


二、逗号、句号、分号、冒号、感叹号、问号和它们后面的字符之间必须留一个半角空格。 错误:Hi,I'm an entrepreneur.Can you make this app for me for free?Because,you know,I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code.

正确:Hi, I'm an entrepreneur. Can you make this app for me for free? Because, you know, I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code.

三、逗号、句号、分号、冒号、感叹号、问号和它们前面的字符之间不可留任何空格。 错误:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic ,why don't we ,uh ,make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?

正确:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic, why don't we, uh, make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?



二、正确:139 2739 6856 或 139-2739-6856


错误:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.

正确:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBSavant la lettre.



三、正确:(86) 139 2739 6856 或 (86) 139-2739-6856

七、对于有序列表,应采用「阿拉伯数字 + 英文句点 + 半角空格」的方式。


Three words I hate:


2, Leverage.

3 Synergy.


Three words I hate:

1. Innovation.

2. Leverage.

3. Synergy.


错误:Byte Press(née Tangcha ) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.

正确:Byte Press (née Tangcha) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.


错误:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex) plain (ed)’.

正确:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious brac

keted words such as ‘(ex)plain(ed)’.


错误:"Bazinga!" 'You are pwned!'

正确:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’

十、正确使用各种短横:em dash (—) 是破折号,en dash (–) 用来连接年份、时间,是「到」的意思,hyphen (-) 是连字符。

错误:Glenn Gould (1932-1982) is probably my one and only hero - the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.

正确:Glenn Gould (1932–1982) is probably my one and only hero — the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.


1. 若写作时用两个 hyphen (--) 代替破折号,Word 等文书处理软件会自动将其转爲 em dash。有鉴于 em dash 输入不便(Mac 上是 shift + option + -),这也是英文写作通用的替代法。

2. 破折号(em dash)两端可各留一半角空格,亦可不留。此乃英美习惯之不同,无对错之分。惟请在同一份简历中保持统一。



A 1:作为一个学习过心理学和设计,实用型写作功底又不错的人,我对于简历的建议我的朋友同学还是很爱听的。但是以下建议是针对非创造性并且比较严肃严谨的工作,酌情使用 XD

第一,More is not better!

并非内容越多,说明你本人越有料越厉害的。一般来说英文的简历是建议在一页之内搞定,而美国的话,因为用的是8.5'x11'的US Letter Paper,其实比A4还要短一些,所以让人非常容易把它塞爆。一份非常密密麻麻几乎没有空白部分的简历,一眼看上去就是非常让人不舒服的。而大公司应聘者多,HR在初次筛选的时候最多只会在一份简历上花1-2分钟,因此特别忌讳大块文字无从看起。


1. 字体最小不能小于10号(但也不能大于12号,一般用11、12号的最多)

2. 四周的页边距控制在0.8英寸左右

3. 这条非常重要:为每一类(甚至每一个)不同的职位量身定做简历。作为在校或刚毕业的大学生或者工作时间不久的人,找工作会比较不挑剔,于是大学实习期间可能会有3、4个完全不同类别的工作和学生活动。这个时候如果为了显示经历丰富而把风马牛不相及的工作/活动全部写上是非常不合适的,第一个问题就是相关性,第二个就是现在正在讨论的简历太密密麻麻。所以说同样找一个行业的工作,如果工作是比较面向客户的,可以只写与社交、沟通、领导力相关的工作和活动经验;反之如果是坐办公室的工作,则可以着重于组织,凸显相关的能力。



1. 拼写拼写还是拼写。一个拼写错误在一页纸里面很容易跳出来。可能大家用word基本都能把拼错的词找出来,那么就要注意语法问题。写完简历多让其他人看看很有帮助,未必一定要找英语作母语的人或者英语老师,有时候你自己看着一样东西久了麻木了,任何一双新的眼睛都可以看出新的感受


这里附上一个简历动词列表:100 Top Action Verbs to Use to Write Powerful, Effective Resume Subheads that Will Win You the Job

3. 标点符号。中文书写里面标点都是全角的,所以后面都不加空格。英文标点后面一定要加空格!简历中会常用逗号分号冒号,都是一样前面无空格后面1个空格。如果弄错了,其实看起来很明显的

4. 地点和时间的格式要统一。不要一会儿是2012-2013,下一项又用了2012 ~ 2013(符号和空格都要注意);要写月份就每一项都写(整年的除外),月份是全部拼出来还是3个字母

的简写也都要统一。地点的格式也是一样,如Shanghai, China,又如Boston, MA.


1. 字体。其实适合写简历的字体不多,不确定的时候永远用Times New Roman,我自己用Palatino,非常接近Times,但是视觉上的印象是不一样的,求出挑嘛 :) 并不是所有正经的字体都适合简历的(没错,地球人都知道Comic Sans不适合),有人说Arial和Helvetica也很好,但是我觉得衬线字体(Serif)更加适合简历这种文字量的文件。另外Garamond说起来也是一个非常正、非常经典的字体了,还是衬线的,但我不建议用在简历上,看起来有点累。

2. 层次分明。简历基本分4层:Section标题(Education, Experience, Projects, Other, 等等等等),机构名称,部门和职位,如果公司不有名可以加一行说明(如:本市最大的理财公司,管理资产xxxMillion),内容详述。这几层都可以使用不同文字格式(但是一定要用同一个字体!)我用的是这样:





经历内容详述:无特殊格式,黑色小号bullet points(缩进一定要对齐)

3. 一个工作经验下面的内容详述写多少?


4. 最后一个section可以叫Other information,里面可以写的内容包括语言技能,计算机技能,接受过的训练等等,最后是非常有个人特色的一点:特殊事迹和兴趣爱好。不要太鸡毛蒜皮了,我有同学同事写可以在一分钟内解三阶魔方,还有能背出pi的100位小数,去过世界上每一个大洲,都很有意思。兴趣爱好要写你真正有热情,能聊出内容的。因为你写这些东西的唯一原因就是指望面试官跟你有共同语言、性格相合。人人都写喜欢旅游,除非你真的是个探险家或者去过30个国家并且对各个国家的地理文化很有见解,不然就没什么可说的了。喜欢自拍的也就别写摄影了。体育运动在美国人面前很讨巧(要小心你喜欢的队和面官喜欢的队是死敌啊!),但我觉得中国人老写羽毛球,美国人又不懂,也没多大意思(但是我写了,因为我在学校比赛拿了冠军,总之就是要特别一点)。


编辑于 2013-03-15 12 条评论 感谢 分享 收藏 ? 没有帮助 ? 举报 ? 作者保留权利 收起



Brian,Artist of Spectrums

裴康、涔喜、电动小马达 等人赞同

You can download Sheldon Cooper's Resume as a .doc file and use it as a template: Link.

(中文翻译 http://zhi.hu/UMeH. Thank you, @hint, for an awesome translation! )

Some details to consider,

Use your school (name@school.edu) or professional (firstname.lastname@gmail.com) email as a sign of professionalism. At the very least, Gmail is seen as more trustworthy than Hotmail, Yahoo, QQ, etc. If you want to actually correspond with a different email, then tell the recruiter, "Here, it's more convenient for me to use this email - I check it more often" and then write your personal email at the top of the resume.

Do not include your age or birthdate.

Use active verbs in describing your work experience. For example, "organized", "researched", "designed", "implemented". Here's a good list. If you are describing your current position, use the present tense; past positions, past tense.

If you have relevant work experience, put that above your education. Employers are more interested in what you're capable of doing, rather than what you've learned. Companies will always retrain you and teach you what you need to know for your position.

Use correct spacing after punctuation. This isn't a big deal in Chinese, but in English, it's the difference between readable text and gibberish.

No typos. Not a single typo. Have all your friends carefully proofread every line for typos.

When you print your resume, do not use special paper sizes or weights. Print it on normal

8.5"x11" printer paper. Recruiters no longer care about resume paper. The different sizes actually make it harder for a recruiter to fit your resume in their folders.

It's preferable to keep the resume to one page. Recruiters get hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes and they won't have to time to read anything beyond the first page. The common exceptions are academic resumes, such as PhD graduates, because the resume should list all the notable research and publications.

If you are in college or have graduated from college, do not include anything from before college. Do not include hobbies and interests.

Update your resume every 6 months.

If you're a student, then definitely go to your school's career center and ask somebody to help you edit your resume.

- - - - -

Disclaimer: Sheldon Cooper is a fictional character from The Big Bang Theory. All rights for the use of this character belong to CBS Broadcasting Inc. The research articles cited also belong to their respective authors, not Sheldon Cooper.

p.s. I am nothing close to a theoretical physicist. If I've used any physics terms in ways that make no sense, please let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix them.

p.p.s. I also don't watch The Big Bang Theory. I picked Sheldon because I know the show is popular in China. If I've gotten any of his personal details wrong (like those dates), please let me know in the comments and I'll try to fix them. (Although, I did a lot of research to calculate those months and years, so if you think a date is wrong, then you'd better cite your sources =P )

- - - - -


英文信件最后「Cheers、Sincerely、Regards、Best Wishes」有什么区别?


编辑于 2015-07-26 90 条评论 感谢 分享 收藏 ? 没有帮助 ? 举报 ? 作者保留权利




图拉、sissisissis、里中静流 等人赞同


簡歷是大多數人實踐文字設計的最常見載體。人人都希望簡歷給人留下好印象,因此或多或少會告誡自己「注意排版」。問題在於具體注意些什麼。以下十條是最基本的規則,若能做到,你的英文簡歷已經比 90% 的中國人(包括英文系學生)的規範美觀了。



錯誤:Hi,I'm an entrepreneur.Can you make this app for me for free?Because,you know,I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code.

正確:Hi, I'm an entrepreneur. Can you make this app for me for free? Because, you know, I have this brilliant idea but I don't know how to code.


錯誤:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic ,why don't we ,uh ,make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?

正確:I think our current version is too skeuom(转自:wWw.XiAocAoFanWeN.cOm 小 草 范文网:知乎英文简历)orphic, why don't we, uh, make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?



正確:139 2739 6856 或 139-2739-6856


錯誤:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.

正確:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.



正確:(86) 139 2739 6856 或 (86) 139-2739-6856

七、對於有序列表,應採用「阿拉伯數字 + 英文句點 + 半角空格」的方式。


Three words I hate:


2, Leverage.

3 Synergy.


Three words I hate:

1. Innovation.

2. Leverage.

3. Synergy.


錯誤:Byte Press(née Tangcha ) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.

正確:Byte Press (née Tangcha) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.


錯誤:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex) plain (ed)’.

正確:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex)plain(ed)’.


自我评价 微博第一批种子用户,活跃于各种论坛,天涯,知乎,豆瓣,扒皮小能手一枚;文笔流畅,多次在校内刊物上发表文章,熟练软文写作;善于沟通、具有良好的团队合作能力和人际交往能力。

技能水平 Photoshop Office



英语,CET-6 粤语(母语) 普通话

配合每期公益电影的宣传,负责联系场地策划电影展; 总结电影展览的成果并且撰写成文发布到论坛推广; 尝试过多种文体写作,包括微电影剧本、企业宣传文、演讲稿、广告语等; 东城区公安局某某分局政工监督室 / 2014.04-2014.09 宣传科实习生 主要工作内容为宣传活动策划,撰写内部工作稿件及新闻报道; 摄影、摄像、录制编辑《东城警察》电视专题栏目及负责联系各大媒体对新闻事件的集中报道; 维护本局新媒体交流平台,如微博、微信公众平台,具备处置突发负面新闻的舆论控制经验,长期与各大媒体保持良好关系。 校内实践 风雨工作室 / 2013.07-2015.11 创始人 带领4人小组组建了风飞雨工作室,主要致力于品牌建设,以及市场营销搭建工作; 网站常态运营活动规划和推进执行,制定相关运营策略和指标; 多次参加校内比赛,并获得较好的成绩。 奖项荣誉 ? 奖学金 连续3个学年获国家一等奖学金; ? 活动获奖 校企面对面广告策划比赛公益类作品最佳创意奖; ? 团体奖项 移动杯校园营销大赛团体第一名;