


头韵在英语里称为Alliteration,它源于拉丁语alliteratio,意为repetition of the same letter(重复使用同一字母).头韵又叫initial thyme,或head thyme,是指两个单词或两个单词以上的首字母相同,形成悦耳的读音..





2. 头韵的构成方式



Alliteration is the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel sounds I successive or closely associated words or syllables. For examale

a. Snap shot of a senorita sitting in the sand.一个小姑娘, 坐在沙滩上,乘她不防备,照了一个相。

b. Soothing, Sensuous, Flagrantly Fragrant.安心安神,赏心悦目,香气四





a. Plenty is no plague.多多益善。

b. Everything in her house is always spick and span.她的房子总是收拾得非常整洁。



The spark for the latest skirmish is People Express, the fastest growing airline in the annals of aviation.引起最近一次争议的是航空史上发展最快的大众捷运航空公司。


“词首音节的重复”,即重复部分不仅仅是辅音,而且辅音后带上了相同的元音,使毗邻的若干词的词首有一个或数个音节相同. 举例如下:

a. Tightening its lust sand luxuries. (T. S. Eliot :Whispers of Immorality)牢牢控制着它的贪欲和奢侈。

b. Time and Tide wait for no man.(Proverb)岁月不等人。


Alliteration不仅只出现在词首,而且还可以出现在词中或词尾。如: The moan of doves in immemorial elms, And murmuring of innumerable bees. 古老的饿榆木林中鸽子的呢喃,还有成群飞舞的蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。 此句中,除了moan和murmuring重复首音节中的[M]之外,在immemorial的第二和第三个音节、innumerable的第三个音节以及elms词尾均有[M]的重复。





The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew;

The furrow followed free.

We were the first that ever burst,

In to that silent sea.

(S. T. Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)




It was a splendid population-for all the slow, sleep,sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home...(Noel Grove, Mark Twain-Mirror of America) 这儿的人们真是了不起———因为那些笨手笨脚、无精打采、呆头呆脑的懒汉都呆在家里。

There is the sliding swish of trolley poles along the wire, accompanied by the rocking rumble of the car.(Christopher Morley: Chestnut Street)


Next to health, heart, home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobiles.


Sweet and low, sweet and low, Wind of western sea.


Silver sails all out of the west, Under the silver moon.


The woman sat alone, her shawl was thrown open and beneath it she wore a bright blue blouse. (Frank O’ Corner, In the Train)



Cancer is often curable. The fear of cancer is often tata1.


Sensuously smooth. Mysteriously mellow. Gloriously golden. Who can resist he magic of Camus Xo Cognac?

诱发美感的柔和,神秘的芳醇,荣耀的金色,有谁能抗拒Camus Xo康涅克白兰地的魔力?

Star light on Sky line, Galaxy of Glamour(National Geographic) 高楼摩天,星光灿烂;火树银花,瑰丽绝伦。

Vitamins for Vim and Vigor


Sea, Sun, Sand, Seclusion—and Spain


Watch Wilson Win试看威尔逊赢


Peter Piper Picked a peek of Pickled Peppers.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

Seven serious southern soldiers set south sudderdy.

She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.

Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran.



押头韵的例子在诗歌里数见不鲜,比如:英国玄学派诗人约翰?邓恩(John Donne)的诗集Songs and Sonnets(《歌与十四行诗》),其题目本身就用了押头韵技巧。爱情是这本诗集中表述的基本主题,诗人甚至认为爱情的本质是灵与肉的结合( the union of soul and body),指出光有精神是不够的,也是不完美的。这个观念了不起,因为它与中世纪只重精神不重人体的观念截然相反。英国诗人威廉?布莱克(William Blake )写过一部题为Marriage of Heaven and Hell (《天堂与地狱联姻》)的作品,这部作品中论说文与诗文相嵌并进,探索了两个极端矛之物间的关系。苏格兰诗人罗伯特?彭斯(Robert Burns )有一首名诗,题目就叫做“O My Luve's Like a Red Red Rose”(《我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰》),其中最后三个词三个r字母连读,音韵之美,不可名状。在西方,甚至在中国许多大城市,玫瑰已经成了爱情的象征,流行歌曲里唱要送自的情人九百九十九朵玫瑰,街头卖花女祈祷天天都是情人节,这样她们可以天天把玫瑰卖个天价。虽说这种态势未必全是彭斯那首“a red, red rose”的诗造成的,但这首诗在玫瑰成为爱情象征的演变过程中一定起了不少推波助澜的作用

美国诗人埃德加?爱伦?坡(Edgar Allan Poe)在孩提时代曾爱上同学的妈妈,创作了他自己形容为“lines written, in my passionate boyhood, to the first, purely ideal love of my soul”(写作于我激情的儿童时期,献给我灵魂的第一位纯洁而又理想的爱人)的短诗《致海伦》(T(本文来自:wwW.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:含有近义词押头韵法的句子)o Helen)。诗歌一开始就把那女子称为美人海伦,说在诗人眼里,她的美就像古时凯旋的多桅帆船(barks of yore), 缓缓地经过香海,将游子带回家乡。诗文是这样写的:“Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicean barks of yore, / That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,/The weary, way-worn wanderer bore/ To his own native shore”,这里,weary, way-worn wanderer(饱受 泊之苦的疲惫的游子),是三个w 开头的押头韵例子。英语中三个w开头的押头韵例子还有英国诗人雪莱名诗 西风颂》那气势磅礴起首句: O Wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being(啊,狂野的西风,你是秋日的气息)。在莎士比亚的作品中,押头韵的例子比比皆是:crafty confusion(装糊涂),for the fantasy of fame (为虚名),delight and dole (喜与悲),painted pomp (虚饰的荣华),wonted way(常态),mangled matter(弄糟的事),wild whirling words (疯话)等,都是很好的押头韵例子。或许是押头韵既优美又好记的缘故,英 小说家简?奥斯汀有两部小说的书名都是运用了押头韵手法:Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》),Sense and Sensibility(《理智与情感》)。坠入爱河的人往往在理智与情感之间备受折磨,这句话的英语就是“torn between sense and sensibility”。

在散文中,人们也时常运用押头韵技巧来增加文采。英国著名散文家培根(Francis Bacon)在Of Envy (《论嫉妒》)用了play-pleasure(看白戏式的快乐),指出好事者在旁观别人那种看白戏的快感;还用了sober sort of politique persons(头脑清醒的政客),提醒应该留意深算叵测、头脑清醒的政客,他们在显赫时还会哀叹自己过的是苦难日子;在Of Nobility(《论贵族》)用了waves and weathers (饱经风霜), 为饱经风霜、历史久远的贵族令人敬重,因为新贵由权利造就,而世袭贵族则由时间造就 ;在Of Seditions And Troubles (《论叛乱与动乱》)用了secret swellings of seas (暗涌的海浪),警告说犹如暴风雨前的疾风和暗涌的海浪,国家政治叛乱之前也有预兆。英国数学家、哲学家及作家罗素(Bertrand Russell)写过一部《自传》,出版者在该书的引语中,用了一个a particular, persistent reason (一个特别而又持久的原因) 运用押头韵手法的短语来说明,罗素在九十多

年的一生中,始终具有巨大的魅力,尤其对年轻人更有魅力,其中一个特别而又持久的原因是他不辞辛劳,用简洁的英语进行写作 ;该引语中还用了a comparable combination of qualities (各种素质的均衡结合)用押头韵的短语来说明罗素受到尊敬的原因。在罗素的《自传》中我也读到了许多押头韵的例子,比如:a deliberate design (特意设计), The Spirit of Solitude《孤独的心灵》, doomed to a dark destiny(在劫难逃), the darkest despair(绝境), paroxysms of pains( 阵一阵的痛苦), a saint and a sage(圣贤之人), a foolish fear(愚蠢的恐惧), merely mundane misfortune (纯粹的世俗不幸), daily pursuit and pleasure(日常的追求和快乐), a mixture of public and private events(公事和私事兼有)等。

押头韵技巧在一般英美报刊也得到了普遍使用。我们来看看几个摘自Newsweek(《时代周刊》)的例子。比如:二战后的二十年里,《纽约时报 红极一时的记者James Reston被《时代周刊》称为the prince of print(印刷王子)。还有,马来西亚有位女作家凭小说 Rice Mother 立了马来西亚文学在国际上的地位,被《时代周刊》称为matriarch of Malaysia(马来西亚之母)。在美国一些大做广告的心脏病药品如利尿剂,其实成本只需要几分钱,《时代周刊》记 于是把它称作hypertension hype(高血压的广告骗局)。

应该指出的是,即便在日常生活中头韵手法也运用得非常普遍,我们往往在不经意间就能碰上押头韵的例子。我们常说“远来的和尚会念经”,英文便是押头韵的极好例子:Far fowls have fair feathers(远处的鸟羽毛更美丽);说某人“面善心恶”,英语是A fair face hides a foul heart;说“酒后说胡话”,英语是When wine sinks, words swim; 还有一句我很喜欢的押头韵的谚语:A book that is shut is but a block(一本不打开读的书与木块无异),它使我想到了美国小说家菲兹杰拉德( F. Scott Fitzgerald)的名作 The Great Gatsby (《了不起的盖茨比》)中一个场景:在盖茨比的私人图书室,一个醉 醺的中年人对那里的书赞叹不已,说那些不是厚纸板上画着书名的书,而是真的印刷物,有页码和一切书本应有的东西,并恰到好处地在合适的地方没有切开。当时是美国二十世纪二十年代,被称为“美圆

十 ”,有一大批靠冒险发财的“新贵”,他们文化不多,却喜欢附庸风雅,在自己的图书室里 上一排名著做摆设。根据小说 的情景以及社会上许多实际情况,我尝试着将以上的一句谚语稍 调整后这么说:A book that is shut is a decorative block.(一本不打开读的书是一块装饰性木块)。现在许多人择偶条件中有一条,要求对象既有“才”,还要有“趣”, 有“才”有“趣”用英语表达就可以用上头韵技巧:“a man of wisdom and wit”。如果遇上a man of wisdom and wit,可 要错过机会,嫁给他做wife吧。你看,这里又是一个三个w在一起的押头韵例子。

篇三:Alliteration 头韵 修辞手法


? the repetition of a speech sound in a sequence of nearby words. ? The term is usually applied only to consonants, and only when the recurrent

sound begins a word or a stressed syllable within a word.

?Alliteration is the repetition of consonants, especially at the beginning of words or stressed syllables.

? In Old English alliterative meter, alliteration is the principal organizing device of the verse line:

? the verse is uhymed; each line is divided into two half-lines of two strong stresses by a decisive pause, or caesura;

? and at least one, and usually both, of the two stressed syllables in the first half-line alliterate with the first stressed syllable of the second half-line.

? (In this type of versification a vowel was considered to alliterate with any other vowel.)

? A number of Middle English poems, such as William Langland's Piers Plowman and the romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, continued to use and play variations upon the old alliterative meter.

? In the opening line of Piers Plowman, for example, all four of the stressed syllables alliterate: ? In a somer seson,

? when soft was the sonne ....

? In later English versification, however, alliteration is used only for special stylistic effects, ? such as to reinforce the meaning, to link related words, or to provide tone color and enhance the palpability of enunciating the words.

? Alliteration used in poetry:

?The fair breeze blew, ? the white foam flew, ?The furrow followed free;

?We were the first that ever burst ?Into that silent sea.

?和风吹荡、水花飞溅, ?船儿破浪前进,

?闯入那沉寂的海洋领域, ?我们是第一群人。

? Alliteration used in prose: ? Next to health, heart, home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the

automobile. ? The world believes in the wonder worker, not in the words of wisdom. ? The flakes were falling thick and hard now, pouring past the window, a waterfall mystery.

? 对于好动的美国人来说,幸福不仅取决于健康、爱情、舒适和温暖的家庭,还取决于汽车。

? 世界信任的是创造奇迹的劳动者,而不是智慧的话。 ? 现在雪下得又密又大,好似神秘的瀑布在窗外瓢泼。

?Alliteration used in idioms: ?Money makes the mare go. ?A fair face may hide a foul heart. ?Willful waste makes woeful want.

?有钱能使鬼推 磨。 ?笑里藏刀。


?Alliteration in advertisement: ?Vitamins for Vim and Vigor

?Cut Costs without Cutting Corners

?Sensuously smooth, Mysteriously mellow. Gloriously golden.

Who can resist the magic of Camus XO Cognac?

? 摄取活力和精力的各种维生素 ? 减少花费而不必节省 ? 诱发美感的柔和,神秘的芳醇,

荣耀的金色,有谁能抗拒Camus XO康涅克白兰地酒的广告?

?Alliteration in the titles of books and newspapers: ?Pride and Prejudice ?Starlight on Skyline,

Galaxy of Glamour




?Consonance is the repetition of a sequence of two or more consonants, but with a change in the intervening vowel: live-love, lean-alone, pitter-patter.

?Assonance is the repetition of identical or similar vowels—especially in stressed syllables—in a sequence of nearby words.

? Note the recurrent long i in the opening lines of Keats' ? "Ode on a Grecian Urn" (1820): ? Thou still uavished bride of quietness, ? Thou foster chiId of silence and slow time. . . .