


感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定为“感恩节”。感恩节假期一般会从星期四持续到星期天。

1879 年加拿大议会宣称11月6日是感恩节和全国性的假日。在随后的年代,感恩节的日期改变了多次,直到在1957 年1月31日,加拿大议会宣布每年十月的第二个星期一为感恩节。






音乐:整个促销活动期间,要求各专卖店播放《感恩的心》、《爱润于心》、《感激在心》、《谢谢你》、《因为有你》、《我们永远在一起 》、《相亲相爱》、《感恩》、《手牵手》等感恩音乐营造一感恩节的氛围!,





1.增加店铺的节日氛围,吸引顾客进店。 2.提高销售 3.制造品牌活动效应在当地的影响力。 4.提升品牌美誉度
























1. 筹备活动资金

2. 发招集贴,宣布活动内容与流程(11月15日前完成)

3. 制作通栏广告(11月15日前完成)

4. 制作感恩节专题(11月15日前完成)

5. 制作“感恩的心,感谢有你”卡片

6(本文来自:WwW.xiaOCaofAnweN.Com 小草范文 网:感恩节传统食物和活动). 准备外围设备:音响,电脑

7. 借帐篷3顶,7张桌子、2把椅子(由楼盘提供)

8. 购买原材料:气球2包、卡纸1包、折纸鹤用纸N盒、签字笔5只、签到横幅N条、展板1块、小礼品若干、棉线1轴,透明胶2卷,双面胶3卷

9. 邀请乐队演奏增加气氛

10. 工作人员学习千纸鹤的折法






1. 14:00 布置会场(提前折千纸鹤,折两盒共计200只,用棉线串20串用以悬挂在帐篷前侧外延装饰。安排好展板的位置等)

2. 14:30起签名活动开始,许愿的网友需把纸折成千纸鹤(不会可由工作人员现场教学),引导网友们把写好的感恩、祝福条、千纸鹤亲手用双面胶贴在展板上

3. 与签名活动同时开始进行一些广场上的小游戏。

4. 17:30收拾场地,收集整理感恩、祝福条及许愿千纸鹤


1. 安排工作人员负责活动纪律、指引、签名安排、现场宣传等

2. 帐篷、签字场地设在大华售楼处门口,如果安排在室内可不用帐篷。气球悬挂在售楼处外面的树上,这样可以不用展板。

3. 感恩标签签名建议以“XXX,感谢你”的形式进行

4. 小游戏内容:




玩法与规则:给两人每人一张小纸条,要求她们写上最肉麻的事 最幸福的事 最难忘的事 最感动的事最喜欢他(她)的地方等等。写的时候要把2人暂时隔离。然后将纸条交由主持人。最后让双方互相猜对方可能会写什么。

三、007 (需要六个人)


四、开火车 (人数:两人以上,多多益善 )





游戏规则: 每次两组,每组3人,站在限制线外,戴面具,由另外一组队员中两人持挂满小物品的绳子站在终点处,待开始后,游戏人员左右各转五圈,走向挂物品处,摘下挂在绳上的物品,在限定的时间内,摘下多者胜出,所摘物品归游戏者。为增加难度,在摘宝贝的过程中,另一组队员可上下左右移动绳子,但脚不能移动。







十一、“推手”游戏 :两个人 蹲在圆台上 互相用手推 看谁先把对方推下去

十二、猜词游戏:一人背对着词语,一人做动作让对方猜 分几组比看谁比较快



FiveWriting Three Thank-You Letters





4. Teaching objectives Students will be able to : understand the main idea and the structure of the text; learn to memorize words in association; grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

II. Text Summary

This passage tells a story about Thanksgiving Day. Alex Haley served in the Coast Guard and began to make serious thoughts to the Thanksgiving Day that would become. At last, Haley decided to write three very special letters in order to express his thanks. The replies made Haley not only excited but more humbled than before. At the same time he came to realize something important about life.

课文概述:课文讲述了一个关于感恩节的故事。 亚历克斯〃黑利在海岸警卫队服役,在感恩节来临之时,他开始认真思考这个节目。 最终,他决定写三封特别的信来表达他的谢意。 回信让黑利既感动又深感谦卑,同时,也让他感悟出了一些生活的真谛。

III. Text Analysis

We all want to expand our English vocabulary. An effective and efficient way is to memorize English words and phrases through association maps. Experiments have proved that it is much easier for human being to memorize things in meaningful groups than isolated items.

First of all, we put a central idea or a key word in the middle of the map, e.g. “ship”.

Then we draw a cobweb structure around “ ship”. One branch may be the names of different parts of a boat, like “hold”, “cabin”, “afterdeck”, “deck”. Another branch may be the various types of people on board the ship, like “ coastguardsman”, “sailor”, “seaman”, “shipmate”. Still another branch may be verbal phrases related to a ship, like “ put to see”, “be under way”, “be at sea”.

This cobweb can keep growing. Everyone once in a while we redraw it , and we may find that it has grown in size, because we are better at association and our word power is stronger.

Of course , there are other methods of improving vocabulary memorization. For example, when you see a new vocabulary item, you’d better read it aloud, pronounce it correctly, and spell it on a sheet of paper. By using eyes, mouth,

ears , and hands together, we mobilize parts of our brain , thus keeping a longer memory.

1.Thanksgiving : Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas. Schools , offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.

Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America. In 1620 the ship the Mayflower arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually called Pilgrims. They arrived at the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many of them died. But in the following summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter. They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived.

Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America. The meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes ( also called yams) and cranberries, which are make into a kind of sauce or jelly. The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing ,and many families have their own special recipe. Dessert is pumpkin made into a pie.

On Thanksgiving there are special television programmes and sports events. In New York there is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, when a long line of people wearing fancy costumes march through the streets with large balloons in the shape of imaginary characters . Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents. 感恩节:

在11月的第四个星期四这一天,美国会庆祝感恩节,这一节目被认为是除了圣诞节以外最重要的节日。 感恩节可追溯到年欧洲人首次来到北美洲。“五月花”号轮船载着大约人在一个严寒的初冬来到北美。他们找不到可以吃的东西,有些人饿死了,由于当地美洲人告诉他们哪些是安全的食物,他们储藏这些食物到来年才得以幸存。因此,他们用盛大的庆祝活动感谢上帝和本土美洲人。在感恩节这天,人们准备一些传统食物,包括火鸡、红薯和南瓜饼,而且,人们可以欣赏特别的电视节目和体育运动。

2. the Pilgrims: the 102 English people who sailed to America on the Mayflower in 1620. Their group included 35 Puritans whose aim was to create a safe religious community in the New World. The Pilgrims probably landed at Plymouth Rock, and they established Plymouth Colony.

3. Native Americans: Native Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent. For a long time white people called them Indians. Today many people do not like this name since it is based on a mistake: it was giving to the people living in the Americas by Christopher Columbus who, when he arrived there, thought he had landed in India. Instead , people prefer to us to use the term Native Americans.

4. the United States Coast Guard: the US military service that is controlled by the US Department of Transportation but becomes part of the US Navy during a war.

drugs and other illegal goods, and can make arrests . It also keeps watch to see that other laws of the sea are obeyed, rescues ships in danger and has a weather service.

VI. Language Study

1. under way:in motion or operation, having started and making progress 航行中;进行中;起步,启动(常写成underway)

e.g. The nationwide medical reform is now under way.

Economic recovery in our country is already under way.


The film festival gets under way on 11th July.


Preparation for the 100th anniversary celebration are now well under way.

2. see: be the time when an event happens(时代等) 以……为特点; 经历 e.g. The last two years have seen dramatic changes in this city.


These islands have seen a lot of history.


比较: witness v. 见证

e.g. The 1980s witnessed a breakthrough in East-West relations.


The period 1880-1914 witnessed a revolution in American education.


3. put away: remove ( sth.) to a place where it is usually stored

e.g. The kids are asked to put all the toys away before they leave.

You wash the dishes and I’ll put them away in the cupboard.

4. get to sth./ doing sth.: begin to give serious attention to or deal with开始思考(做)

e.g. Recently I’ve got to wondering why I am doing the part-time job.

I’ll get to the accounts as soon as I can.

He got to thinking that she perhaps wouldn’t come after all.

5. and the rest: and so on

e.g. The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and the rest.

The citizens are interested in the government’s polices on such important issues

as health , education, tax, and the rest.

6. in quest of: seeking ; trying to find 试图找到; 寻求

e.g. She had come in quest on advice. 她前来寻求帮助.

He went to the school library in quest of Mark Twain’s novels.

He said that he was going to the countryside in quest of peace.

7. reserve: v. turn around to the opposite direction; exchange the position of


e.g. Now that you have a job and I don’t , our situations are reversed.

, 我们的情况正好反过来了.

Why don’t you reverse the order so that I play first and she plays second?

你为什么不能换一下顺序, 让我先来,她排第二?

Attention please, this vehicle is reversing.


The breakthroughs in biotechnology will enable medical science to reverse the aging process.

adj. 反向的, 相反的; 颠倒的; 背面的

e.g. in the reverse order 朝着相反的方向

the reverse side of a fabric 织物的反面

8. turn over:1) think about, consider 考虑; 思考

e.g. Even when she didn’t say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind.

I sat quietly , turning over the problem.

2) change or cause to change position or direction 翻转

Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously.

3)change the position of one’s body so as to face in a different direction翻身

Ann turned over in her bed once more.

4) deliver someone or something to the care or custody ( of)上交;移交 They turned the man over to the police.

The king may turn over some of his official posts to his son.

9. repay: pay back, reward

e.g. Peter’s previous work with us has played an important role in our success, and

we will repay him for his efforts some day.

The graduate failed to repay the loan and the finance company decided to take

legal action.

10. so much as (do sth.) : ( not ) even 甚至(一般用于否定句)

e.g. I didn’t so much as catch sight of him all day long.


Laura had not reproached him, never so much as mentioned it.


11. sincere: not pretending , honest

e.g. Any readers who feel annoyed please accept my sincere apologies.

I’d like to express my sincere thanks and love to my family for all their help and


12. swallowing hard:

If you swallow , you make a movement in your throat as if your are swallowing sth., often because you are nervous or frightened. Here the author tried to control his sad emotions by doing it. ( 因紧张, 害怕做)吞咽动作

e.g. Nancy swallowed hard and shock her head.


He swallowed hard as he turned over the examination paper and looked at the first question.他紧张地翻开试卷,看着第一道题.

beyond: prep. to a degree that is past the understanding , reach, or scope of超出,超过

e.g. Their five-year relationship was strained beyond breaking point.


It seems to that he’s beyond caring about what anybody does.


14. gratitude : being thankful , thankfulness ( followed by to sb./ for sth.)

e.g. I should like to express my gratitude to all members of the laboratory past and

present for their contribution to the breakthrough.

What she felt for David was not love but gratitude.

It is my great pleasure to be here this morning to express my sincere gratitude to you, my fellow members, for electing me as your president.

15. statement: sth. that is said or written, esp. formally and officially

e.g. The trade union issued a statement opposing racial discrimination.

In his newly-published book, Williams made a number of statements about

modern life.

16. specific: relating to one thing and not others ; particular

e.g. The new system made it easier for employers to recruit workers based on

specific needs.

Do you have any specific skills that will be of use to you in the job you are

applying for?

17. on one’s behalf/ on the behalf of sb.: for sb.; in the interests of sb. ; as the representative of sb. 代表;为了某人的利益

e.g. On the behalf of my parents, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your help.

He delivered a speech on the behalf of all the graduates on Graduation Day. Don’t be uneasy on my behalf.


18. impress: 1) fix in sb’s mind make the importance of (sth) very clear to sb. ( used

in the patterns : impress upon. /on sb. that ; impress upon/on sb.sth)

e.g. I have always impressed upon my students that if they work hard they will

succeed in life.

The teacher tried to impress on his students the necessity of being honest.

2)cause ( sb) to feel admiration or respect

e.g. Most students liked to talk a lot because they thought it would impress the professors.

Wanting to impress his girl friend, Dustin bought a suit for their first date.

You managed to get both items for under $50? I’m impressed.

你花了不到50美元就买到这两样东西? 我好佩服你。

impress on/ upon 使…明白(某事)的重要性或价值

e.g. He’s always trying to impress on me how much easier life is if you’re well-organized.


Trying to impress on my brother the importance of personal hygiene was never