
篇一:英国文学 王守仁 总结

中世纪文学时期 Medieval Literature

英雄双韵体the heroic couplet【特点】 两行两行押韵,也被称作五步抑扬格iambic pentameter【创始人】 杰弗里·乔叟文艺复兴时期 Renaissance十四行诗 sonnet 特点】 1韵律:

一行隔一行押韵 一节中的最后一行又与下一节的第一行押韵 第四节只有两行独自押韵,一共。 例一:abab bcbc cdcd ee 例二:abab bcbc efef gg

2 行数:十四行

【创始人】威廉·莎士比亚 William 斯宾塞诗体 Spenserian 【特点】 1韵律:


2行数: 每节九行


素体诗 blank verse


道德剧 Morality Play 神秘剧 Mystery Play 奇迹剧 Miracle Play

抑扬格四音步 iambic tetrameter 书信体

意识流 stream of consciousness

(二) 各种荣誉称谓 “之父”

之父 Father of English Poetry 英国小说之父 Father of English Novels

叟 Geoffrey Chaucer

事集 The Canterbury Tales

Literature 十四世纪

丹尼尔·笛福 Daniel Defoe


The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe




Realistic Literature 十九世纪


小说之父 各特

The Father WalterScott The Heart of Western European Historical Novel

of Midlothian

桂冠诗人 Poet Laureate 约翰·德莱顿 John Dryden

阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生 Alfred Tennyson 【作品】记忆方式

伊诺克·阿登。你是“鹰”一样的国王,踏着抑扬格四音步的节奏,唱着“国王之歌”,我们感情好得就像兄弟,一起写“两兄弟诗集”,你说要将你的妹妹“毛黛”“公主”,嫁给我。你死了,我痛苦地“悼念”。看着海水喊道“溅吧,溅吧,溅吧”The Eagle Idylls of the King Poems by Two Brothers Maud The Princess

In Memoriam A. H. H. Enoch Arden

威廉·华兹华斯 William Wordsworth 【作品】 记忆方式


The Solitary Reaper Lucy Poems

Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey Ode: Intimations of Immortality The Prelude

罗伯特·骚塞 Robert Southey T.S. 艾略特 T.S. Eliot 【作品】 记忆方式

在“圣灰星期三”,在“圣林”后面的那个“荒园”,有一群“空心人”,他们演奏着“四个四重唱”,他们曾经是 “玄学派诗人”,遵守着“传统”有着非常的“个人才能”。可是在“大教堂谋杀案”里,他们失去了他们最爱的父亲“普鲁弗洛克及其他”亲人,再也不能“家庭团聚”。

Ash Wednesday

The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism The Waste Land The Hollow Men Four Quartets Metaphysical Poets Murder in the Cathedral Prufrock and Other Observations


British Literature 英国文学

The Middle Age 中世纪文学( 约5 世纪---1485)

Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟(1343---1400)

Chaucer is regarded as the first short story teller and the first modern poet in English literature. He innovate the heroic couplet and he is regarded as “Father of English Poetry”

首创英雄诗行,即五步抑扬格双韵体(the heroic couplet),被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。乔叟翻译过法国诗歌,其早期的文学创作受到法国文学的影响。两次游历欧洲文艺复兴的发源地意大利后,乔叟接触到意大利文学,深受以但丁(Dante, 1265---1321)、彼特拉克(Petrarch, 1304---1347)和薄伽丘(Boccaccio, 1313---1375)等作家为代表的意大利人文主义文学的影响。乔叟去世后安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey),从此威斯敏斯特教堂的一角便成为大诗人安息的“诗人角”(the Poet’s Corner)

代表作:《公爵夫人之书》 (Book of the Duchess)(1836)《声誉之宫》(The House of Fame)(1374---1384)《百鸟会议》(The Parliament of Fowls)(1380)《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》 (Troilus and Criseyde)(1380---1385) 《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)(1386---1400)

Renaissance 文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期---17世纪初)

William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚

莎士比亚从1590年起至1613年,一共创作了38(或39)部戏剧包括悲剧、戏剧、编年史剧、传奇剧等,另外还创作有154首十四行诗和2首长诗(Venus and Adonis,1593)。 Ben Johnson (本·琼森,莎士比亚同时代戏剧家)wrote in the dedication to the edition that “he was not of an age, but for all time!”(他不属于一个时代,而是)属于永远。

四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》 Hamlet(1601) 《奥赛罗》 Othello (1604)

《李尔王》King Lear(1605) 《麦克白》 Macbeth(1606) 《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉(埃及艳后)》Anthony And Cleopatra(1606---1607) 《泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯》 《裘力斯·凯撒》 《科利奥兰纳斯》 《特洛埃围城记》 《雅典的泰门》等

四大喜剧:《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice(1596)

《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night’s Dream

《皆大欢喜》 As You Like It

《第十二夜》 Twelfth Night(1600)

《冬天的故事》 Winter’s Tale(1610) 《暴风雨》 The Tempest(1612) 《错中错》 《终成眷属》 《无事生非》 《一报还一报》 《驯悍记》 《辛白林》 《温莎的风流娘们》 《爱的徒劳》 《维洛那二绅士》 《泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯》等 悲喜剧(正剧):《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 Romeo and Juliet(1595)

历史剧:《亨利四世(上篇)》 Hey IV, Part I(1597)《亨利四世(下篇)》《亨利五世》 《亨利六世(上篇)》 《亨利六世(中篇)》 《亨利六世(下篇)》《亨利八世》 《约翰王》 《里查二世》 《里查三世》

十四行诗:《爱人的怨诉》 《鲁克丽丝失贞记》 《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》 《热情的朝圣者》 《凤凰和斑鸠》等

Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根(1561---1626)

Francis Bacon went to Trinity College of Cambridge University(剑桥大学三一学院) at twelve. He took up law after graduation, and soon became successful. He became a member of the House of Commons(下议院) at the age of twenty-three.

Bacon was the founder of English materialist philosophy, as well as of modern science in England. 培根是与莎士比亚同时代的人,是现代科学的奠基人,马克思称他为“英国唯物主义及现代实验科学之父”。

代表作:《学术的推进》 Advancement of Learning(1605)(总结前人知识,并归类)《新工具》(拉丁文) New Instrument(1620)(阐述了归纳法inductive method) 《新大西岛》New Atlantis(1626)(乌托邦Utopia性质的作品)《论说文集》 Essays(1597---1625)(题材涉及政治、人情、处世、经营、修身) 《论说文集》: 《论婚姻和单身》 Of Marriage and Single Life

《论读书》 Of Studies

三、17th-century 17世纪文学

Poets 诗人

1、John Donne 约翰·邓恩(1572—1631)

John Donne comes from what is known as the metaphysical school(玄学派) of poetry in the Jacobean era. This period was just after the time of Shakespeare. The metaphysical poets used a lot of the scientific ideas of the time in their poetry. John Donne is regarded as the very important represent of metaphysical poets(玄学派诗人重要代表)。


代表作:诗集《歌与十四行诗》(Songs and Sonnets): 《早安》 The Good-Morrow 《破晓》 Break of Day《挽歌集》(Elegies):第16首(On His Mistress)

第19首(To His Mistress Going to Bed)

《圣十四行诗》(Holy Sonnets):第7首(At the Round Earth’s Imagined Corner, Below) 第10首(Death Be Not Proud)《跳蚤》 The Flea

2、John Milton约翰·弥尔顿(1608-1674)


a. 他16岁时入剑桥大学,并开始用拉丁文和英文写诗;

b. 1638---1639年间,他前往欧洲旅行,并同当时被囚禁的伽利略见过面,这一时期的主要作品是一些短诗,如《利西达斯》 (Lycidas)(1637)。1639年,英国革命即将爆发,他返回英国,积极投身英国革命,在20多年中发表了大量散文和政论文(political pamphlets)

c. 1652年,他双目失明。1660年王政复辟,弥尔顿被捕,很快被释放。从此开始了他的第三时期的创作,先后完成了最著名的以圣经故事为题材的三部长篇诗作:

《失乐园》 Paradise Lost(1667)《复乐园》 Paradise Regained(1671)《力士参孙》Samson Agonistes(1671)

四、The Age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动时期文学(17世纪后期---18世纪中期) Adventure Fiction Writers冒险小说家

1. Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔·笛福(1660-1731)


代表作:《鲁宾逊漂流记》 The Life and Strange Surprising Adventure of Robinson Crusoe(1719)(此部小说被认为是现实主义小说的创始之作,为笛福赢得“英国小说之父”的称号)

《辛格顿船长》Captain Singleton(1720)

《摩尔·弗兰德斯》 Moll Flanders(1722)

《大疫年日记》A Journal of the Plague Year(1722)

《罗克萨娜》 Roxana(1724)

Comments on the significance of the novel “Robinson Crusoe”:Robinson Crusoe is one of the protagonists drawn most successfully in English novels. Throughout his characterization of Crusoe, Defoe depicts him as a hero, struggling against nature and human fate with his

indomitable will and hand, and eulogizes creative labor, physical and mental, an allusion to the glorification of the bourgeois creativities when it was a rising and more energetic class in the initial stage of its historical development. From an individual laborer to a master and colonizer, Crusoe seems to have gone through various stages of human civilization.

2、Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667-1745)

Jonathan Swift ,churchman, political writer and poet, is the foremost satirist in the English language and one of the satiric masters of all time.


代表作:《一只桶的故事》 A Tale of a Tub(1697)

《书籍之战》 The Battle of the Books(1697)

《布商来信》 The Draper’s Letter(1724)

《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels(1726)

《一个温和的建议》 A Modest Proposal(1729)

《给黛拉的日记》 Journal to Stella(1766)


五、Romanticism 浪漫主义时期文学(1789---1832)

Romantic Poets 浪漫主义诗人

William Blake 威廉·布莱克(1757-1827)


代表作:《诗的素描》 Poetical Sketches(1783)《天真之歌》Songs of Innocence(1789)

《塞尔书》 The book of Thel(1789) 《经验之歌》 Songs of Experience(1794) 《天堂与地狱的结合》 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell(1790) 《阿尔比昂的女儿们之梦想》 Visions of the Daughters of Albion(1793) 《罗斯之歌》The Song of Los(1795)

《羔羊》 The Lamb(《天真之歌》)《老虎》 The Tiger(《经验之歌》) 《病玫瑰》 The Sick Rose

2、Robert Burns 罗伯特·彭斯(1759-1796)

Robert Burns, the greatest Scottish peasant poet. 英国苏格兰著名的农民诗人

代表作:《苏格兰方言诗集》 Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect(1786) 《自由树》The Tree of Liberty(1794)

《苏格兰人》 Scots, Wha Hae(1793)(该两首具有民主进步思想) 讽刺诗:《威利长老的祈祷》 Holy Willie’s Prayer(1785)

《两只狗》The Two Dogs(1786)(讽刺诗)

抒情诗:《我的心在高原上》 My Heart’s in the Highlands

《一朵红红的玫瑰》 A Red, Red Rose(1749)

《约翰·安德生,我的爱人》 John Anderson, My Jo(1796)

整理和改编:《昔日时光》(又名《友谊地久天长》)(叙旧诗)Auld Lang Syne(1788)

3、William Wordsworth 威廉·华兹华斯(1770-1850)

华兹华斯认为,诗歌是“强烈感情的自然流露”,提出废止古僻生涩的诗歌用语,改用通俗生动的民间歌谣和口语语汇的主张,引起了强烈的反响。1843年已是古稀之年的华兹华斯被封为“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)。他与柯勒律治(Coleridge)、骚塞(Robert Southey)一起被称为“湖畔派诗人”(The Lakers).他的诗歌格调清新、形象生动、语言质朴,对英国诗坛的变革产生了深远的影响,享有“自然诗人”的美誉。

The were called “Lakers” because they were then living in the Lake District, and the were famous for a volume of poems published in London in 1798 under the title Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》。

代表作:《丁登寺杂咏》Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey(1798) 《不朽颂》 Ode:Intimations of Immortality(1807)

《孤独的收割女》 The Solitary Reaper(1805)

《露茜》Lucy Poems(1799)(组诗)

《序曲》The Prelude(1798---1839)(自传体长诗)

《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud(1804)(抒情诗代表作之一)

4、Samuel Taylor Coleridge 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772-1834)

代表作:《古舟子咏》 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(1789)


《忽必烈汗》 “Kubla Knan(1816)(梦幻诗)

《文学传记 Biographia Literaria(1817)(文学评论著作,全面总结了他与华兹华


5、George Gordon Byron 乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788---1824)


代表作:《闲散时刻》(诗集) Hours of Idleness(1807)

(读书期间出版,遭到《爱丁堡评论》(Edinburgh Reviewers)杂志的攻击,他以《英国诗人与苏格兰评论家》(English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,1809)一诗进行回击,引起轰动 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

《异教徒》 The Giaour(1813)(叙事诗)

《阿比多斯的新娘》The Bride of Abydos(1813)

《柯林斯之围》 The Siege of Corinth(1816)


《该隐》 Cain(1821)

《唐璜》 Don Juan(1818---1823)

《她在美中行》 She Walks in Beauty(歌颂女性美的抒情诗)《当男人没有在家战斗的自由时》 When a Man Hath No Freedom to Fight for at Home 拜伦的长诗中有许多充满反叛精神的人物形象,如恰尔德·哈罗德和曼弗雷德等,这些人物崇尚自由,嫉恶如仇,往往傲视万物,有极强的个人荣誉感,被称为“拜伦式的英雄”(Byronic hero)

6、Percy Bysshe Shelly 波西·比希·雪莱(1792---1822)

Shelly was a revolutionary and an idealist, a dedicated seeker of an ideal world where love and brotherhood of man prevail. His poetry expresses his spirit of rebellion and his love of man and of freedom. He uses the objects of nature which he worshiped, as images of his internal state.

雪莱出身于贵族家庭,1810年10月进入牛津大学,半年后,因印发《无神论的必然性》(The Necessity of Atheism)小册子而被开除。(In this pamphlet, he challenged the evidence for God’s existence)

雪莱被誉为“诗人中的诗人”(The poet among poets)

代表作:《麦布女王》Queen Mab(1813)(长诗)

《伊斯兰的反叛》 The revolt of Islam(1817)(长诗)

《钦契》 The Cenci(1819)(诗剧)

《解放了的普罗米修斯》 Prometheus Unbound(1819)(诗剧)

《西风颂》 Ode to the West Wind(1819)(抒情诗)

《阿多尼》 Adonais

《云》The Cloud

《致云雀》 To a Sky Lark

7、John Keats 约翰·济慈(1795---1821)

John Keats is a lyricist of the highest rank. His own poetic definition:poetry should strike the readers as wording of his own highest thought. John Keats’ motto(格言):Beauty is truth, truth beauty.(美即是真,真即是美)(生活的本真是艺术美的源泉,艺术之美则使生活的本真得以永存)


《圣阿格尼斯之夜》The Eve of St. Agnes(1820) 《赫披里昂》Hyperion 《夜莺颂》 Ode to the Nightingale(1819)《至秋天》 To Autumn 《希腊古瓷颂》 Ode to Grecian Urn(1819)

六、The Realism现实主义时期文学(19世纪30年代---1918)

The Victorian age维多利亚时代(1832年---1902年)

维多利亚时代英国诗歌表现出与浪漫主义截然不同的诗风,诗人们不再沉湎与主观感情的发泄,而是注重形式的典雅,对诗艺精益求精。与诗歌相比,19世纪英国小说成就更为辉煌。沃尔特·司各特(Walter Scott, 1771---1832)的浪漫主义小说为他赢得“西欧小说之父”的声誉。

1、Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁(1775-1817)

Jane Austen was the first to write novels of realism in the 19th century, though she spent most of her lifetime in the 18th century. Especially she was the writer of the two centuries, and her works were the product in the crossing of the two centuries.

She was highly praised by Sir Walter Scot who said “That young lady has a talent for describing the involvement and feelings and characters of the ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with” in Quarterly Review.

代表作:《理智与情感》 Sens


e and Sensibility(1811)


Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰佛利·乔叟

I. Life and main works of Chaucer

Though Chaucer was born over two hundred years earlier, we know a good deal more for certain about his life than we do of Shakespeare‘s. Because Chaucer was a public man as well as a poet: an eminent servant(官吏), diplomat, administrator, Justice of the Peace(治安官员), and Member of Parliament. He was the representative writer of the century. His two visits to Italy must have been crucial, here he became acquainted with the new learning, with the works of Petrarch(彼特拉克,1304-1374,意大利诗人、学者、欧洲人文主义运动的主要代表), Giovanni Boccaccio(乔万尼·卜伽丘,1313-1375,文艺复. He was influenced by Dante (但丁,1265-1321意大利诗人 Petrarch, and Boccaccio. It is possible that Boccaccio‘s the collection of stories in Decameron gave Chaucer the idea for The Canterbury Tales. After his death, he was buried in Westminster Abbey(英国名人墓地), ―Poet‘s Corner‖.1348年,意大利的佛罗伦萨发生了一场可怕的瘟疫。每天,都有大批大批的尸体运到城外。从3月到7月,病死的人达10万以上,昔日美丽繁华的佛罗伦萨城变成了坟场。这件事给当时意大利作家薄伽丘以深刻影响。为了记下人类这场灾难,他以这场瘟疫为背景,写下短篇小说集《十日谈》。

原来,在佛罗伦萨闹瘟疫期间的一个清晨,7个美丽年轻而富有教养的小姐,在教堂遇到了3个英俊而富有热烈激情的青年男子。7位小姐中的3人是他们的情人,别的几位和他们还有亲戚关系。他们决心带着仆人,离开佛罗伦萨这座可怕城市。 他们相约,两天后到郊外的一座小山上的别墅里去躲避瘟疫。这10位年轻人每天不是唱歌弹琴,就是跳舞散步。大家商定每人每天讲一个优秀动听的故事,以此来愉快地度过一天中最难熬的时光,他们一共讲了10天,10天合计讲了100个故事,这些故事收集成集子就叫《十日谈》。

Chaucer‘s whole life can be divided into three periods. The first period, about thirty years, including his youth and early manhood, is the period of French influence. 传奇》, the most popular long love poem of the Middle Ages, was translated from French into English by Chaucer. The second period, about fifteen years, covers Chaucer‘s active life as diplomat and man of affairs(知识渊博的人).

In this period, Italian influence seemed stronger than the French. Chaucer produced works adapted from Italian writers.罗勒斯与克丽西德》and The House of Fame 《声誉之堂》. The third period, including his last fifteen years, is generally known as the English Period. It is the period of Chaucer‘s richest development.II. The Canterbury Tales

In this great work, the author gives his reader a picture of English society in the Middle

Ages. The whole work consists of a prologue and twenty-four tales. In the prologue, the author reveals his plan for writing this work, and also vividly

describes the teller of each tale.

Chaucer tells us that one spring day, he comes into the Tabard Inn in Southwark at the south end of London Bridge. Here he meets twenty nine pilgrims, who are going to Canterbury(坎特伯雷,英国东南部城市,在肯特郡.该城曾为肯特国王都城。1170年12月29日,该城主教托马斯·阿·柏刻特因与国王亨利二世发生冲突被刺身亡,引起公愤。1173年,柏刻特被尊为殉唯圣徒,其遗骨葬于坎特伯雷教堂,自那以后到乔叟时的200余年中,每年有络绎不绝的信徒前往朝拜。它成了著名的圣地。).

In the General Prologue, the poet tells how, one day in April, he comes to the Tabard Inn in the southern suburb of London. By nightfall they arrive at the inn, twenty nine pilgrims are all ready to go to St. Thomas à Becket‘s tomb at Canterbury, and the poet joins the company and converses with all of them. At the proposal of Harry Bailey, the host of the inn, all the pilgrims agree that they make journey to and from Canterbury more interesting by telling stories to one another on the way. Each of them is to tell two stories on the outward trip and two more on the way back. Whoever tells the best tale is to be given a free supper, at the cost of all the rest, upon their return to the Tabard Inn. The host offers to go with them as their guide and judge.

According to this arrangement, there should be altogether a hundred and twenty stories in the collection, but actually only twenty-four tales are preserved, among which two are left incomplete, being interrupted at it were in the course of narration, while two others obviously remain unfinished.

The prologue includes a group of vivid sketches(素描) of typical medieval figures. All classes of the English feudal society, expect the royalty and the poorest peasant, are represented by these thirty pilgrims. They range from the knight and squire(律师、治安官), and prioress(女修道院院长), through the landed proprietor and wealthy tradesman, down to the drunken cook and humble plowman. There are also a doctor and a lawyer, monks of different orders and nuns and priests, and a summoner(法院传票传达员), a sailor, a miller, a carpenter, a yeoman(自耕农), and an Oxford scholar. In the center of the group is the Wife of Bath( 巴斯妇), the owner of a large cloth-factory.

Every figure is drawn with the accuracy of a portrait. The portraits of the thirty pilgrims supply a miniature of the English society in Chaucer‘s time. Looking at the picture gallery, we know at once how people lived in that era. That is why Chaucer was praised by Gorky(高尔基) as III. Social Significance of The Canterbury Tales

In The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer gives us a true-to-life picture of the society of his time. Taking the stand of the rising bourgeoisie, he affirms men and opposes the dogma(教条) of asceticism(禁欲主义) preached by the Church. As a forerunner of humanism, he praises man‘s energy, intellect, quick wit(机智) and love of life. His tales expose and satirize (讽刺性描写) the evils of his time. They attack the degeneration of the noble, the

heartlessness of the judge, the corruption of the Church and so on.

Living in a transitional period, Chaucer is not entirely devoid(缺乏的) medieval prejudices. He is religious himself. There is nothing revolutionary in his writing, though he lived in a period of peasant uprising. While praising man‘s right to earthly happiness, he sometimes likes to crack a rough joke and paint naturalistic pictures of sexual life.

IV. Features of Chaucer‘s Writing

Chaucer wrote in vivid and exact language. His poetry is full of vigor and swiftness.

He wrote his poetry by using the East Midland dialect of England, the dialect of London. So he did much in making the dialect of London, the foundation for modern English speech and establishing English as the literary language of the country. Chaucer displayed genius for vivid characterization, bland(柔和的) irony, oblique(坦率的) humor, and mix of practicality(实用性) and imagination, rhetoric(华丽的言语) and realism.

Chaucer‘s style in The Canterbury Tales is remarkably flexible. Chaucer is a great satirist, but he is almost never bitter when he pokes fun at the foibles and weakness of people.V.Let‘s read the selection of The Canterbury Tales (看课本2-5页)

The Prologue

When in April the sweet showers fall

And pierce (penetrate)the drought of March to theroot, and all

The veins(叶脉) are bathed in liquor (喻指 甘霖)of such power

As brings about the engendering (生长,发芽)of the flower,

When also Zephyrus(希腊人认为西风神是森林诸神中最温柔者) with his sweet breath

Exhales [ eks?he?l] (breathe out)an air in every grove (wood)and heath(open and uncultivated land)

Upon the tender shoots(嫩芽,幼苗), and the young sun

His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,(白羊宫,但太阳经过白羊宫时为三月二十一日至四月二十一日,正值春天。)

And the small fowl(birds) are making melody

That sleep away the night with open eye

Then people long to go on pilgrimages

And palmers [?pɑ:m?] (朝圣者) long to seek the stranger strands(shore)

Of far-off saints, hallowed(respect) in sundry(all kinds of) lands,

And specially, from every shire‘s(郡) end

Of England, down to Canterbury they wend(go)

To seek the holy blissful(有造化的) martyr [?mɑ:t?] (殉教者), quick

To give his help to them when they were sick.

t happened in that season that one day

In Southwark, at the Tabard, as I lay( 精心准备)

Ready to go on pilgrimage and start

For Canterbury, most devout [d??va?t] (虔诚的) at heart,

At night there came into the hostelry [?h?st?lri] (hotel)

Some nine and twenty in a company(group)

Of sundry folk(people) happening then to fall

In fellowship, and they were pilgrims all

That towards Canterbury meant to ride.

The rooms and stables(马厩) of the inn were wide;

They made us easy(comfortable), all was of the best,

And, briefly, when the sun had gone to rest,

I‘d spoken to them all upon the trip

And was soon one with them in fellowship,

Pledged (promise ) to rise early and to take the way

To Canterbury, as you heard me say.

But none the less(still) , while I have time and space,

Before my story takes a further pace, (趁故事正文尚未开始,我还有时间和篇幅)

It seems a reasonable thing to say

What their condition(社会地位) was, the full array(rank)

Of each of them, as it appeared to me.

According to profession and degree(地位),

And what apparel (clothes)they were riding in;

And at a Knight I therefore will begin.

There was a Knight, a most distinguished man,

Who from the day on which he first began

To ride abroad had followed chivalry[???v?lri:] ,

Truth(faith), honour(reputation), freedom (generosity)and all courtesy(refinement,politeness). He had done nobly in his sovereign‘s[?s?vrin] (king ) war,

And ridden into battle, none more far

As well in Christendom[?kris?nd?m] 基督教世界

as in heathen[?hi:e?n] 异教徒 places,

And ever honoured for his noble graces. 涵养

When we took Alexandria(埃及港市), he was there.

e often sat at table in the chair

of honour, above all nations, when in Prussia普鲁士.

In Lithuania[?liθju(:)?einj?] 立陶宛 he had ridden, and Russia,

No Christian man so often, of his degree.

In far Granada 西班牙古国at the siege围城,围攻 was he

Of Algeciras 西班牙地名, and in Benamarin 北非地名.

At Ayas 亚美尼亚地名 and Attalia 小亚细亚地名was he when

they were won; and in the Mediterranean [?medit??reinj?n] Sea

He had been with many a noble army.

In fifteen mortal battles he had been

And fought for our faith at Tlemcen 阿尔及利亚地名

Three times in the lists, and always killed his foe.

This same distinguished knight had been also

At one time with the lord of Palatia 埃及古国名

Against another heathen(异教徒) in Turkey;

He was of sovereign(至高无上的) value in all eyes.

And though so distinguished ,he was wise(博识的)

And in his bearing(态度) modest as a maid.

He never yet a boorish (粗鄙的) thing had said

In all his life to any, come what might;

He was a truly perfect gentle-knight.

Speaking of his equipment, he possessed

Fine horses, but he was not gaily花哨地 dressed.

He wore a fustian [?f?st??n] tunic 斜条粗纹短上衣stained (褪色的) and dark,

with smudges 污点 where his armour(盔甲) had left mark;

he had just come back from his voyage,

And now was going on this pilgrimage.

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1.What do you know of G. Chaucer? And The Canterbury Tales?

Chaucer is acclaimed not only as ―the father of English poetry‖ but also as ―the father of English fiction‖.

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. They are presented as part of a story-telling contest by a group of pilgrims as they travel together on a journey from Southwark to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return.Chaucer uses the tales and the descriptions of its characters to paint an ironic and critical portrait of English society at the time, and particularly of the Church. The greatest contribution of this work was in popularizing the literary use of the vernacular(本国语), English, rather than French or Latin.

2. What kind of a person is the Knight?

There are four main qualities of the Knight. The first is the

Knight‘s love of ideals—―chivalry‖, ―truth‖, ―honour‖, ―freedom‖, and ―courteisy‖. The second is the Knight‘s impressive military career. The Knight has fought in the Crusades, wars in which Europeans traveled by sea to non-Christian lands and attempted to convert (侵占) whole cultures by the force of their swords. The Knight has battled the Muslims in Egypt, Spain, and Turkey, and the Russian Orthodox in Lithuania and Russia. He has also fought in formal duels. The third quality the narrator remembers about the Knight is his meek, gentle, manner. And the fourth is his ―array,‖ or dress. The Knight wears a tunic made of coarse cloth, and his coat of mail (甲胄)is rust-stained, because he has recently returned from an expedition.

3. What is heroic couplet?

A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. The use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales.

William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚

I. The life and main works of Shakespeare(1564-1616) William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-on-Avon in 1564. His father was a rich trader. He got education in a local grammar school for a few years. There he picked up the ―small Latin