


这首雄壮有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学校的教员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。针对临考冲刺设计,快速提高效率、提高成绩。用心打造科学备考冲刺方案,内容少而精,直指高考高频考点和解题方法,是考前冲刺提分的好帮手。......篇二:介绍劳动节英语作文 五一劳动节的英文介绍五一劳动节的英文介绍labor day, the first monday in september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength五一劳动节的由来, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

founder of labor daymore than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.

labor’s day is on may 1st. labor’s day is an international day for workers. working is glorious, and we should respect workers. the labor’s day is workers’ holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. many people choose to travel. and some others will go to the cinema. some will go to parks. and others will stay at home.五一的由来

labor day: how it came about; what it meanslabor day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country五一节," said samuel gompers, founder and longtime president of the american federation of labor. "all other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man"s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power劳动节放假, of glories achieved by one nation over another. labor day??is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."


共2页,当前第1页1五一劳动节的英文介绍 相关内容:五一劳动节诗歌春风春雨把原野拂绿 惊起一层漫漫绿色。

高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌的景色。

黄金周从1999年“十一”正式开始。当时国务院专门出台了文件,其主旨还在于刺激消费、拉动内需。由于国庆大庆以及天气等原因,1999年“十一”期间的旅游并不火爆。 春天是出游的好时光,2000年“五一”黄金周,人们利用长假,纷纷出游。



五一劳动节的历史 五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。









劳动节的英文介绍:labor day, the first monday in september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength,prosperity, and well-being of our country.

founder of labor day more than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. some records show that peter j. mcguire, general secretary of the brotherhood of carpenters and joiners and a cofounder of the american federation of labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.





5月1日,国际劳动节,它是全世界工人阶级斗争的历史纪念,每个国家都很重视它,尤其是美国、加拿大、南非。1886年5月1日,以美国芝加哥为中心,美国大约有35万工人不顾反动军警的血腥镇压,实行了大规模的罢工和示威游行,要求改善劳动条件,实行八小时工作制。美国工人的英勇斗争得到了全世界各国工人阶级的支援,迫使资本家接受了工人提出的 每天工作八小时 的要求。为了纪念这次胜利,显示 全世界无产者,联合起来 的伟大力量,1889年7月,第二次国际代表大会决定把5月1日作为国际劳动节。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。

in 1904, the international socialist conference meeting in amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹) called on all social-democratic party organizations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on may first for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace. as the most effective way of demonstrating was by striking, the congress made it mandatory upon the proletarian organizations of all countries to stop work on may 1, wherever it is

possible without injury to the workers.






1. Beijing, China 北京


Beijing, capital of the People's Republic of China, is the nation's political, economic, cultural, educational and international trade and communication center. Located in northern China, close to the port city of Tianjin and partially surrounded by Hebei Province, Beijing also serves as the most important transportation hub and port of entry in China. Beijing, one of the six ancient cities in China, has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history and consequently there is an unparalleled wealth of discovery to delight

and intrigue travelers as they explore Beijing's ancient past and

exciting modern development. Now it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with about 140 million Chinese tourists

and 4.4 million international visitors in a year.

2. Shanghai,China 上海


Shanghai, Hu for short, is a renowned international metropolis drawing more and more attention from all over the world. Situated on the estuary

of Yangtze River, Shanghai serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, cultural, science and technology center in East China. Also it is a popular tourist destination, visitors can sense the pulsating development of modern China.

In addition to its modernization, Shanghai's multicultural

flair endows Shanghai with a unique glamour. Here, one finds the perfect blend of cultures, the modern and the traditional , and the western and the oriental. New skyscrapers and old Shikumen lanes together draw the skyline of Shanghai. Western customs and Chinese traditions intertwined,

form Shanghai's culture, making a visitor's stay truly memorable.

3. Xian,China 西安


Xian, located in central-northwest China, records the great changes of the country just like a living history book. Called Chang'an (meaning the eternal city) in ancient times, Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient Chinese civilization in the Yellow River Basin area. As the eastern terminal of the Silk Road and the site of the famous Terracotta Warri(转载自:www.xiaocaOfaNWen.com 小草 范 文 网:五一劳动节英文介绍)ors of the Qin Dynasty, Xian has won a reputation all over the world. More than 3,000 years of history including over 1,100 years as the capital city of ancient dynasties, have endowed Xian with an amazing historical heritage. Tourists marvel at the numerous historical sites and cultural relics in and around the city.

Known as the leading city of China's Western Development Drive Program since 1990s, Xian is an important economic, cultural, industrial and educational center of the central-northwest region, providing visitors with modern and convenient facilities.

4. Guangzhou (Canton),China 广州


Guangzhou (Canton), a prosperous metropolis full of vigor, is the

capital city of Guangdong Province located along the south coastline of China. Being an excellent port on the Pearl River navigable to the South China Sea, and with fast accessibility to Hong Kong and Macau, Guangzhou serves as the political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural center in Guangdong area.

Being the first cities benefited from China's Reform and Opening Up policy since 1978, Guangzhou acts as the pioneer of the economic development of the country, with thousands of large, small and medium-sized enterprises, which offer more job opportunities and make the city a heavily populated area. The city is especially prosperous in commerce, tourism, dining, finance and real estate. For travelers, Guangzhou shows much attraction through its famous sights such as the Five Ram Statue in Yuexiu Park, Pearl River and White Cloud Mountain.

5. Guilin,China 桂林


'East or west, Guilin landscape is best!' Located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China, Guilin is considered to be the pearl of China's thriving tourist industry on account of the natural

beauty and historic treasures. Covering an area of about 27,800 square kilometers (10,734 square miles), the city is rather compact when compared with other major tourist cities in the country. The stunning landscape in which the city is situated has a kind of magic that is all its own. The strangely shaped hills or karsts, with the verdant vegetation ranging from bamboos to conifers together with crystal clear waters and wonderful caves make Guilin such an appealing destination. Guilin is also an important cultural city with a history of more than 2,000 years. The city has been the political, economic and cultural center of Guangxi since the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). You can refer to Guilin History to know

more about the vicissitudes of the city.

6. Lhasa,China 拉萨


Lhasa is rightly one of the most featured and dreamt-about cities in the world. This is not only because of its high altitude at 3,650 meters (11,975 feet) which means remoteness and limited accessibility, but also because of its over 1,000 years' cultural and spiritual history which leaves an impressive heritage that has helped to create the romantic and mysterious Tibetan religion.

Differing from the inland cities and other places in Tibet, Lhasa is unique with an allure all of its own. In the Tibetan language, Lhasa means the Holy Land or the Buddha Land. It is the center of Tibet's politics, economy and culture. The city has also been appointed as one of the 24 historical and cultural cities of China. The splendor and grandeur of the Potala Palace in Lhasa remains a world-famous symbol of the enigmatic power of politics and religion in this region.

As the beautiful capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), Lhasa is situated in the South Central part of the region, on the North bank of the Kyichu River (Lhasa River) in a mountain-fringed valley. This ancient sprawling city, settled 1,300 years ago, covers 30,000 square kilometers (11,583 square miles), with a population of 400,000, of which 87 percent are Tibetans. The urban population is 180,000.

Generally the period from March to October is the best time to visit Tibet. Since Lhasa is located at such a high altitude it is wise to be prepared before starting your journey. Generally speaking, due to the large temperature differences during any given day in Tibet, warm clothes should be taken to keep away the cold. However, because it also receives a great deal of sunshine, sunglasses, suntan oil, and a sun hat are indispensable

items if you're traveling anywhere in Tibet.

Currently there are three options for travel to Tibet, by plane, by road and by train.

1. Taking the plane is a comfortable and timesaving option, but offers little time for you to acclimatise to the altitude; this may cause sickness.

2. Taking the bus along one of five highways that have been opened-up for tourists' use. This will take longer but will enable you to see the amazing scenery en route. Furthermore, taking extra time allows for a more gradual acclimatization to the altitude.

3. Taking the train, is a fabulous new option, giving the opportunity to see hitherto unseen mountain scenery. With the operation of Tibet Railway from July 1st, 2006, more and more tourist have swarmed into Tibet via the great Tibet train.'

One word of warning: although there is a gradually increasing tourism industry in Lhasa, it is a city with many difficulties yet to be overcome due to its unique location and geography. Please bear in mind that traveling in Lhasa, as well as in Tibet on the whole, is more challenging than in any other part of China.