


A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.

【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不计划吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我特别好吃的东西。”接着他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果处。

Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my

breakfast.'' He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you

understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.'' The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.

狐狸和公鸡 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一侄耀鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得很好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡特别开心。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,。公鸡跑到了树底下。

给你三篇,你选一篇吧. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry

because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."

【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫特别老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 于是,老妇特别生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了特别多年,还而且愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。”

A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果,他说:“我不计划吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我特别好吃的东西。”接着他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到苹果,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果处。 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid." 【译文】 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好好友。一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里。特别多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家瞧瞧。”于

是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。它把全部最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为啥住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,而且会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家瞧瞧。” 乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去。房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了。可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见特别大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来。 过了一会儿,他们出来了。当他们出来时,乡下老鼠说:“我不喜欢住在城里,我喜欢住在田野我的洞里。因为这样虽然苹穷但是快乐自在,比起虽然富有却要过着提心吊胆的生活来说,要好些。”


Unit 1

**1、这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。(live in fear of)

The village is so close to the border that the villagers lived in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.


1) In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.


Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.

4、天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。(show signs of; call upon)

The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.

5、这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播。(be cncerned about ;

at least )

The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.

Unit 4

**6、随着她个人生活的细节越来越多地被媒体披露出来,她不得不辞去公司总经理的职务。(compel) As more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she was compelled to resign her post as general manager (or: resign as general manager/ resign from the post of general manager) of the company. **7、她对自己的新工作很满意,因为这份工作正好与她的兴趣相符。(coincide with)

She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.


I bought this shirt because the pricet was reduced from 300 yuan to 80 yuan.

**9|、因为腿部受伤,我没有参加上个月学校举行的网球锦标赛。(go in for)

I did not go in for the Campus Tennis Championships held last month because of my injured leg.

Unit 5

10、她是一位很能干的家庭主妇,但喜欢冲动购物,厨房的橱柜里总是塞满了乱七八糟、最终只会被丢弃的东西。(impulse ; discard)

She is a very capable housewife but she likes to purchase things on impulse. Her kitchen cabinets are always full of clutter that will eventually be discarded.

11、大学生应该有决心过节俭生活,不要和别人比阔气或追求时尚;要知道:只有注意存小钱,才会积累出大钱。(resolve ;keep up with the Joneses)

University students should have the resolve to live a frugal lifestyle and should not try to keep up with the Joneses or follow trends and fads. They should know that only when you mind the pennies will the dollars take care of themselves.

**12、这两处签名十分相似,即使是有经验的专家恐怕也难辨别出它们之间的差别。(be all of a piece ) The two signatures appear all of a piece. Even experienced experts may find it difficult to identify any difference between them.

13、老人生前立下遗嘱,要把全部的积蓄作为奖学金献给我们学校,他的决定得到了子女们的认可。(give away ;sanction)

The old man made a will before his death, giving away all his savings to our school as scholarships, a decision sanctioned by his children. ;sanction)

14、那个医生向他的病人保证,只要他连续服用这种药三个月,一日三次,他的病就彻底好了。(without interruption)

The doctor assured his patient that if he took the medicine three times a day for three months without interruption, he would recover from the illness for good.

**15、要想在技术创新方面超过别人,我们必须时刻掌握科学技术领域所有的新思想和新发展。(keep track of)

If we want to excel others in technological innovation, we must keep track of all the new ideas and developments in the field of science and technology.

Unit 6

**16、这位驻联合国大使被授权代表本国政府,处理与该国相关的所有外交事务。(invest with)

.The ambassador to the UN was invested with full authority to deal with the foreign affairs concerning his country on half of his government

**17、在火车上我一直在想期末考试的结果,直到乘务员提醒我目的地已经到了。(all the way ;preoccupied with)

All the way on the train I had been preoccupied with the result of the term examination until the conductor reminded me of the arrival of my destination.

**18、虽然车祸死亡名单中没有她丈夫的名字,但她仍不停地在屋内走来走去,急切地盼望他早点回到家里。(to and fro)

Although her husband’s name did not appear on the list of people who died in the traffic accident, she kept walking to and fro in the room ,anxious to see him back home sooner.

**19、我正准备把合同翻译成英语,突然意识到合同涉及的双方都是中国公司。(set out to do ;dawn upon)

20、他的油画取材于亘古永存的神话故事,反映了那个时期欧洲人的鉴赏趣味。(timeless fairy story ;exemplify;taste)

His painting drawing on the timeless fairy stories, exemplified the Eouropean’s taste of that period.

**21、她从小就努力按照父母的教导去生活,形成了一整套为人处世的行为准则。(live by;accumulate) From childhood, she lived by her parents’ teachings and accumulated a set of behavior.

Unit 7

**22、林教授用华盛顿及林肯的故事做例子,向学生们说明诚实的重要性。(in respect to)

Professor Lin told students stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest.

23、王博士读书时习惯在页边空白处(the margin)作注释。(have the habit of)

**24、 有时有趣的是,随着时间的推移,一些费而不用的词有时会有新意而再被用起来。

It is interesting that with the passage of time, some words which have fallen into disuse may sometimes be revived with a new meaning.

**25、看样子已经没有达成协议的可能了,因此双方决定终止谈判。(break off)

There seemed no chance of reaching an agreement, therefore both parties / sides decided to break off negotiations. **26、 广泛的调查和采访让史密斯小姐接触到了那个国家的人民,了解到了他们各种各样的生活方式。(put in touch with)

Extensive investigations and interviews put Miss Smith in touch with a whole range of the people of that country and their life styles.

**25没错,我们的工作是取得了一些进步,不过我们必须注意不要被自己的成绩冲昏了头脑。(be carried away)

It is true that we’ve made some progress in our work but we must take care not to be carried away by our achievements.



A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some


当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好贫饮,他说:“我不计划吃那些贫饮,因为富人会给我(本文来自:wwW.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:一个真实的故事英语如何翻译)更多的食物,他会给我特别好吃的东西。”接着他拿起贫饮,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到贫饮,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果。

英语寓言故事带翻译 other time. 【译文】