing to reasons that the contractor shall be held liable, the contractor shall pay a penalty for such default based on one out of a thousand of the total price for installation work per day , i.e._________Naira,only for each day of such default.

8.Increase or decrease of work:

In case the employer has to amend,increase or decrease the working schedule, the corresponding increase or decrease of total price shall be evaluated according to the terms and conditions between the two Parties, Should the work be increased, the Parties shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of additional items. Should any part of the completed work of any part of the materials transported to the site have to be abandoned owing to amendment made by the employer, The employer shall, after having received the work, pay for each completed work or materials abandoned as per the unit price specified to the contractor.

9.Supervision for progress and quantity:

The supervision personnel appointed by the employer and its representative shall have the authority to supervise the progress and quantity of the work and give instruction. The contractor shall perform correctly in

accordance with such instruction given by the employer's personnel or representative. If the work can not achieve the quantity standard from the client, the contractor must redo it without any extra payment and the contractor have to finish the work within the period of the completion.

10.Stopage work:

Should the employer notify the contractor to stop the work for reasons beyond the responsibility of the contractor, the contractor can stop the work and claim from the employer the price of finished work, materials at site and other reasonable expenses to be added or deducted from the paid installments.

11.Custody of work:

The completed work and the materials, tools, and equipment at site shall be under the custody of the contractor after commencement and before completion and delivery of the work. Unless in the event of Force Majeure, the contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage of the work under the custody of the contractor. In case of Force Majeure, the contractor shall give a list of damage according to the actual condition and suggest an expected price and date for recovery from such damage to the employer for checking and payment. Should the employer decide not to continue with the work, this contract shall be terminated according to article 10 hereof.

12. Warranty for work.

The contractor shall warrant the promised condition of the work within _________ year(s) after the date of receiving the work by the employer.

However, the contractor shall not be liable to Acts of God or misuse of the work by the employer.

13.Supplemental provisions:

The contractor shall be held responsible if the contractor's personnel or other people are injured due to the negligence of the contractor during the progress of construction.

14.Attachments :

Attachments shall become an integral part of this Agreement and shall be as effective as any other provisions. Attachments include: (1)Quotation.


15.Format of this Agreement:

The Agreement shall be in duplicate with two texts to be held separately by the Parties hereof. Each of the Parties shall also keep two copies of the contract for record.

16.Additional Provision :

This contract has been executed by the Parties as of the day and year first above written.

The employer: CGC NIGERIA LIMITED The contractor:____________by:_________________ by:_________________Date:_______________ Date:_______________


发包方(简称甲方)Party A:

承包方(简称乙方):Party B:



According to “PRC Contract Law”, “Law on the Protection of Consumer

Interests”, “PRC Price Law”, “Shanghai Supervision of Contract Terms”,

“Shanghai Construction Market Management Regulations”, as well as other laws and regulations relevant to the specific circumstances of this project, parties A and B have hereby equally and voluntarily entered into the following agreement executed on the basis of mutual respect.


1. 甲方装饰物业系合法物业Party A is the owner of the property.

2. 乙方为本市经工商行政管理机关核准登记,并可从事装潢装修的企业

Party B is approved and registered with the city industrial and commercial administrative organs as an enterprise engaged in renovation and decoration.

3. 装饰施工地点Construction site:

4. 建筑结构: 建筑面积 平方米,施工面积 平方米。

Construction area: total area (including stairwells and other common areas): m2, private living area: m2.

5. 装饰施工内容:住宅装饰 Structure: residential.

6. 承包方式:详见附件一<</span>工程估价单>

Contractor engagement method: See annex – (quotation).

7. 总价款:元,大写(人民币): 元整。

Total price: .00RMB; in words:

8. 工期:自 年 月 日开工,至年月日前竣工,工时总计天,不含国家法定节假日,乙方委派现场施工监理为先生,联系方式:

Period: Start: (year)(month)(day); Completion before: (year) (month) (day); Total days (excluding national holidays):days. Party B's on site construction supervisor will be:

二、关于工程付款及结算的约定TERMS OF PAYMENT

1. 工程款的付款方式如下The payment schedule shall be as follows:

付款时间Timing of PaymentsDate (yyyy.mm.dd) Amount (RMB)

合同签订后60?ter the contract is signed.

油漆工进场前30% When half of the project period time has


家具、灯具进场前5% Furniture of lamps and lanterns, before the


验收合格后,五天内5%Upon Acceptance of the completion of the


增加工程项目100% Project changes.

签订工程项目变更单100% Date of signing for the project change.

空调工程项目100% Air conditioning project

家具工程项目100% Furniture engineering


1. 乙方提供的材料:乙方供应的材料、设备,如不符合设计、施工要求,应禁止使用。如已使用,对工程造成的损失由乙方负责。如甲方要另增加材料由甲方供应,并应符合下列规定:

Material provided by Party B: Any materials or equipment supplied by Party B which do not meet the design and construction requirements are prohibited. Any extra

materials requested by Party A which were not in the original design must be paid for by Party A.

2. 甲方提供的材料:另拟补充附件<</span>甲方提供材料、设备表>


Material provided by Party A: (see the annex: “Table of Materials to be provided by the Owner”). If Party A acquires materials for the project, it should first check with Party B that the materials match to the design requirements, and once the materials are in the care of Party B, then Party B is responsible for the materials. If Party A requires some materials which do not fit to the design then it shall be the responsibility of Party A to pay any additional costs incurred by Party B.


1. 本工程应符合<</span>建筑装饰工程技术规程>和市建设行政主管部门制定的其它地方标准\质量评定验收标准

The execution of this project must be consistent with the “Architectural and Engineering Rules” of the city administrative departments responsible for the development of buildings and local standards and quality evaluation acceptance criteria.

2. 本工程由乙方进行设计,提供施工图纸一式两份,双方签字确认

Party B must provide a duplicate copy of the construction designs and drawings, and both copies should be signed by both parties.

3. 甲方提供的材料、设备质量不合格而影响工程质量,其返工费用由甲方承担,工期相应顺延

If materials provided by Party A for the construction do not meet the necessary requirements, Party A shall bear responsibility for any resulting delays in the completion in the project.

4. 由于乙方原因造成质量事故,其返工费用由乙方承担

If the quality of Party B's work results in any accidents, the liability for such accidents shall be the responsibility of Party B.

5. 在施工过程中,甲方提出设计修改意见及增减工程项目,须提前与乙方联系,在双方签订<</span>工程项目变更单>后,方能进行该项目的施工、因此影响工程竣工日期的,责任由甲方承担。凡甲方私自与施工人员商定更改施工内容、增加施工项目所引起的一切后果,甲方自负,给乙方造成损失的,甲方应予赔偿

If, during the construction, Party A wishes to propose a change to the design, he should sign a “Change of Project” with Party B and must assume responsibility for resulting delays or increase in costs. If Party A secretly attempts to change to design directly with the construction personnel and this action causes loss to Party B, then Party A must compensate Party B for this loss.

6. 工程验收:乙方负责理隐蔽工程和中间工程的检查与验收手续。由乙方组织专门人员进行验收。一切理隐蔽工程和中间工程的质量由乙方负责

The standard of work. It is the responsibility of Party B to make sure that all construction works are carried out to the requirements of the design and to make sure that all internal walls and hidden construction parts are to the required standard.

7. 工程竣工:乙方完工后即应通知甲方验收,甲方应在竣工当日组织验收,并办理验收移交手续,双方签<</span>工程质量验收单>。如果甲方在规定时间内不能组织验收,须及时通知乙方,另定验收日期。如通过竣工验 收,甲方应承认原竣工日期,并承担因此造成的乙方的看管费用和其他相关费用

Project completion. Party B must notify Party A when the project is complete and ready for inspection by Party A. After inspection both parties must sign an

“Engineering Quality Acceptance” document. If Party A is not available to inspect the construction site on the completion date, he must notify Party B of the soonest available date. Where Party A is not available on the completion date to retake custody of the location, he must pay any extra costs incurred by Party B.

8. 工程保修期一年。工程竣工验收后甲、



One year warranty. After completion of the work and signing of the “Single Warranty”, there shall be a one year warranty on the construction.