

Put yourself in others’ shoes

Ladies and gentlemen:

It’s my honor to stand here to give you a speech. And I’ll ask you some questions at the beginning. Have you ever argued with your friends or you parents? Why did you argue with them at that time? Think about it, and then keep your answer in your mind.

Let’s imagine. One day, when you go past your best friends’ seat, you accidentally push his glasses to the ground, which are crashed immediately. It is very common but he starts shouting at you and even hit you! What will you do at the moment? Will you get angry or hit back or just say,”Have you got mad?” Now the situation is serious, what you choose to do controlls what will happen next. If you behave as above, you’ll probably get into a fight and your friendship might not exist forever. Only do something wisely can you solve it. Now my suggestion turns out: put yourself in others’ shoes. Think why he reacts violently, say ”sorry” instantly and express your care politely. If he still shouts at you, you should skip and go back when he is not angry anymore. Then ask him why. As you can see, if you put yourself in others’ shoes, you will resolve conflicts easily.

I can promise that if you listen to me carefully just now, you will have the key to settle every problem between friends. After all staying in a good friendship like nothing has happened is the best solution. So when you have problem dealing with others, why don’t you just put yourself in others’ shoes?


harmonious society the chinese civilization has given prominence to harmonious ocean, unity and

mutual cooperation. back in the early days of the chinese nation, the chinese already

advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and

nature, among countries and between mans body and soul, and yearned for a peace

world .today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. it is a society

of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, vitality, stability,

order and harmony between man and nature. it is a society where there is unity between

the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and

vitality and order. on the harmony and love, we feel the most when we donate money and goods, when

we donate blood with the expression of calm ... ... as an ordinary student, as a member

of naval university of engineering, a member of love in here with a new interpretation:

it is a considerate look or smile to each other, it is a helping hand when someone

falls down, it is a reminder before going out, it is the heart of caring of friends,

down to earth and self-dedication to serve our motherland .篇二:回报社会英语演讲



now,we are young,so ihope we can study hard.not in order to repay parents, not

in order to repay the teacher, but in order to repay more and more peaple. 现在我


是为了报答更多更多的人。 during the summer vacation, i played five days in


factory work, and i find a terrible things, later if i still to work to do that,it

is too bad. not make the work into high and low, everyone in the society has contributed, only contribution to human is different ,

such as einstein and shichuanxiang, they both make contributions to society, but its

contribution is different. ceramic export only earn a little money, and only to solve

their own food and clothing. 在这个暑假我打了5天的工,发现了一件很可怕的事情,如


献不同,就像时传祥和爱迪生,他们都在为社会做贡献,但是贡献却不同。we all hope that

the people around because we exist and can be more happiness, but when we can only

do something for our

livelihood,and those unfortunate people were still suffer at thethe bottom in

the social, they did not because the existence of you and be able to look at the sun,

and when you also found this, you will be sorry. 我们都希望周围的人能够因为我们的


挣扎,他们并没有因为你的存在而得以看看太阳,并且当你也发现这点,你就会更加难过。therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy, when we will be able to change destiny,

study hard, improve our own quality, improve our own cultural level, is not only for

our future can well-fed glut, more important is to be able to do our best contribution

in the society, to realize their own value. 所以为了避免悲剧,在我们能改变命运的


忧,更重要的是能够在社会上最大限度地贡献,能够实现自己的自身价值。 hope the workers’ work becouse us to be more easily and safely, social system

can because of us to be more perfect, let more people enjoy freedom, equality, and

enjoy life希望有一天工人们的工作能够因为我们更加安全、轻松,社会制度能够因为我们

而更加完善,让更多的人享受到自由、平等,享受生活。篇三:和谐社会英语演讲稿.doc my interpretation of a harmonious society distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen:good morning/afternoon!the title of my speech today is: a harmonious society. to share my interpretation

of a harmonious society, i’d like to start with an interesting fable about the

difference between hell and heaven. the story is this: in the hell, there is a group

of people around the table to eat. the table is filled with all kinds of rich food,

but the only shortage is that their hands are holding 10-meter-long chopsticks. as

the chopsticks are too long, they can not take food to their mouth, so they all starve.

however, in heaven, there are also a group of people eating around the table, and

the chopsticks in their hands are also very long. but, with the long chopsticks, people

in heaven do not take the food into their own mouths but the mouths of others. with

each other’s help, everybody can enjoy the food, and live a happy life. 1when we talk about love, it not only means the love among family members, the

love between lovers, but also means the love among strangers. if we want to build

a harmonious society, we must give love as soon as possible, not just “take” love.

we should consider every person as our family member and friend. we ought to help

those who are in trouble. if you care for everyone, then everyone will care for you.

on the contrary, few people will be satisfied, and fewer people will be happy. and

our society will never be harmonious. the harmonious society is such a beautiful society i can’t even imagine. but

now, we have to face many things in our society that are not harmonious. the orphan

is crying alone quietly. the child too poor to go to school is looking at the school

gate with great expectation. the corrupt official is drinking the people’s blood.

the selfish businessman is making counterfeit products. if everyone is so careless,

we will find ourselves farther and farther away from the harmonious society. that’s all, thank you! 2篇四:harmonious society 和谐社会英语演讲稿 harmonious society there are several characteristics of the harmonious society, that is, democracy

and the rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity and fraternity, vitality,

stability and order, harmony between man and nature. first and foremost, the establishment of the harmonious society depends on how we do by our society. as is known to all, society

is made up of our fellow mans, it is not the struggle of a single person but the endeavor

of all of us that eventually lead to the development of our society. living in the

society, we all with no exception have the holy responsibility and obligatory duty

to devote our effort so as to boost it to be more flourishing.

in the next place, the rapprochement relationship between different people is

also an indispensable part of a harmonious society. it is true that we all live in

the same star, under our feet is the same soil. consequently, we ought to assist with

each other and think of others. as to the individual, rather than scolding and

censuring others, i think that one should be concerned about the people around him.

in short, we are supposed to be grateful to others. “do as you would be done by others”,

if we always bear this meaningful saying in mind, i firmly believe that our life will

be more substantial and our society will be an warm family for us to live in.in the third place, the socialist democratic and legal system must be further

improved; the fundamental principle of administering the country according to the

law must be generally implemented; peoples rights andinterests shall enjoy concrete respect and be guaranteed. to achieve this, we

shall develop a socialist democracy and thus administer the country according to the

rule of law; we shall enable the broad masses of people to participate in economic,

political, cultural and social management; we shall constantly improve the legal

system, ensure judicialjustice and safeguard judicial authority so as to concretely respect and protect

peoples economic,

political, cultural and social rights and interests and protect human rights and

property rights.

restructuring and innovation of systems and basically set up the social security

system covering both urban and rural residents.fifth, creativity of society as a whole will be enhanced markedly and an

innovation-based nation will be last but not the least, the importance of our nature also cannot be ignored. in

the past, the over development of industry has done harm to the nature and spend too

much natural resources with no hope of the future. but to our relief, modern people

have fully realized that it is necessary to protect our nature. resources will be

used more efficiently and the ecological environment will be improved visibly. to

achieve this objective, we shall speed up our pace to change patterns of economic

growth and reduce our overall consumption level of energy and other resources; we

shall focus on resolving the environmental and ecological problems which endanger people’s health and affect sustainable development, thus enabling

people to have clean water, fresh air and safe, healthy food; we shall make new

progress in building a resource conserving and environmentally friendly society.to sum up,the formation of the harmonious society is not something that can be

achieved within a short period of time. the participation of the whole society under

the leadership of the party is also important. we shall follow a scientific and

democratic path of administration in accordance with laws, and unite all forces

available so as to create a harmonious society where everyone shares the

responsibilities as well as achievements. only by our joint effort can we reach the

goal of building our society to be a harmonious one.篇五:和谐社会英文演讲稿 leaders, distinguished judges, and friends:hello, everybody!

title of my speech today is: a harmonious society. there is a very interesting fable that is the difference between hell and heaven. the story is this: in the prison, there is a group of people around

the table to eat, the table is filled with all kinds of rich food, the only shortage

is that their hands are holding 10-meter-long chopsticks.with the chopsticks they

took food to their mouth, but can not get. so they all starve. in heaven, there are

a group of people around the table eating, chopsticks in hand are also very long,

but the food is not into their own mouth but the mouth of others’,they all eat meals,

and everybody is happy.my high school teacher told me the story and now think of this story, i also have

a deeper understanding and feeling. love is so important, it is not only the needs

of human beings to each other, ir is the foundation for a now, let us review the spirit of that culture.the chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and(本文来自:wwW.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:换个角度看问题英语演讲稿) respect for peoples dignity and value. centuries ago, the chinese

already pointed out that “people are the foundation of a country; when the foundation

is stable, the country is in peace.” nothing is more valuable in the universe than

human beings. we are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development .we

care about peoples value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential

and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the


the chinese civilization has always given prominence tothe chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. back in the early days of the chinese nation,

the chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between mans body

and soul, and yearned for an ideal society .today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. it is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity,

vitality, stability, order and harmony between man and nature. it is a society where

there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness

and efficiency, and vitality and order. most of us are ordinary people, we like the

most ordinary way to

express ourselves. on the harmony and love, we feel the most when we donate money

and goods, when we donate blood with the expression of calm ... ... as an ordinary student, as a member of jinzhong teachers college,

a member of love in here with a new interpretation: it is a considerate look or smile

to each other, it is a helping hand when someone falls down, it is areminder before going out, it is the heart of caring of friends, down to earth

and self-dedication to serve our motherland.中文翻译:


今天我演讲的题目是:和谐社会有这样一个非常有趣的寓言故事,说的是地狱与天堂的区别究竟在哪 里.故事是这样的:在地

狱中,有这样一群人围着桌子吃饭,桌子上摆满了各种丰盛的食物,唯 一不足的是他们的手上

就这样天长日久他们人人挨饿,个个愁眉苦脸,面黄肌瘦.在天堂里,也 有一群人围着桌子吃饭,


他们手里的筷子也同样的很长很长,但是他们夹着食物并不往自己的 嘴里送,而是送到了对方的嘴里,所以他们人人饱食,个个开心. 这个故事是辅导员讲给我听的,现在想起这个故事,我又有了更深的理 解和感受.爱,是如此的重要,它不仅仅是人类彼此的需要,他更是人类建设和谐社会的基



刚过去的感动中国的颁奖晚会中,爱心做为弘扬民族文化精神的主旋律,再一次得到了展现. 现在,让我们来重温那民族文化精神。中华文明历来注重以民为本,人民的尊严和价值的尊重。几个世纪前,中国已经指出,



发展潜能和幸福指数,要实现全面发展的人。 中华文明历来注重自强不息,改进,改革和创



们的毅力,决心,毅力和创新多亏中华民族长大后,幸存的无数挫折和逆 境。这表明中国人民在国家发展和伟大的毅力在前进道路上克服困难的进取精神和改革

开放的创造力。而这一切体现了不懈的自我完善在中国的文化传统所体现的精神。 中华文








焦桥镇中心小学董蕾 刚送走了毕业班的学生,六年的朝夕相处,让我和这群孩子们产生了很深的感情。六年的学习生活让我对孩子们的性格、爱好、学习特点也有了极为深入的了解。通过镇上的教学工作会议,反思自己的教学,让我对很多问题都有了很深的看法。特别是让我对于后进生的转化有了新的感悟,并坚定了转化的信心。




2. 针对小索胆子小,不敢发言表达的特点,我布置他完成听录音模仿并录音的作业,没有了大庭广众之下的紧张,录音迫使他对于听录音的作业完成更加认真了,在他有了明显的进步之后在全班播放录音,小索的自信心也有了显著提高。读课文变得流畅了,背课文的难题也逐渐攻克。

3. 针对小索惰性强,做事情不能坚持,注意力时间短的特点我发挥学习小组的互助优势,让小组同学帮助他、监督他、鼓励他,作业能坚持完成了。在歌曲推荐、课本剧表演的场景中叶能看到小索的身影了……经过长期的努力小索的英语能力和成绩有了明显的提高,最终以满意的成绩迈入中学的校门。


