




(一) 直接引用

1. 引用中的省略

原始资料的引用:在正文中直接引用时,应给出作者、年份,并用带括号的数字标出页码。若有任何资料省略,使用英文时,应用3个省略号在句中标出(?),中文用6个(??);若两句间的资料省略,英文应用4个省略号标出(‥‥),中文用6个(??)。若要在直接引用插入自己的解释,应使用方括号[ ]。若在资料中有什么错误拼写、错误语法或标点错误会使读者糊涂,应在引用后立即插入[sic],中文用[原文如此]。下面是一些示例:

例一:The DSM IV defines the disorder [dysthymic] as being in a chronically depressed mood that occurs for "most of the day more days than not for at least two years (Criterion A) .... In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum duration is only one year" (APA, 1994, p. 345).

例二:Issac (1995) states that bipolar disorder "is not only uncommon but may be the most diagnostic entity in children and adolescents in similar settings .... and may be the most common diagnosis in adolescents who are court-remanded to such settings" (p.275).



当英文引用超过40字时,不使用引号,而使用“块”的形式(引用起于新的一行,首行缩进5个空格,左对齐,之后每行都缩进)。 Elkind (1978) states:

In general, our findings support Piaget's view that perceptions as well as intelligence are neither entirely inborn nor entirely

innate but are rather progressively constructed through the

gradual development of perceptual regulations. The chapter has

also attempted to demonstrate the applicability of Piaget's

theory to practical issues by summarizing some research growing

out of an analysis of beginning reading. (p.183)




a.英文文献:In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000)

described the method?Walker also found?。



2. 单一作者

a. 英文文献:姓氏(出版或发表年代)或(姓氏,出版或发表年代)。 例如:Porter (2001)?或?(Porter, 2001)。

b. 中文文献:姓名(出版或发表年代)或(姓名,出版或发表年代)。 例如:杨惠中(2011)?或?(杨惠中,2011)。



中文引用时,在圆括号内使用两名作者的姓名,并用顿号“、”来连接,在正文中,使用 “和”、“与”、“及”等字连接两名作者。


(Smith & Jones, 1994), or Smith and Jones (1994) found....

In 1994 Smith and Jones researched.... Always cite both names in text. 陈国华和田兵(2008)认为?或?(陈国华、田兵,2008)


英文第一次引用参考资料时,列出所有的作者的姓氏,除最后一名作者之前在正文中使用逗号加“and”、在圆括号内使用逗号加“&”连接外,之前的其他作者之间使用逗号“,”;之后引用时,英文用第一个作者的姓随之以“et al.”。



Strasburger, Jorgensen, and Randles (1996) found differences.... (第一次使用).

Strasburger et al. (1996) also created tests.... (在段落中第二次使用).

Starsburger et al. found discrepancies.... (此时省略年份).




使用英文时,只用第一个人的姓氏加“et al.”;使用中文时,只列出第一名作者的姓名,再加上“等”。


Pouliquen et al. (2003)??或??(Pouliquen et al., 2003)




使用英文时,第一次引用时,拼出团体,比如, (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1996);以后用团体缩写加年份表示,比如,The NIMH (1996) examined....。


当一部作品没有作者时,在文中引用参考文献目录单中的前几个字(通常是标题)和年份。比如,一项关于成年人抑郁症的调查(“Study Finds”, 1997)报告??。

当某作品的作者列为“Anonymous”、中文使用“匿名”或“无名氏”时,英文引用时用“Anonymous”加逗号及年份,即(Anonymous, 1997),中文用“匿名”加逗号及年份,即(匿名,1997)。



例如:R. D. Luce (1995) and G. E. Luce (1988)?。


a. 多篇文献,同一作者



1)A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b).

2)Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism


文献依姓氏字母(笔画)、出版年代等顺序排列,不同作者之间用分号“;”分开,相同作者不同年代之文献用逗号“,” 分开。

例如:?(Pautler, 1992; Razik & Swanson, 1993a, 1993b)。


II. 参考文献







[1] 陈福康(2000)。《中国译学理论史稿》[M]。上海: 上海外语教育出版社。

[2] Booth, C.(1983). The Rhetoric of Fiction [M]. England: Penguin Books.


[3] 周兆祥 (1996a)。《翻译人与人生》[M]。香港: 商务印书馆。

[4] 周兆祥 (1996b)。《翻译初阶》[M]。香港: 商务印书馆。

[5] Newmark, P.(1988a). Approaches to Translation [M]. London: Prentice

Hall International Ltd..

[6] Newmark, P.(1988b). A Textbook of Translation [M]. London: Prentice

Hall International Ltd..



[7] 顾嘉祖、陆升、郑立信(1990)。《语言与文化》[M]。上海: 上海外语教


[8] Fabb, N.,& Durant.A.(2003).How to Write Essays, Dissertations and

Theses in Literary Studies [M]. 成都:四川大学出版社.


Application paper

The purpose of the application paper is to give you an opportunity to apply the concepts of psychology to your everyday life. The application paper requires you to integrate a theory from the information we've studied with an event or events from your personal experience. In other words, you are to use a theory to analyze and to explain something that has taken place in your life. This is not a theoretical review paper nor is it a simple report of a personal experience. An in-depth review of the theoretical material that you are going to discuss is not necessary. This is simply repeating what I can find in our text or in class notes. It would be unnecessary work for you to use space to provide an in-depth review of material already available. Instead, your task becomes one of using this knowledge to consider viable explanations for your and/or others' behavior. You want to use your example as an illustration of the theory you've chosen, with your goal being to convince me that you actually do understand what the theory and concepts are all about.

*Technical presentation covers :

* Paper Title

* The Abstract

* The Introduction

* Related Work

* The Body

* Performance Experiments

* The Conclusions * Future Work * The Acknowledgements * Citations * Appendices

* Grammar and Small-Scale Presentation Issues * Mechanics

* Versions and Distribution

Tips for Writing Technical Papers

, January 2006 ? Here are the notes from a presentation I gave at the Friday lunch, 1/27/06, with a few (not many) revisions when I reprised the talk on 12/4/09. The presentation covered: ?












? Running Example

As a running (fictitious!) example, suppose you've designed and run experiments with a new algorithm for external multipass merge-sort. Your algorithm reduces the complexity from O(n log n) to O(n), under the premise that it's acceptable to have some bounded "unsortedness" in the result. You plan to write up the results for submission to a major conference.

Note: This example was used throughout the live presentation but I haven't followed through much in these notes. Thus, the notes include several exercises for the reader.

Paper Title

Titles can be long and descriptive:Linear-Time External Multipass Sorting ?

with Approximation Guarantees

or short and sweet:

? Approximate External Sort

Here's a middle-of-the-road length, plus a cute name that sticks in people's minds:

? Floosh: A Linear-Time Algorithm for Approximate External Sort

The Abstract

State the problem, your approach and solution, and the main contributions of the paper. Include little if any background and motivation. Be factual but comprehensive. The material in the abstract should not


be repeated later word for word in the paper.

(Exercise: Write an abstract for the multiway sort example.)

The Introduction

The Introduction is crucially important. By the time a referee has finished the Introduction, he's probably made an initial decision about whether to accept or reject the paper -- he'll read the rest of the paper looking for evidence to support his decision. A casual reader will continue on if the Introduction captivated him, and will set the paper aside otherwise. Again, the Introduction is crucially important.Here is the 's patented five-point structure for Introductions. Unless there's a good argument against it, the Introduction should consist of five paragraphs answering the following five questions:

? What is the problem?

? Why is it interesting and important?

? Why is it hard? (E.g., why do naive approaches fail?)

? Why hasn't it been solved before? (Or, what's wrong with previous proposed solutions? How does mine differ?)

? What are the key components of my approach and results? Also include any specific limitations.

(Exercise: Answer these questions for the multiway sort example.)

Then have a final paragraph or subsection: "Summary of Contributions". It should list the major contributions in bullet form, mentioning in which sections they can be found. This material doubles as an outline of the rest of the paper, saving space and eliminating redundancy.

(Exercise: Write the bullet list for the multiway sort example.) Related Work

The perennial question: Should related work be covered near the ?

beginning of the paper or near the end?Beginning, if it can be short yet detailed enough, or if it's critical to take a strong defensive stance about previous work right away. In this case Related Work can be either a subsection at the end of the Introduction, or its own Section 2.

? End, if it can be summarized quickly early on (in the Introduction or Preliminaries), or if sufficient comparisons require the technical content of the paper. In this case Related Work should appear just before the Conclusions, possibly in a more general section "Discussion and Related Work".

The Body

Guideline #1: A clear new important technical contribution should have been articulated by the time the reader finishes page 3 (i.e., a quarter of the way through the paper).

Guideline #2: Every section of the paper should tell a story. (Don't, however, fall into the common trap of telling the entire story of how you arrived at your results. Just tell the story of the results themselves.) The story should be linear, keeping the reader engaged at every step and looking forward to the next step. There should be no significant interruptions -- those can go in the

Appendix; see below.

Aside from these guidelines, which apply to every paper, the structure of the body varies a lot depending on content. Important components are:

? Running Example: When possible, use a running example throughout the paper. It can be introduced either as a subsection at the end of the Introduction, or its own Section 2 or 3 (depending on Related Work).

? Preliminaries: This section, which follows the Introduction and possibly Related Work and/or Running Example, sets up notation and terminology that is not part of the technical contribution. One important function of this section is to delineate material that's not original but is needed for the paper. Be concise -- remember the critical rule of thumb.

? Content: The meat of the paper includes algorithms, system descriptions, new language constructs, analyses, etc. Whenever possible use a "top-down" description: readers should be able to see where the material is going, and they should be able to skip ahead and still get the idea.

Performance Experiments

We could have an entire treatise on this topic alone and I am surely not the expert. Here are some random thoughts:




? Many conferences expect experiments. It's easy to do "hokey" or meaningless experiments, and many papers do. It's easy to craft experiments to show your work in its best light, and most papers do. What should performance experiments measure? Possiblities:

o .. Pure running time

o .. Sensitivity to important parameters

o .. Scalability in various aspects: data size, problem complexity, ...

o .. Others?

? What should performance experiments show? Possibilities:

o .. Absolute performance (i.e., it's acceptable/usable)

o .. Relative performance to naive approaches

o .. Relative performance to previous approaches

o .. Relative performance among different proposed approaches

o .. Others?

The Conclusions

In general a short summarizing paragraph will do, and under no circumstances should the paragraph simply repeat material from the Abstract or Introduction. In some cases it's possible to now make the original claims more concrete, e.g., by referring to quantitative performance results. Future Work






























