










Why is public speaking important?

Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that public speaking isn't important. It would be as silly as saying that you'll never need algebra or geometry in your life. Of course these things are important! And if you think public speaking is important only in obscure or abstract ways, it's time to think again. Indeed, learning how to become an effective public speaker can be the key difference between success and failure in your life at home, at work and in your own community!

But, despite this fact, people are always asking themselves and others, "Why is public speaking important? Why do I need it? What's the use? What's the purpose?"

This article is designed to answer those questions and help you to put the importance of public speaking in the right perspective!

Understanding Why Public Speaking Is So Important

There are a multitude of reasons that public speaking is important. Take a good look at the handful of them we've collected for you and then ask yourself why you think public speaking is so vital to society.

By learning how to effectively speak in public, you'll be able to increase your own self-confidence. Since public speaking is one of the most prevalent fears in the western world, by enabling yourself to master this difficult skill you'll have the confidence that you need to meet and greet future challenges.Public speaking regularly (and well) helps to make you more comfortable around other people, including strangers. Once you're capable of greeting and instructing an entire room full of strangers (or at least most of them strangers), it'll be nothing to smile and shake hands and meet new individ(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:公众演讲的重要性)uals in more personal and less threatening circumstances.

Public speaking will help fine-tine your everyday verbal and non-verbal communication skills. This is especially true for people who spend a great deal of time working with the written word, and have forgotten how to properly vocalize their messages to get their points across best.

It's important because at some point in life, just about everyone will be required to involve themselves in one type of public speaking or another. Accepting this fact quickly and preparing for it accordingly will help you wind up a step ahead of your competition at work, home and around town!

For obvious reasons, the ability to dive into public speaking and related communication skills are a big winner among prospective employers, and are also a great way to snag that promotion you've been awaiting for such a long time. Public speaking ability is a true career booster. In fact, both undergraduate and graduate Business school alumni who attended the University of Minnesota placed oral communication at the top of a list of skills that were relevant to overall job success.

Using public speaking effectively will allow you to make a difference in your business, community and perhaps even the world. By sharing your information with others, you're better able to increase the impact of your hopes, dreams, desires and goals for your life and the world around you.

Because by the time you've learned to embody the importance of public speaking, you'll have learned another key principle. We can better persuade people when we are able to appeal to them as human beings that have emotions, desires and thoughts just like we do. This is the difference between distinguishing between simple an audience of bosses, employees or clients and transforming them in your mind into people with real problems, hopes, fears, dreams and desires.

Using public speaking to get your message across is a great way to humanize it, regardless of what that message may be!

Public speaking is often a powerful way to make a good impression on others and to help bridge gaps in understanding, cooperation and set goals and objectives.

The skills you'll glean by learning the art of public speaking can boost your performance and value in just about any arena - home, office or life at large. Learning to master public speaking early is a great way for students to perform better in college, as well as offer them greater opportunities to be accepted into their top choice schools.

Public speaking is by nature important because it's a primary and powerful avenue to give of your self and to share with others in a profitable way. Whether you're truly offering free advice, or trying to convince your audience that you do really know what they're talking about, public speaking is a perfect avenue for compelling give and take that is hard to match any other way.

And these are hardly all of the reasons that public speaking is important. Given enough time and effort, you could probably make a list that spans across several typed pages. The point remains, though, that public speaking IS an essential ingredient to a successful, empowered life. If you can master the finer points of public speaking, there's a fairly good chance you'll be able to tackle and master other opportunities and obstacles that come your way. So, do whatever you can to prepare yourself to be a better public speaker. Don't let yourself be like the majority of Americans and Brits who are more afraid of giving a public address than they are of dying!

Embrace the opportunity to share your message with the world, and to, through your audience, make a real impact on a local, state, national or global level.

篇三:公共演说的重要性(三) Why Public Speaking Is So Important-

公共演说的重要性(三) Why Public Speaking Is So Important? Opportunities on the job


When you apply for a job, youlearn the skills necessary to do that job. Employers want the employees who notonly know their field but also can effectively communicate. In fact, promotionsmay be based on an employee's ability to communicate effectively with others.As a result, many business people must make presentations within their owncompanies and must participate in community and social functions that requirespeaking and listening skills. Many companies spend a lot of money annually onworkshops to improve employees' speaking and listening skills. The number ofspeaking opportunities in business and industry shows why speech training is soimportant. When a salesperson demonstrates how a product works to potential customers,public speaking skills are essential. A sales meeting, a banquet, and a staffmeeting are opportunities for employees to advance their careers through publicspeaking. Because public speaking is so much a part of the business world. By listening well, you will learnmore quickly and handle your job more effectively.
