

Hello, hello, baby; You called, I can't

hear a thing.

I have got no service in the club, you s

ee, see…

Wha-Wha-What did you say?

Oh, you're breaking up on me…

Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy


K-kinda busy K-kinda busy

Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy


Just a second, it's my favorite song the

y're gonna play

And I cannot text you with a drink in my

hand, eh…

you knew that I was free.

You shoulda made some plans with me,

And now you won't stop calling me;

I'm kinda busy.

Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna talk anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

I'm busy!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Can call all you want, but there's no on

e home,

and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bu


and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want, but there's no one h


and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bu


and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone

won't make me leave no faster.

Put my coat on faster, leave my girls no


I shoulda left my phone at home,

'cause this is a disaster!

Callin' like a collector -sorry, I canno

t answer!

Not that I don't like you, I'm just at a


And I am sick and tired of my phone r-ri


Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Ce

ntral Station.

Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause

I'll be dancin'.

'Cause I'll be dancin'

'Cause I'll be dancin'

Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause

I'll be dancin'!

Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna talk anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Stop callin', stop callin',

I don't wanna talk anymore!

I left my hand and my heart on the dance


Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

I'm busy!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Stop telephonin' me!

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

Can call all you want, but there's no on

e home,

you're not gonna reach my telephone!

'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sipp

in' that bub,

and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

Call when you want, but there's no one h


and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sipp

in' that bub,

and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone! M-m-my telephone!

'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sipp

in' that bub,

and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

My telephone! M-m-my telephone!

'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sipp

in' that bub,

and you're not gonna reach my telephone!

We're sorry…the number you have reached

is not in service at this time.

Please check the number, or try your cal l again

哈喽 哈喽 卑鄙 有靠的 爱康特 赫尔星

爱 还无 高特 no 色婆赛五 因 的 克拉波 有 嘻嘻

我 我 我特 低的 有 色诶

哦 有啊 布瑞克应 啊破 昂 米

扫瑞 爱抗闹特 黑而有 爱看的 被贼

K看的 被贼*2

扫瑞 爱抗闹特 黑而有 爱看的 被贼

加死 饿 塞看得 伊死 买 费沃瑞特 送 得啊 够那 破类 俺的 爱 康特 太斯特 有 位子 饿 均可 因 迈 喊得 诶 有 数的 美德 丧母 扑了嗯死 畏死 米

有 no 黛特 爱 我死 弗瑞

俺的 闹 有 我哦特 似道破 考零 米

爱慕 康德 北贼

似道破 考零

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 行可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼

似道破 考零

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 行可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼


似道破 泰利丰了 米


爱慕 被贼


似道破 泰利丰了 米


爱慕 被贼、

看 靠 奥 有 网特

巴特 得儿死 no 玩 红木

俺的 有啊 闹特 够那 锐齿 买泰利丰

奥特 因 的 克拉波

俺的 爱慕 四笔挺 黛特 克拉波

俺的 有啊 闹特 够那 锐齿 买泰利丰


得为 有 布隆应 阿婆 买 泰利丰

翁特 没课 米 礼物 no 法斯特

普特 买 考特 昂 法斯特,

礼物 买 够死 no 法斯特

爱 树的 来福 买 疯 艾特 红木

考斯 得死 意思 饿 代斯特

考林 来客 啊 考了托

扫瑞 爱 康闹特 昂色

闹特 爱 董特 来客 有

爱慕 加斯特 艾特 饿 趴体

俺的 爱 爱慕 稀客 俺的 色特的 奥夫 买 疯 瑞瑞鹰

丧母泰姆死 爱 赴俄诶有 来客 爱 礼物 因 购入昂的 森特 四得深 特耐 爱慕 逃可硬 no 考斯 考斯 爱奥 比当私营

斯 爱奥 比当私营

斯 爱奥 比当私营

特耐 爱慕 逃可硬 no 考斯 考斯 爱奥 比当私营

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 行可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 套可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 行可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼

似道破 考零

爱 董特 往哪 套可应 哎你摸

爱 来福 买 喊得 俺的 买 海特 昂 的 单思 副楼


似道破 泰利丰了 米


爱慕 被贼


r: 接下来我们来看第一个热词nomber one:“bump”, “灌水”.lurking “潜水” c: 论





象在英语中叫“bump”,它在论坛里是“顶”的意思。r: e.g.to bump a thread on an internet forum is to post a reply in order to raise

the threads profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads. this

is also called necroposting.

这种“灌水”往往被认为是一种垃圾留言(spam),被很多论坛禁止。 r:哎,,像你那么懒的人应该经常灌水吧? c:我连灌水都懒得灌,我经常潜水。 r:你牛!我知道“潜水”在英语中的对应词是“lurk”。 c:“潜水”指在论坛、聊天室等只浏览不发言的行为。这样的人好似“潜水员”,永远不

浮出水面。像我就是这样一位深沉的人。 r:yes ,i know.lurking is an activity performed on internet forums or chat rooms

that involves wandering the website, reading posts and never actually posting

anything. 长期“潜水”会导致论坛人气不足,这样的member最终会被管理员取消成员资格,但在

刚刚加入某一论坛时为了了解论坛的风格和讨论的主题短时间的“潜水”是被接受和鼓励的。在一些论坛还有一些其余的用语。比如说: 帖子:“post”和“thread”都可以表示论坛里的“帖子”,往往可以互换使用。投票:



c:还有 帖子置顶:sticky头像:avatar


斑竹(论坛里的版主):moderator 控制面板:control panel

表情:smiley r:下一个number two: envious-jealous-hateful:羡慕嫉妒恨envious-jealous-hateful: the expression originated from a 2009 blog post by

chinese zhang weiping concerning criticism of zhang yimou’s recent film “a simple

noodle story”. while the film had done well in the box office, critics almost

universally found it distasteful and were butchering it in newspapers around the country. that is when zhang weiping wrote on his blog, “you

guys are just envious-jealous-hateful.” r:dear friends,now what you are listening is “catchwords tribe”by river and


些好的建议和想法想与我们分享,请拨打我们的直播间热线:8301045,8301045 number 3:

newbie “菜鸟”, knowbie “大虾” 菜鸟,形容一个人上网很“菜”。用来比喻网络新手,英文中的对应词是newbie;大

虾,谐音自大侠,形容网络高手,英文中的对应词是knowbie,表示a knowledgeable and experienced internet user.值得一提的是这两组词在各自语言




已经出现在各大正式媒体中了。c: no.4 gelivable/ungelivable 给力/不给力 it is similar to the very good,it is excitingcoolits greatvery interesting 就

比如某人的笑容很给力smile gelivabler:it is said that the word was derived from the chinese dub versions of japan

funny cartoon --- the journey to the west .when they arrived in the tianzhu zt the end, wukong was disappointed to say: thats the tianzhu? ungelivable,masterc: 据说是源自中文配音版本的日本搞笑动漫《西游记——旅程的终点〉〉,当到达天竺

后,悟空对师傅说:“这就是天竺阿~不给力啊,师傅’’ r: on november 10, the words appeared in the peoples daily front page title.and

then tjis word was widely perceived as the popsign of network language. later, the

word gelivable tant made by chinese netzens became pupolarity rapidly. c: 11月10日,该词上了人民日报头版标题,更被普遍认为是网络语言“流行”的标


“gelivable”这一由中国网民造出来的英文词汇也开始走红 number 5: you know it.你知道的。 r;you know it:“you know it” is a type of implied reference or way of indicating

something better left unsaid. the term can be invoved in a wide of different manners, from a tacit reference to sensitive government issues to a

plain expression of support or encouragement. c;你懂的:一种可意会而不可言传的暗示。这个词使用范围非常广,可以用于不言而喻

的事,也可以用于与政府有关的敏感事件,以表示支持。music~~r:i think they are quite familiar to you. they have been a part of our life.

some of them may disappear soon, some of them may be reserved for a long time. no

matter what ,we should not forget the laughter they brought to us and think about

the meaning behind the funny and ironic geili:chinese internet which means “cool,” “” or “exciting.” literally,

“giving power.” a test of a chinese jargon word’s trendiness is if users translate

it into a foreign language, according to its pronunciation. “geili” has been

transformed into the english-sounding “gelivable,” and “ungelivable,” and the

french “très guélile.”给力:中国的网络词汇,含义是“酷”、“很棒”或者“有劲”,字面意思是“给予力量”。


吐槽下,这是谁定的标准啊~),根据它的发音,“给力”已经被音译成英语的“gelivable” 和

“ungelivable”,以及法语的“très guélile”。 神马都是浮云god horses are clouds/ it’s not even worth mentioning:“god horses” sounds

like “whatever” in chinese.winds change all the time. therefore, this sentence means

“it’s not even worth mentioning”. 神马都是浮云:“神马”当然就是“什么”的谐音啦。“浮云”即虚无缥缈,转瞬即逝。


校校园广播站 广播稿昊华中英文学校广播稿 全体教职工和同学们,您们好!今天是 月 日,星期 ,农历是月。现在公示 月号


对荣获第一名的班级表示祝贺同时希望其他各班再加努力,为你们喊一声加油! 温馨提醒同学们:预祝同学们,在新的一天里,有新的收获!好好学习,天天向上,天天开心,天天快乐!谢谢!再见!

昊华中英文学校宣传办 篇三:衡阳市八中双语广播稿2012.11.欧美男声 topic type: music

?? pure male songs in western ? ?

[怀旧音乐专辑1· 欧美纯净男声] 编写人:衡阳市八中 梁伦 good morning, everybody. this is snoopy english time . today we are going to talk

about the pure male songs in western. we could say today?s program is a nostalgia program.because today we will have

many old,soft songs to appreciate.so, the schoolmates who like r&b and soul

songs ,do not miss our program.and we hope you would like the next song we?ll play ,wait

for you, by elliott yamin.我们可以将今天的节目称作一档“怀旧经典”的节目。因为今天我们将为你带来许多柔


目。接下来,希望你能喜欢我们为你带来的这首,wait for you, 演唱者elliott yamin. (埃


【 wait for you-elliott yamin】the single you have heard just now is wait for you, sang by the american male

singer, elliott yamin. elliott yamin was born in los angeles ,and he is 34 years old

at present.he is the typical r&b male singer in america. he debuted in 2006,in

american well-known talent show american idol .您刚才听到的歌曲名为wait for you,演唱者elliott yamin. elliott yamin出生于


美国著名的选秀节目美国偶像。elliott yamin found his talent in singing at the age of ten.that?s the frist time

he went to the ktv.when he held the microphone and started to sing, everybody was

shocked by his pure and clean sounds.but the god is always making fun with humen,

his right ear lost 90% of hearing, that means the a long way in his rest life, he

could only creat and sing by one ear. more unfortunately, when he was 14, his parents

divorced, and two years later, he was diagnosed

[dai?ɡn?uz] as diabetes mellitus [‘melit?s].but he never gave up.although he

didn?t accept such vocal music trainning, in his rest time, he served as the lead

singer in their local jazz band.and he made a big decision in his life: he decided

to quit school when he was 17.elliott yamin在10岁时发现了他的歌唱天赋。那是他第一次去唱卡拉ok;当他手握话





的主唱一职。随后他做出了他人生中的重大决定:当他17岁读高二时,他毅然决定退学。 in 2006 ,on the talent show american idol, because of the weak inferiority

[?n,f??r???r?t?],elliott yamin was the third.but now he has the best developement

in the three people.next we?d like to share you with his remastered [ri:?mɑ:st?d]

songs, can you feel the love tonight. 在2006年的美国偶像选秀节目中,elliott yamin以微弱的劣势名列决赛第三。但现在

他是这三甲歌手中发展最好的歌手。接下来我们将与你分享他的经典翻唱曲目,can you feel

the love tonight.

【ne-yo libra scale】interested in constellation [,k?nst??le???n]. the next male singer we are going

to introduce is ne-yo who has an album called libra scale [‘laibr?].i believe you

have heard his sounds. a short time later , let me tell you his story. 欢迎回来,这里是星期一早上的snoopy english time英语节目。我相信一定有很对同


相信大家刚才已经听到了他的声音。马上回来,一小段音乐之后,我们将讲述他的故事。 ne-yo, i could only use this phrase [freiz] full of talent to describe him. he

was born in arkansas [?ɑ:k?ns?:], and his parents are african-american, he is asian

americans. before his frist album?s publishing, he was famous as a songwriters in

the r&b circles.



创作者在r&b音乐圈中享有盛誉。 in february 28, 2006, ne-yo released his first album in my own words . the album

was released in the united states in the first week and it had sold 300,000 copies,

leading to the second 170,000 advantage to win the week billboard 200 album chart


the lead single so sick has also won the billboard hot 100 singles chart in

the championship.only because of the first album, ne-yo had win double championship

in america.now, ne-yo not only became a successful r&b and pop singer, he also

became the outstanding dancer, recording engineer and actor. we?d like to boardcast

his song if you want me to stay to you next. 在2006年2月28日,ne-yo发行了首张个人专辑《in my own words》。该专辑在美国

发行后的第一周共售出30万张,以领先第2名17万张的较大优势夺得了当周billboard 200

专辑榜的冠军。而主打单曲《so sick》随后也已经夺得了billboard hot 100单曲榜的冠军,



带来他的抒情单曲if you want me to stay

【bruno mars】

from the following paragraph [?p?r?ɡrɑ:f], we introduced two male singers.

elliott yamin is white person, ne-yo is black race.so we are going to introduce a

yellow race, he is a young man named bruno mars. next it?s his champion single just

the way you are

从前面的广播内容可以了解到,我们一共介绍了两位男歌手。elliott yamin是白人,


鲁诺·马尔斯。即将播出的是他的冠军单曲,just the way you are 布鲁诺·马尔斯是美国创作型歌手和音乐制作人。纽约时报称赞他的作品“风格变化多


素。他由于与乐队b.o.b合作的单曲nothing’ on you而出名,自此正式才开始成为一名独

立的艺人开始他辉煌的演唱生涯。in 2010 october, he released his first album doo-wops[w?p] & hooligans

[‘hu:l?g?nz] . the singles just the way you are and grenade [gr?’ne?d] quickly

became champion single, and just the way you are help him win the best male pop

singer award. in 2011 fifty-third glamor awar(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:英语句奥特是什么意思)d.please appreciate the next song,

grenade.2010年10月,他发布了自己的首张专辑《doo-wops & hooligans》。以冠军单曲just

the way you are”和grenade”打底的这张专辑迅速攀上排行榜冠军位置,并凭借just the

way you are”在2011年第53届格莱美奖上获得最佳流行男歌手奖。请欣赏下一首歌曲,


【jason mraz】

i think most of you heard about the witch ,but have you ever heard about the wizard?

the next male singer is called wizard.that is jason mraz. 我认为你们中大多数人都听说过“女巫”的传闻,不过不知你们是否听说过“男巫”?

下面将要介绍的男歌手外号“男巫”,那就是杰森·玛耶兹。why he is called “wizard”? it seems like a terrible name. in fact, the wizard

is not given the nickname, but the wayjason mraz describes himself.things are to be

like this:after graduating from new york univeristy, jason mraz started to be the

street artist. he also began to wander around and explore the meaning of life. for

a young boy who used to play the guitar singing with blurred [?bl?:r?] sad tune in

bar at night, the wizard is supposed to be the best word to describe himself.为何他被称为“男巫”?这听起来倒像个糟糕的称谓。实际上,“男巫”一称倒不是别人



着迷离忧伤调的男孩,“男巫”这样的形容恐怕是恰到好处吧。 but now,jason mraz seems reluctant [ri?l?kt?nt] to use wizard to describe

himself, he will be more willing to make himself a full of the smell of sunshine boy,

like his music style: confounding folk, latin and electronic [ilek?tr?nik]. at

present, jason has released three studio album, the single im yours is the most

famous.next let us enjoy this song.不过现在,杰森仿佛就不太愿意再用“男巫”来形容自己了,他更愿意将自己打造成一


推出三张录音室专辑,其中单曲im yours最为著名,成为美国billboard单曲榜史上在榜最





? 一个安全共同体与地理区域 并不是紧密相连的,也可以把它想象成一个认知区域,因此安全共同体可能出现不联系的国家。﹙以澳大利亚和以色列作为西方安全共同体的一部分﹚

? 多边机制和经济管理已经创造了一个非领土的功能空间。 ? 国家权威、经济福利、生态领域和人权已经越来越国际化,原始的全球公民社会已经出现,规则权威关系和统治体系没有遵循属地原则。

? 约翰·鲁格清楚地描述了非领土的经济区域世界。

? 他认为国家之间继续从事对外经济关系,这些接触主要设置在多边治理的系统上的;然而,在没有领地的全球经济地区,内部和外部的区别会再次出现问题,任何给定的状态只不过是一个约束合作的战略考虑。日本是世界上IBM电脑最大的出口国,索尼也是全球最大的出口美国的电视机。它是世界上兄弟工业日本关注组装打字机巴特利特,田纳西州,带来了反倾销案之前,美国国际贸易委员会对史密斯。。。。一家美国公司进口打字机到美国在新加坡和印尼海上设施。他连美国美国五角大楼的世界中,百思不得奇解的问题是如何维护国家身份的国防工业基地。

? 一些基本规则,如私有财产权,起源于十七世纪的资本主义世界的经济扩张。其他规则在sedimented不同的历史层次。布雷顿森林体系建立于







活动的方面。全球金融市场再度出现在20世纪70年代, 因此引起新的受外界支配的统治关系,这


全球金融市场也多边管辖,部分由国际货币基金组织, 但在很大程度上是由国际清算银行BIS。



? 集体环境改造的条件是:




? 我们也可以谈谈一个全球性的安全共同体的可能性。在何种程度上emergent的全球规则和关系有自我变革的能力吗?在看来的有关




? 此部分作者主要解释为什么康德的世界秩序

他对国际问题的解决方案可能不是一个安全共同体? 伊曼努尔·康德解决不了的困境是如何导致的?

? 全球安全共同体的概念是如何帮助克服这个问题? ? 康德的观点:

? ⑴、所有的公共权利是先验的,即普遍有效的。他声称, 公务员的状态是基于以下的先验原则:

? ①每一个社会成员的自由(每个人作为一个人





或子女); 在制定法律的过程中,所有的公民都有一票表决权。

? ⑵、康德的自由国家的联盟,必须部分不同于一个国家的政府,因为个人和国家也各不相同。然而,在①就没有什么区别。正如人类在自己国家内有权去追求自己的幸福,世界联合会里国家也是自由的。在②中,康德有些犹豫。他不知道是否每个人都应该在世界联合会受胁迫他们









? 然而,在国际上,康德的模型似乎是固定的。一旦世界秩序已被创建,进一步改革的设想可能性就很小。虽然高度的相互依存和全球范围内有效的产权是先决性的,唯一明确的标准是:“你不得对另一自由的国家发动战争。相比一个安全共同体,在康德的世界秩序里没有办法改变任何事情。一个和平的现状是准则,无论这暗示着具体实践的水平。所有





