

"The Obamas have a new White House dog. It is a Portuguese water dog named Bo. Bo arrived just in time, because Sasha and Malia were getting tired of throwing Frisbees at Joe Biden." --Jimmy Fallon


"How about that Obama dog? They got a new dog. Yeah, a little

Portuguese water dog. And the dog, as you would expect, is not house broken yet. In fact, earlier today, he left a bigger mess in the Oval Office than Bush did." --David Letterman


"Barack Obama's daughters are very smart. They told him they will take the same responsibility for the dog that he is taking for the economy. That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, it'll be cleaned up by future generations." --Jay Leno


"Actually, this has become a first family tradition. All the first families have had a dog. The Obamas have Bo, that's the name of the dog. The Bushes had Barney. The Clintons, of course, had Bill ." --Jay Leno“事实上,这已经变成了第一家庭的传统。所有的第一家庭都有只狗。奥巴马家有了波,这是这只狗的名字。布什家有巴尼。克林顿家么,当然,有比尔。”"And you know they have Bo wearing one of those electronic collars. If he strays beyond the perimeter of the White House grounds he gets a little buzz. That's to make sure he doesn't -- no, wait a minute, that's Joe Biden." --David Letterman

“大家都知道他们让波戴上了电子狗链。如果它走出白宫周围它就会有点麻。用这个来确保他不会——不对,等一下,那是乔·拜登。”——大卫·莱特曼"This Wednesday, April 15th, taxes are due, but people who work for President Obama are busy doing their taxes for 1998, '99, 2000." --Jay Leno


"Some Americans did a very dumb thing today. They had tea party protests. They've been mailing tea bags to Congress to I guess express their dissatisfaction with taxes and government spending because nothing shakes a politician up like a complimentary bag of tea. 'Hey if you don't straighten up next year, crumpets, buddy.'" --Jimmy Kimmel


"And a lot of protests today. Thousands of people had these tea parties, during which they protested higher taxes. But here in LA, it was called the Green Herbal Double Decaf Tea Party." --Jay Leno


"This is like the Boston tea party for people that decided, let's say, I don't know, two and a half months ago, that they didn't want to pay taxes anymore. The tea part is just a metaphor [on screen: a Fox News reporter pointing to boxes at one of the tea parties containing a million tea bags]. Let me get this straight. To protest wasteful spending, you bought a million tea bags. Are you protesting taxes or irony?" --Jon Stewart, on the tea party protests (Watch video clip)

“对于那些早在??我不知道,也许两个半月前就决定的人们来说,这就像当年的波士顿茶党不想再交税一样。茶包这个部分只是一个暗喻。【屏幕上, 福克斯新闻的一个记者指出,一处茶党抗议需要一百万个茶包。】咱们直说了吧,你们要抗议浪费性开支,然后你们买了一百万个茶包。你们是想抗议税收啊还是在 玩黑色幽默啊?”——乔·斯图尔特

"This pirates stuff is unbelievable, but the Obama administration is getting high marks for the way they handled the rescue situation this weekend, or the military did. But with all the problems we have right now, who would have guessed that on top of everything else our new president would have to deal with pirates? What's next? A dragon? Ghosts?" --Jimmy Kimmel



"And as you know, that captain of the merchant ship that was held captive by three Somali pirates was rescued when the pirates were shot and killed by a group of Navy Seals. President Obama authorized the military to use any force necessary to accomplish this. And today, the CEOs of Ford, Chrysler and GM said, 'We'll build any car you want.'" --Jay Leno


"President Obama should get a big refund this year because he has a lot of dependents. AIG, Citibank, Morgan Stanley -- all dependents." --Jay Leno


"President Barack Obama got quite a reception when he was in Europe last week. Did you see while he was visiting Germany, the crowd started chanting, 'Yes, we can! Yes, we can!' Pretty amazing, a bunch of Germans chanting, 'Yes, we can.' That has got to make the French a little nervous, huh?" --Jay Leno


"The Obamas have a new White House dog. It is a Portuguese water dog named Bo. Bo arrived just in time, because Sasha and Malia were getting tired of throwing Frisbees at Joe Biden." --Jimmy Fallon


"How about that Obama dog? They got a new dog. Yeah, a little

Portuguese water dog. And the dog, as you would expect, is not house broken yet. In fact, earlier today, he left a bigger mess in the Oval Office than Bush did." --David Letterman


"Barack Obama's daughters are very smart. They told him they will take the same responsibility for the dog that he is taking for the economy. That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, it'll be cleaned up by future generations." --Jay Leno


"Actually, this has become a first family tradition. All the first families have had a dog. The Obamas have Bo, that's the name of the dog. The Bushes had Barney. The Clintons, of course, had Bill ." --Jay Leno“事实上,这已经变成了第一家庭的传统。所有的第一家庭都有只狗。奥巴马家有了波,这是这只狗的名字。布什家有巴尼。克林顿家么,当然,有比尔。”"And you know they have Bo wearing one of those electronic collars. If he strays beyond the perimeter of the White House grounds he gets a little buzz. That's to make sure he doesn't -- no, wait a minute, that's Joe Biden." --David Letterman

“大家都知道他们让波戴上了电子狗链。如果它走出白宫周围它就会有点麻。用这个来确保他不会——不对,等一下,那是乔·拜登。”——大卫·莱特曼"This Wednesday, April 15th, taxes are due, but people who work for President Obama are busy doing their taxes for 1998, '99, 2000." --Jay Leno


"Some Americans did a very dumb thing today. They had tea party protests. They've been mailing tea bags to Congress to I guess express their dissatisfaction with taxes and government spending because nothing shakes a politician up like a complimentary bag of tea. 'Hey if you don't straighten up next year, crumpets, buddy.'" --Jimmy Kimmel


"And a lot of protests today. Thousands of people had these tea parties, during which they protested higher taxes. But here in LA, it was called the Green Herbal Double Decaf Tea Party." --Jay Leno


"This is like the Boston tea party for people that decided, let's say, I don't know, two and a half months ago, that they didn't want to pay taxes anymore. The tea part is just a metaphor [on screen: a Fox News reporter pointing to boxes at one of the tea parties containing a million tea bags]. Let me get this straight. To protest wasteful spending, you bought a million tea bags. Are you protesting taxes or irony?" --Jon Stewart, on the tea party protests (Watch video clip)

“对于那些早在??我不知道,也许两个半月前就决定的人们来说,这就像当年的波士顿茶党不想再交税一样。茶包这个部分只是一个暗喻。【屏幕上, 福克斯新闻的一个记者指出,一处茶党抗议需要一百万个茶包。】咱们直说了吧,你们要抗议浪费性开支,然后你们买了一百万个茶包。你们是想抗议税收啊还是在 玩黑色幽默啊?”——乔·斯图尔特

"This pirates stuff is unbelievable, but the Obama administration is getting high marks for the way they handled the rescue situation this weekend, or the military did. But with all the problems we have right now, who would have guessed that on top of everything else our new president would have to deal with pirates? What's next? A dragon? Ghosts?" --Jimmy Kimmel


"And as you know, that captain of the merchant ship that was held captive by three Somali pirates was rescued when the pirates were shot and killed by a group of Navy Seals. President Obama authorized the military to use any force necessary to accomplish this. And today, the CEOs of Ford, Chrysler and GM said, 'We'll build any car you want.'" --Jay Leno





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A Kimmel clip has sparked some criticism, angering several thousand people. A video that aired last week has gone viral in China and also among Chinese-Americans after one of the children Kimmel was speaking to said the U.S. should “kill everyone in China.”


During the skit, Kimmel sat down with four 6- and 7-year old children in a segment called “Kid’s Table” to get their take on American politics. In reference to the recent government shutdown, two of the children understood it as the closure of the country’s national parks.


The conversation moved toward the $1.3 trillion U.S. debt owed to China, when Kimmel asked the children what they think an appropriate solution would be. One child suggested that the U.S. build a huge wall so that Chinese wouldn’t be able to come and collect, and while another suggested eliminating the debt by killing the Chinese.


Now, Kimmel’s show is under attack by many who feel the outrageous comment should have never made it to air.


One person offended enough to open up a White House petition aiming to “investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid’s Table government shutdown show on ABC network.”


The petition, which is listed as a "human rights" issue, has since gained more than 28,000 signatures.




"To ease tensions, President Obama has invited Harvard Professor Hey Louis Gates and the police officer who arrested him to join him for a hm.y88823.combeer at the White House. And if that works out, Obama's going to have Ahmadinejad and Netanyahu over for Jaegerbombs." --Conan O'Brien


"He invited the professor and the cop to come to the White House on Thursday for beer. Alcohol usually cools things off. Have you noticed that? That's where you want to go." --David Letterman 他请了教授和警察周四一起到白宫喝啤酒。酒精总是会冷却一切。你注意到那个问题了吗?这就是你想去某个地方的原因。——大卫·莱特曼

"They had the big beer summit earlier tonight at the White House. President Obama had a beer with Harvard Professor Hey Louis Gates and the policeman who arrested him. The meeting got off to a rough start when a neighbor called the police to say Gates was breaking into the White House." --Conan O'Brien


"Big beer fest at the White House. And today, Obama sent Vice President Biden on an emergency goodwill mission for pretzels, so that will be good." --David Letterman


"Of course, President Obama has invited Harvard Professor Hey Louis Gates and the policeman who arrested him to the White House. Reportedly, Obama is going to serve them Budweiser. And in the spirit of racial harmony, Budweiser is changing its nickname from the 'King of Beers' to the 'Martin Luther King of Beers.'" --Conan O'Brien


"People were so fascinated by what beer they were drinking. Apparently Gates had Red Stripe, Crowley had Blue Moon, and Obama, just to screw with the conservatives, had a 40 of King

Cobra." --Bill Maher


"The police officer, Officer Crowley ... apparently, he said Hey Louis Gates was threatening. And by threatening, of course, he meant he was an educated black hm.y88814.comman." --Bill Maher 这位警官、克劳力警官,显然,他曾经说过亨利·路易斯·盖茨曾经威胁他。而这个威胁,很显然,他的意思是他是一个受过教育的黑人。——比尔·马赫

"So, I don't know if this is a case of racism. The police in Cambridge say it had nothing to do with Gates being black. They said they would have given the same treatment to any minority." --Bill Maher



"But it's all coming out okay, because Obama today spoke to Officer Crowley on the phone. He said he was a good man, a good policeman, and they could find common ground. Although he did find it strange at the end of their conversation that Crowley demanded to see his birth certificate." --Bill Maher


"The birthers believe that the president was secretly born in Kenya. ... I always thought he was born in a manger in Jerusalem." --Jimmy Kimmel


"More than you might expect, actually, apparently there was a group of Americans who did not believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States and therefore should not be president. They're called 'birthers.' They are. The birthers want Obama's election to be invalidated, which, I'm not sure what their goal is. Are they aware that Joe Biden would be the president?" --Jimmy Kimmel


"Only 42 percent of Republicans believe Obama was born in the United States. That's an amazing statistic. How come in America Christians are xo.k0095.comthe only ones who won't take

anything on faith?" --Bill Maher


"Sarah Palin resigned a year-and-a-half before her term ends because she didn't want Alaska to have a lame-duck governor. Now, she has a book deal presumed to be worth millions. And I cannot wait to read it. I believe on the tenth page, she decides since the book is going to end anyway, to leave the last two hundred pages blank." -Stephen Colbert


"If conservatives get to call universal healthcare 'socialized medicine,' I get to call private, for-profit healthcare 'soulless, vampire bastards making money off human pain.'" --Bill Maher 如果保守主义者把全民医保叫做“社会化医疗”,我就把私人的、营利的医疗叫做“没心肝的,依托于人类痛苦赚钱的吸血鬼。”——比尔·马赫

"Big news up in Alaska. Sarah Palin will formally step down as governor on Sunday, leaving us completely unprotected from the Russians." --Jimmy Kimmel


"Members of the Senate are considering a tax on cosmetic surgery. When they brought it up, you should have seen the look that Nancy Pelosi's face tried to make." --Conan O'Brien


"Opponents of President Obama's healthcare plan point out that people in other countr


ies sometimes have to wait in line for healthcare, which Americans would never accept. Here, we only wait in line for stuff that's important, like iPhones and "Grand Theft Auto 4." --Jimmy Kimmel 奥巴马总统医疗计划的反对者们指出其他国家的人有时不得不排队看病,这是美国人民不能接受的。在美国,咱们只为一些重要的东西排队,比如iphone和侠盗猎车手4.——吉米·卡莫

"Yesterday, of course, on Fox News commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist. Well, to be fair, every time you xo.k0096.comwatch Glenn Beck, it does get a little easier to hate white people." --Conan O'Brien

